The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part Four


She frowned as she wanted so much to hurt all of the witches. Yet they were given the potion and drank it nevertheless. Yet they both felt strange, almost like they had drunk something that had a hint of alcohol in it, yet they also felt tingly all over as they clothed themselves. They knew better than to show this.


They took a step forward yet they felt like they wanted to take a step back and, to their surprise they did. They frowned and took a glance to see if it was another trick. Seeing that it was not they had to stop themselves from smirking as they took a step forward to ensure that the witches would not notice. Yet as they followed the witches they could not help look at each other with shame for what they had done to the night before. They knew that even though it was not their fault, they would always remember the events with nothing but humiliation and guilt.

As the morning went on Morana threw up several times that morning but in the afternoon she craved her mother's pancakes with chocolate spread and golden syrup. She did not say this out loud though. She knew better than to give the witches something like that. She also was put off foods like eggs on their own and mushy peas. Yet she one that they used to love them!

Yet another thing that they had noticed as they went throughout their day too, the potion did not seem to be working too, or at least it was not as powerful as it was. As they did not feel like their bodies were not their own and being controlled. They were even able to notice that they could disobey them but they knew that they would have to quickly cover this up. Yet by the end of the day they both knew that they were free from the potion. They kept this quiet as they were taken to their cell and waited for the witches to leave until they dated to speak.

"I'm sorry." Alex said.

"Me too."

"It's must I don't know what came over me! I just-"

"I think that they put something in those chocolates" she deduced.

He looked at her in shock, but as he thought about it he realised that she was right. He looked down and tried not to cry but after all he had been through, all she had been through and what they did the night before, the emotions overwhelmed him and he could not hold them all back.

"W-why are they d-doing this to us?"

"I don't know but I think that it has something to do with a child."

"Wh-what? Wh-why do you think that?"

"Because I think that I'm pregnant!" She cried as she broke down and covered her stomach with both her hands.

He looked up for a moment and felt a tingle of joy but this was overcome with shock and yet he felt scared. He was not ready for this and nowhere was she.

"What do you think that they'll do?"

"I think that they'll sacrifice it."

He felt the words stab him deeper than the heart.

"No! But they can't!"

"But they can! And I'm afraid that they will!"

"Then we have to get out of here."

"I know! I don't want my body being used like that!"

"Neither do I!"

They looked at the stone daggers that had been pointing at them for years now. They suddenly felt aware just how small they were.

"I miss mum. Wonder if she knows if I'm alive."

"I don't think so."

He then walked to the door.


"I'm going on a hunch." He said as he opened the door. "It isn't locked."


"Well it wouldn't be wouldn't it? We've been under that potions' control, remember?"

"Oh I get it!"

She opened the second door too.


They then ran as fast and quietly as they could. Yet they could feel their hearts racing as they,  for a moment, were afraid that they had woken the witches. Yet as they heard their loud snoring they let out a sigh as they ran on and then they spotted a set of bars at where a window would be. Alex pulled off one and they were quickly off. He looked back and then at her.

"You first."


He looked down at her stomach. She looked at it and nodded. He then bent down and helped her up. She gripped the grass and used all her strength to pull herself up. She soon slipped out. She reached out her hand to him and helped him up and out. The first thing that they saw was the midnight sky littered with stars and a single full moon painted the middle of the sky to complete the beauty. They sniffed the cold fresh air that they had not smelt in a long time.

"Quick, we need to run as fast and as long as we can."

They spent the whole night and even throughout the following day running only taking a break to eat whatever they could. Yet they did not mind the running as all that mattered was that they were free.


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