The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part One


Alex Victor Hunt and his best friend Morana Lamia were going to start their first day of their final year of primary school in the morning. They were both excited and yet they were both dreading it too. They had been told over the summer that they were going to go to different high schools. This,  they fish not like whatsoever! They did not want to be seperated. It would have been Battelle if they both could have seen each other after school but Alex was going to a boarding school. St Van Hellsing or something silly like that!

Alex was a cute child with stunning deep blue eyes and would always comb through his short light blond hair that would always reflect the sun wherever he was. He had healthy peach skin and would always wear a plain blue T-shirt and long denim jeans. 

Morana had deep crimson eyes and long black hair with a blue shine. She always had deathly pale skin like a silver moon that made her look deathly ill constantly. Her mother Beatrice was the same but she had grey eyes that were wider than hers which were always narrow. She would always wear a red shirt with flowers on, on this day she had bright yellow daffodils and back roses with a pair of white shorts.

They were both wearing a pair of heelys Alex was blue and black Morana had pink and black. They had noticed that the sun was shining and it had become as hot as an oven. So they had to tie their black hoodies around their waists. They had decided to go to Alexs' parents house to cool down and play some video games.

"I wonder if we'll ever see each other again?"

"But we've got an entire year!"

"I meant after that!"

"I dunno! But why do you have to go to that school with that silly name?" 

"Because mum 'n' dad went to it and want me to go too."

"Then why can't I go?"

"I dunno, ask your mum."

"But mum told me that place don't exist! She checked she did!"

"Well my mum and dad told me that it's a school that isn't well known. And that the school's very privet so it's hard to get information on it. Not to mention that the only people who know about it are the parents that send the kids." He said as he opened the door to his home. 

He held the door open for her. They then made their way to the living room and he took out his Sega Genesis and switched the TV on. He gave her one of his joysticks and then turned it on. He then let her pick a game and she blew into the cartage and put it in. They then started to play. They then got stuck in and then heard a bang coming from Alex's parents room. He looked up and despite his gut telling him that there was something that was wrong he then went back to their game. Then he heard his mother scream. He then got up to his feet,  his mother never screamed.


"I don't know." He said as his mind became alert. "Stay here."

He then, as quietly as he could, moved to the door and he soon walked up the stairs, remembering to stay as silent as he could. He then heard a door slam but his mind was too engrossed to get to his parents room to care. He knocked on the door, yet then hearing nothing, he opened the door. Just as his eyes rested on his mother her chest exploded!

His eyes widened and he turned and held Moranas' hand. They raced to the front door. Must as they soccer the door slammed shut! Yet there was none that closed it! It was as if it closed on it's own! 

"W-what is going on Al!?"

"I-I-I don't know!" He stuttered as his mind was trying to process what was going on and what he had just seen.

He gripped the handle to open the door but it just did not budge! He then banged the door just to get it opened. Yet even that did nothing to get it to budge! He then ran back to the back door but that was when he felt himself being picked up. He looked up to see a slender woman with ice coloured skin with deep blue eyes, much deeper than his and hair that was as black as coal that had no shine to it. Her beauty was stunning but colder than ice.

"Where are you going?" She asked, her voice was like the sound of a glass bell. He opened his mouth but she placed something in his mouth and punched his nose, forcing him to swallow.

Meanwhile, at the opposite end of the house, Morana felt two hands on her. She looked to where they were to find two women with older beauty but just as cold with snow white hair and deep green eyes. Yet they had greater strength than any ordinary man which let him know that they were not normal. None of this was normal.

"We can make good use for you!" One said with a wink.

"Let go of me! Who are you anyway!?" She asked as she kicked one of them. Yet that did nothing. She kicked again and again but that still did nothing! "Help! Help! Alex, help!"

She then felt one place their hand over her stomach. She spoke something under her breath and her mind became numb and she closed her eyes. Just as Alex too tried to hit the witch that held him, only for her to catch his fist and she too spoke the same thing and his mind became numb and he joined her in closing their eyes to their normal and old life.

Later the Scarborough police discovered the bodies of Alexs' parents yet they never found the children.


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