The Snow Princess


Princess Yukichi knew that something was up from the moment that her uncle led them away from the castle with their men. Yet the tension had been rising between them and him all their lives and yet she was too young to know why. Then all became clear when her father and mother departed from the party. Her mother took her by the hand and was about to lead her away until she was stopped by an arrow in the neck.

The young Princess Yukichi screamed as she was far too young to understand what was going on or how to react. All she knew was that her mother was dead and she was not coming back. She tried to move her mother but she might as well have moved a sack of sand. She tried and tried to get her mother to move but she could not.

"Bother, you dare betray us?!" Her father shouted as he drew his sword.

That was when her uncle raised his arrow to his chest.

"I do." He said then he fired.

Afraid Princess Yukichi ran from them and she ran as fast as she could, not stopping for a moment. Her terrified little heart pounded like it had never done before. She heard her pulse in her ear and the icy snow did nothing to help but made her even colder than she was. As she was hit by a gust of wind her black locks moved away from her back and neck making her more colder. She could hear her uncles' men chase her as she ran. She soon ran into the icy forest which she thought would help slow them all down. Yet she ran further and further into the forest, still running as fast as she could with already frozen tears running down her cheeks. Yet then she tripped and fell down a small cliff right into the snow below. When she hit the snow she immediately lost consciousness. 

The soldiers then arrived and searched and searched for her but to no avail. Some climbed trees and slipped and fell to their deaths. Not one of them could find her. They looked all around for her black hair but could not find a single strand, in fact they had not been able to find a single strand of black hair for a long time. Seeing that their efforts were all in vain they left little realising that the little princess was under their noses the entire time. For they did not notice that, as she ran the black hair became grey and the grey became white. This change of colour in her hair was caused by the great stress of what was happening to her and as she was already far too pale to begin with she was well camouflaged in the snow.

When she woke, she no longer felt cold and was greeted by a winter fairy who took her in and raised her.

"Do you wish to tell me your name child?"


"And where are you from?"

The girl looked away as she tried to search for her memories yet could find nothing but a black hole. She only knew her name and knew nothing but how to speak. Noticing that the girl had nothing, she decided to raise the child. As she grew she became bright and beautiful with the vold neger effecting her whatsoever. Her intellect was what the winter fairy put the most effort into and tried to find out who the girl was.

When the girl became twenty one she was discovered by her uncle, who hardly recognised her! Yet out of curiosity he engaged her in conversation and after seeing her intenegance he took her back to his kingdom to become his adviser. After a year he asked her to tell him about herself as he grew fond of her and her company. 

"I do not know much of my past nor where I came from, after all I was raised by a winter fairy that, try as she might, could not help me remember who I am. All I know is my name." She said.

He nodded with a smile.

"And would you care to give it?"

"Yukichi." She said and the moment the word left her lips he suddenly recognised her and drew his sword.

She looked down already knowing that he had intended to kill her and she became shocked. And yet when he went to strike her a gust of wind threw the windows open. He drew himself inwards to keep himself warm. Yet the room became colder and colder. He looked up at Yukichi and noticed that she was not being affected by the ice cold. Yet all he could think about was to kill her. So he forced himself to fling his sword at her and she closed her eyes and threw out her hand. Suddenly an icicle hit him in the heart  

Soon the kingdom found out what happened and news spread. They all looked at Yukichi and soon found out that she was Princess Yukichi and soon made her queen. Yet none would know the full truth, including Queen Yukichi, for it was no coincidence that the snow storm happened or that an icicle hit her uncles' heart. After all, all those years ago the winter fairy gave her some of her power, which she never knew about.


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