Strena The Youngest Dark Lady Arc Final Part

 Grasharlo's Tip

She was about to hit her again, just to be sure that the witch was dead. Then Zaryb grabbed her by her arm. She looked back. He shook his head. She frowned accusingly at him as she pulled her arm out of his hand.

"What? Is this not what you want?"

"No, Arielsa."

She narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Then what?"

"Be careful. She might not be dead just yet."

She let out a moan.

"Oh come off it! She is dead!" She snapped as she went to poke her to prove her point. 

Then her hand whipped out and Grasharlo bit deep into her arm. She let out a scream. This was silenced when she felt Grasharlo shove her arm into the girl's mouth. She breathed in and out of her nose. Then she felt her nostrils plug up and she could no longer breathe out of them anymore. Then she felt the arm being shoved in further and she could taste the iron in her mouth and she could not stop herself from gulping down her blood, which made her feel more ill. Then the arm dropped and she pulled away.

"Do not think that you should enjoy this little victory, Dark Lady Arielsa Zuvé. I will return from the Demon Realm and one day I will take you back with me! So here is my tip; commit yourself to the darkest of magic because next time I will show you my true strength!" She said with her final breath.

Zaryb then pulled her back and threw his body over her as the witch's body burst into flames. He then jumped away as the body became completely consumed by flames. Soon it left behind nothing but ash. She looked back in shock.

"W-what was that all about?"

"She was burning away her body."

"Wouldn't that destroy her magic?"

"No. It won't. She forced you to drink her blood. Which means her magic will transfer into you." He explained.

She nodded as she became pale. He looked at her and frowned slightly. He looked aside for a moment. He then picked her up and walked on.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to attend to your wounds."

"And why are you carrying me?"

"Because you are out of energy and your legs are riddled with snake bites. Even though none have any venom, the blood loss alone is a problem."

"What? No, I'm not at the end, and I can walk!"

"Really? Then why do you look as if you're about to pass out? So I will carry you down, attend to your wounds. Then you will have a long nap. Then we will debate on what we will do next."

Taken back by this, she nodded.


He climbed down the stairs and then walked to the table, where he rested her down gently on the table. He wasted no time to attend to her wounds. He then wiped a green cream on her wounds. It stung slightly, yet she found the cold texture soothing. She soon fell asleep right there and then on that table. 

She had the dreams of the pools again. Then everything faded. Her eyes opened and soon closed again. She saw Grasharlo. She saw that she saw something in her hand and put it on a man that she could not make out what he looked like, only the fear that was so instilled in her stuck.  She woke up again. Her mind was strangely clear. Yet her heart sank in shame over all that she had done. Especially over the past couple of months. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was now in a black dress with blue gemstones on. She could see now, her new dark look in her eyes. She really did look like a Dark Lady. This shook her to her very core.

"You slept well!"

"Master Zaryb! How long was I out?"

"Four hours."

"Oh." She said looking at the table with guilt.


That was when she felt a ripple run throughout her body. It made her look back at herself in the mirror. She realised, with utter horror, of what she had done. She remembered all the thoughts that she had thought about. She started to tremble with fear. Yet it had nothing to do with what Zaryb could or would do. 

"Yes. You need to know, that dress that she gave you, had an enchantment on it. It would increase your darkest tendencies."

She nodded as she looked down.

"I'm sorry. I did all those things to you!"

"It was not you, it was the dress."

"I still have to say it." She said sullenly, however she knew what he said meant nothing.

The fact was, she still did it. She still tortured him. She still killed using her magic. She still tortured before she committed the killing. She still enjoyed it. This very thing was what frightened her the most!

By Strena and Lok of the hunt and kill! What am I turning into?

"Now what?" He asked.

"I-I think I want to go back to the Bounty Hunter Tavern."

"Right. By the way, why didn't you destroy those?"

 "You told me that it wouldn't wor- why didn't I get her to teach me?" She remarked.

Yeah, then I would be free of both of them and I would be able to go home!

Dart, I'm such an idiot!


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