The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Nine

 The Other Teams

Loc woke up. It was her third day. She looked at her hands, already knowing what was to do. She was ready and she not only had holes but fire in her eyes. Though she still had the painful hunger in her stomach, it seemed strangely, less painful. Yet she knew that she would have to experience more pain but it meant that she had a shot, which made the pain worth it. She would have to get up as the door opened.

"You're awake early! If I didn't know any better I would say that you would be too pledge your allegiance to the Nameless Emperor!" He laughed.

She put a sigh, knowing that what she was about to say would earn a strike, yet she was determined to say it nevertheless.

"Dunno. Maybe I'm liking it here."

She felt the strike across her temple. She had to bite her lip as the itching came. She forced herself up and grabbed her hands behind her hands, to stop herself from scratching. She let her eyes become passive as she looked down and let out a sigh.

"Sorry! Just an outburst of pride!" She sang.

He nodded.

"It better."

She soon was led to the room. She sat in her stool and broke rock after rock. While she did this, she made sure that more and more firecrys shards stabbed themselves into her skin as much as she could. She had to grit her teeth as she broke rock after rock and more and more segment stuff themselves into her skin. She had to push herself on through the torturesome itching as it took all within herself to resist the loning to itch.

That was when she heard the sirens go off. Then the lights flashed red. She noticed the guards behind her look up awake and alert. They looked at each other and then at her. She tried to call that she could to ignore this as she focused upon her rock breaking. Then she heard the gunfire and knew that now was the chance.

She took a few shards of firecrys out of her hand and focused the heat into the firecrys and it combusted.  Quickly she threw it at them hitting them both in their arms. She picked up her stool and then smacked its legs into them. They drew their whips. She picked up the sack and focused her heat into the firecrys and threw it at them. One dodged it and whipped it back to her. 

She dodged it and picked up and used this moment to train herself to be able to light them faster. She focused the heat into the firecrys and threw one at him, one after the other. Some of them hit but not all. Yet it was enough to set their shoulders ablaze. Both dropped their whips and tried to do all they could to put out the flames.

Meanwhile, she made her way to the door. She plucked a shard out of her hand the size of a seed and set it alight before throwing it in. Once it was heated up and melted, she kicked the door out. Only to be greeted by more guards, pointing their guns at her. She felt dread sink into her as she realised that she should have saved a decent amount of firecrys for them too. 

Then she saw the flurry of gunfire race across her like tiny shooting stars answering her wish for freedom. She looked to the right to see where they came from. Then her heart rose as she saw another group of rebels. One ran up to her who had his face covered by a black helmet.

"Are you Loc?"


"We're team Dark Fire. Come with us and don't worry, team Dark Storm are getting the other prisoners here." 

"But we need more than that!"

"We know, there is also the super team Venom Bite that is currently working on the east and the other super team Virus is gathering data and covering the west. Now come on!"

She nodded as she followed them. Soon the reinforcements came. Only for them to be mowed down. She looked behind them to see more coming. She took some firecrys out of her hand and lit them and threw them at them. Then the others looked back and fired at them.

She spotted a sack full of firecrys and ran at it and collected it and ran back as fast as she could. They then ran on. She made sure that she looked behind as she did. They mowed down all that were in their way. Then a group came from behind. She pulled out some firecrys and lit some and threw them at them. The others turned back and, while they were caught off guard, mowed them down.

They were soon at the door where they were greeted by more guards. Yet they were out of bullets by then. She turned to her sack to see that she was out of firecrys. Then she found the hole in her sack. She looked up, her face pale as her eyes turned to team Dark Fire.

What should I do? What should I do?

That was when there was an explosion in front of them. They all fell and Loc looked up and saw nothing. She then looked around to see Wolf Raven coming towards them. He then had a large object in his arms almost like a cannon and a gun. He then pressed a trigger and a large oblong cannon-ball looking object propelled out of it. Then she looked at it and it hit a group of guards running at them to see they all exploded too.

"Come on, you lot!"

Nodding, she ran to him and they were all able to get into the bus and were able to leave. Loc passed out, completely exhausted.


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