The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Final Part

 The Celebration Of Freedom

Loc woke up. She tried to get up, but her body did not let her. She could feel that her arms and hands ached and still twitched. She could feel her body was clean and she looked around as she listened out for what was going on. She tried to move her head. This she did painfully as her neck was completely stiff. She looked to the left to see Wolf Raven sitting next to her, smiling.

"Good morning."

"W-what happened?"

"We won, all thanks to you."


"Well you helped the team to rescue you and made their mission very easy."

"Why don't I feel hungry?"

"We had to deep feed you."

"Oh. Thank you."

He smiled.

"Are you alright to move?"

"W-with help."

He closed his book, as he did she noticed the chain around his neck.

"Then I will tell the others. Once you are up and about then we will start the celebration."

She smiled weakly and nodded.

"Although, I must admit, of that came before you, you the most promising. I think we all need to celebrate that."

She nodded, feeling shy.

The celebrations started the following day. She sat at a table eating many different squares, some tasted like carrots, others bacon, others chocolate and gato. She enjoyed each and every one of them. She felt nothing but gratitude for even being able to taste these pleasant tastes. Her foot tapped along with the freeway of the music the band was playing as others were drunkenly singing a song that made anything but sense.

She then took a drink and walked to the makeshift dance floor. She then started to clap along with the rhythm of the beat. She moved her body like a river on a mildly windy day. Then she felt a hand take her's. She looked to see Distant Battle holding it. He pulled her in closer and placed a hand on her hip. He moved her to the right and back to the left. He then stepped forward and back. Then he pushed her out and To Open and To Break skipped in front of them and To Break ton her hand and To Open took Distant Battle's hand. They soon spun them out and then spun her around and around. Then put a hand on her hip and stepped left and then right and then left and then right. Forward and back, forward and back. Then they parted. Her hands were then joined by Light Bringer and he turned her to the left and spun her around and around. She almost fell back, to be caught by the hip. She looked back to see Wolf Raven and she smiled as he pushed her back onto her feet. He then took her by both of her hands. Then the music stopped.

"Now that was interesting." He said as he looked aside.

"Always is." She sang.

"So, how have you been?" Light Bringer asked.

"Alright. Oh, and I found out a way to use my powers!" She exclaimed.

"Oh, and how do you use them?"

"Firecrys. I can light them up."

They looked at each other, surprised and smiled.

"So in the future, keep some on you."

"Will do, sir!"


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