The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part Three


"Horn of unicorn!" The youngest as she dropped the white twisted horn into the scarlet liquid, which also contained all the teas all over the world and yet there were more teas in there that may not have been. There was also red and rose wine with moonshine in too. It started boiling to a point that there was a layer of foam at the top.

"Last flame breath of a dragon royal." Said one of the older twins.

"Wing of a winged fey and ear of an elf."

"Heart of a dead princess of long ago and blood of an immortal over one thousand years old." 

All went in and they stirred and they continued until the mixture turned as white as milk.

"Ashes of the slayer of the gods of old and the flesh of a shard of Grasharlo." 

They stirred until it turned blue and then black and back to scarlet like watered down wine. 

"Venom of the manticore and the head of a gorgon and the eyes of a basilisk, the dragon king."

They soon stirred and all dissolved in the mixture and it turned crimson.

"Scales of a mermaid and a syren."

"Finally fang of a vampire and class of a werewolf!"

They stirred and both dissolved and looked like cranberry juice. They then took out two large mugs. They then turned two the two eighteen year olds. Both had grown into two great looking people. They had noticed that Alex had dark brown hair and pale skin that gave him a dangerous look but yet the years had done nothing to taint the stunning blue of his eyes. She had noticed that he had grown strong and his body was well toned.

Morana had grown thin but toned too and still looked ill, yet as her skin had become even paler than snow yet still the years did nothing to touch her ice cold beauty only increased it. Her coal black hair still had a beautiful blue shine in it like the feathers of a raven. Yet her crimson eyes had given off the illusion that they were glowing yet they loved how they were burning with hate. They liked how wicked she looked, yet the one thing that they could not get over how alike she looked to the Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh. It desturbed them.

They smiled at them.

"Come and drink."

They then walked up to her and took their mug and drank the potion. They felt something odd inside them. Like something was changing in their bodies. Alex felt pain in his stomach and Morana felt the pain there too but she also felt some pain in her head. 

"What did you do to us?"

The witches smiled.

"You shall soon know. Now, as the pair of you have been really, really good over the years even after what we did to your patterns Alex! Well, it's about time we gave you some rewards for all that you have done. So we all discussed what we should start with. So we came to this." She said, pulling out two small bags of chocolate.

They looked down at them with a pained look as they did not want it to be a trick. Yet this was the first thing that they had that reminded them that there was an outside world. That they were one free and could do and say what they wanted without fear.

They took it and ate one and realised that there was Turkish delight inside. Tasting it made them both weep with better sweetness as this was the first time that they tasted anything that they liked or sweet, yet unknown to them, all of the chocolates were laced with a lust potion. The most powerful lust potion, one that would overpower their minds and emotions. That would drive the two to be incapable of focusing on anything other than their desire to mate. Within an hour they would be unable to focus on whatever boundaries that there were between the two. No, they would be focusing on satisfying their overpowering desires as their hearts would race.

They then led them to their cell once they had eaten all the chocolates with a smile. They then locked them in walking away and hummed as they left them alone. They soon went to bed as they knew that now their little prisoners would never be able to see each other in the same way. They went to sleep without knowing what they had just done.

When the witches woke the next morning they walked in to see the end results of their doing. They smiled wickedly as they saw that they were still locked in each others' arms with nothing but a blanket covering them. She clapped, waking the two up. When they woke up they soon looked at each other and pulled away. Realising what they had done the night before feeling both hurt and ashamed. 

Morana then pulled further away and bent over and vomited. This was to the delight of the witches. The other two then grabbed her by her side as the younger walked over to her. She knelt and placed her hand to her stomach. She closed her eyes and smiled wider. She looked up to the girl.



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