The Sorrowful Rebel The Yolk Of The Rebel Part Two

 Pushing It

Loc woke up early as always the following day. She whipped out of bed. She took a quick shower, put her clothes on as always. She walked out and raced to the hall and quickly ate her cubes and soon raced to Light Bringer's office.

"Have you got another mission for me?"

"Yes, yes I do."

She took the file and looked at the prints on blue paper. She looked up, confused.

"It's the blueprints of a firecrys mine. What I want you and your team to do is to go to the mine and arm all the workers there."

"And after that?"

"Just get one mission over first. Then we will arrange for another assignment later."

She nodded.

"Then I'll get on that right now."

She soon got her team together and Life soon drove them to their destination. She soon took out the shards from her pouch and flashed the flames at the guards. They soon moved in and then they were out. To Break soon had the group in. They all grabbed a bag of weapons and raced in.

"We need to go to the grey doors. They took me to the grey doors when they had me."

They nodded and separated and raced to the closest grey door. She spotted that there was a lock. She slid a lit shard of firecrys into the hole. Then once she heard a click she pulled the door open. Then she saw the guns pointing at her. She then flicked some lit firecrys and they were soon on the ground with their heads alight! She took out a weapon and threw one at the prisoner.

"Use it!"

He looked down and then picked it up. She then moved to the next one. Slid a shart of lit firecrys in and she kicked the door in and fired at the guards. Then she threw the gun to the prisoner. She dt this again and again and soon there were more firing at the door and then at the guards and tossed to the one in the cell. By the time the clock struck nine, they had covered the mine. They were soon bringing all the prisoners to the back of the bus and back to the base. Light Bringer sent more teams to the mines and helped the former prisoners there set up several machines to grind the firecrys.

She soon went back to Light Bringer.

"What's the next one?"

He passed her the sheet.

"This is the location of a weapons facility, like the one that you and…Wolf Raven took down. Your job is to secure it and return with all the weapons."

She nodded.

"And will I need my team for this one?"

"Only Life. You still don't know how to drive yet."

"Right. By the way, will I be taught how to drive those things?"

"Might as well do." He sighed.

She nodded as she left. She soon found Life. They were back on the road. Loc rolled down the window. Took out a gun and shot the six guards outside the facility. Which, even though it was bigger than the last one but only slightly.

"Barge out into the gate."


They were past the fence before they knew it. She got out of the car and searched the guards. Loc soon found the key. Soon unlocked the door. She was greeted by eight guards. She then plucked several firecrys from her puch and then lit them and threw them at them. The back guards were set on fire. She then fired at the heads of the front. The middle looked back shocked. They then turned back and were about to fire at her before they fell.

"You've been practising?"

"Yes. As I do have powers of my own but I must admit that I have found that they're fading as are the others that were experimented on by Father Of Knowledge."

She nodded then ran past a gun to her.

"Guard the entrance aa I gather as many guns as I can."

She then ran on and jumped over the dead guards and ran into the building. She was soon greeted by a set of stairs and she ran down the stairs. Then she was greeted by more guards. She pulled out two guns and fired at the closer guards. She then felt a few bullets in her. The pain caused her to drop the guns.

I can use this!

She then fell down. She closed her eyes. The guards walked close to her. She then flicked lit firecrys shards at them. She soon got up and ran to the other and fired. She ran down the rest of the stairs firing at each of the guards that aimed their guns at her. She soon finished the rest of the stairs. She then looked up and ran into the floor and fired at guard after guard and ran on and came to another set of stairs. She then ran up floor after floor taking out guard after guard. 

Yet when she finished she was extremely tired but she still wanted to get more done. So once the rest of the rebellion had fully secured the weapons facility, and typed up her report, she was back in Light Bringer's office.

"Another one? Loc, you have already done two today!"

"I know.

"If you continue, you will overstretch yourself!"

"I don't care."

He let out a huff.

"Fine, here. It is simple. There is a group of people that should be coming. Take Life and ensure that they get back here."

"Right, we'll be right on that."

"And don't forget to eat!" He called.

She left before she heard this last part. She soon found Life and the pair of them were soon off in the minibus They soon arrived at the docs, where a small group stood.  All that they had on them was a single rucksack no different that the ones that she and Wolf Raven had on when they took off to that smaller base. They soon got out and walked up to them.

"Are you the group we're supposed to escort?"


She nodded and had them all strapped in and on the road. They were driving smoothly when they all saw a few cars pull up to their minibus. Loc looked in and saw the black gear that each of them was wearing. She rolled the window down. She threw out a shard of firecrys and lit it and threw it at the tires. This caused the car to be temporarily lifted up as it went bang! Then the other from behind crashed into the car in front flipping it over and slamming into that car.


"Keep driving!"

"Mum, are we going to die?" Asked a child with blue skin, bronze horns and green glowing eyes.

"No. You aren't!" 

"How do you know? And what are you?"

"Loc. A girl- no, a woman from another world? Now Life, step on it!" She shouted as a car rammed into them.

She pulled out more shards and threw them at the cars. Life moved away from the car before it exploded. The other car driver looked at the other car in front.

"Back into the side."


 She did, forcing the car aside and it spun. The car waited until the right moment and she threw the lit firecrys at them and with another bang they lost them.

Loc let out a sigh, as she could feel her energy levels dropping start to get to her as they arrived. She parked up and looked up at the clock. She noticed that it was no less than three o'clock. She then walked to Light Bringer's office.

"Are you not going to take a break?"


"Then pick a new book and read it. You might learn something and didn't I tell you to get some lunch?"

She nodded as she walked to the library and fell asleep as she read.


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