The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Final Part


After many, many years the first place that they stopped at was Moranas' house. She walked up to the door of her mother's house. She could not believe it, she could not believe that it had become so small. Nor could she believe that she was standing there either. She had to stroke the door, just to prove that it was even there and not one of her many, many dreams. She slowly raised her first to the door before she knocked.

She hoped that her mother would be there and wrap her arms around her and let her in,  but all of this came crashing down when she was greeted by a young couple.

"Hello?" One muttered.

"Urm...hi… I'm Morana Lamia. Do you know what happened to my mother Mona?"

They looked at each other sullen.

"I'm sorry Miss Lamia has been dead for a year now."

"What? How? Why?" She asked, bolting up her sorrow and shock.

"She died of a heart attack. Doctors were too late to do anything. She always believed you were alive though."

She looked down feeling completely lost. She felt her years fall as she knew that the last line was a lie. She had held onto the hope all these years that she would one day see her mother again. As she had seen in her dreams and felt her arms of comfort. Upon the destruction of this she just broke down and wept.

All of this was because I just so happened to be in Alex's parents house the day that his parents were killed by those witches! And they were killed because they must so happened to be hunters!

This caused her to feel anger, anger that she had never felt before. She did not understand it nor did she want to. She just wanted to let it out and yet she was far too afraid to. So she looked up at the two and took the liberty to leave. She knew that if she stayed she would do something that she would regret and she would never be free.

So they walked over to Alex's parents house. He too looked lost and had lost his parents and now home. They just did not know what to do or where to go. They were alone and lost and they knew it. They were free now but they had no idea what to do with it. He looked down as he saw the lights on and they walked away and wandered aimlessly in silence until they wandered to a police station. They then walked in and were greeted by a handsome young man probably only a year older than them. He had sandy blond hair and light green eyes.

"Can I help you?"

They looked at each other wondering what they should do or how to put it in words. Yet Morana was the one to speak, yet even though she told him all that she could, she left out all the bizarre and supernatural things. He looked at her intently and took in every word. Yet Alex could sense that it was not just because it was his job. His eyes dropped to her stomach then aside out of shame. He knew that when this was all over and they were able to settle down then they should not ever see each other again, or as little as possible.

The police soon had the witches arrested. Alex was soon found by the hunters and joined up with them and they were soon given a house each and were given a tutor to help them both fill the gaps of their education. 

Yet during that time she became all too aware of the strange cold growing in her stomach. She had tried on many occasions to abort the child but all proved ineffective and the tools would spontaneously combust. Soon it was all to clear that she would have to give birth to the thing. She tried to go to another hospital and there she found that she was having a girl. The next thing that she found was that the shape of the umbilical cord was not the shape of a tube but in the shape of an X! She was soon struck with the realisation that not only would she have to give birth to the girl but this girl would not be normal! She wondered what creature was growing in her womb. The next thing was what would she name the child.

She did not want to name her Mona after her mother. She wanted to save that name for a cold that she did want. No, she wanted to give the child that represented all the hate that she felt towards her, the hate that she had grown with and the witches that wanted to force her to have this child. While she was watching a film one came to her. Zera, a name that meant hate. Yet, she knew that she would give the girl over to Alex and if he did not want her then she would give the girl up for adoption. After all, she did not want to have anything to do with the child growing inside her.

Every day went by and she felt the hate of this girl grew greater and greater. She curled her lip when she saw the bump. She never ate whatever she would crave and would eat and drink things that would normally cause a miscarriage, but this did nothing. She had gotten drunk several times in order for the child to come sooner.

Then within a month of the due date she was visited by a very pale Alex that had dark circles under his teary eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked with a slight tone to disgust.

"The witches have escaped."

Her eyes widened in shock and anger.


"They escaped."

"You mean to tell me that those monsters are still out there?"

He looked down with the horror in his eyes.

"They could not hold them. Not the police or the hunters."

"Then why didn't they kill them already?"

"Because that can be dangerous. After all, the most powerful will be able to come back."


"Powerful magic. Yet there were those who could take them down but they were on their way. But I was told that they would take a long time getting here."


"Far too many people want them dead."

"But still-"

"No. They're not going to get us. We are not going back there, I won't let them! And they are not going to take the child either!"

Suddenly she looked at her swollen belly filled with anger and spite. She had grown with such looting of the girl inside her that she just could not believe that he was so concerned for the thing. Yet it did not bother her too much, after all she had already decided to give him the girl and have nothing to do with her. Yet she wanted to house her loathing for the girl. So she put a false smile on her lips.

"No, they won't. Tell me, how would you like it if you raised her? I don't think that I can."

He smiled yet he suddenly had a determined look in his eye.

"Yes, I would love that. But I know that you can. Morana you may not know this,  but you're a lot more stronger than you think that you are. And maybe this could give us the healing that we both really need."

She looked down at the swollen belly. She had not thought about that. She placed a hand on it for the first time. She had been so blinded by hate that it just could not occur to her! Though she felt slightly ashamed upon this realisation. After all, she knew that the child was innocent in all of this. She did not ask to be conceived in such a manner. She had just as little choice of growing in her stomach as she did.

"Have you thought of any names?"


"After the Disney villain?"

"Yeah. You?"

"I was thinking Scarlet after mum."

She suddenly let out the first giggle in years. She and her body had forgotten how it felt to a point that she had to clutch her stomach.

"Hold on, you're not?"



"Don't you see? Scarlet could be shortened to Scar!" She laughed. 

He thought for a moment and realised what that meant and was soon laughing along with her. He found his stomach hurting too. They both looked at each other drunkenly smiling at one another.

"Do you want to stay?"

"Only if you want me to be here."

"With them out there, yes I would."

He then placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Then I will do my best to protect the pair of you."

She smiled and nodded. They stayed there for the last month of her pregnancy. She even though she pretended otherwise, still had dislike towards the life growing in her and towards Alex too. At first she was glad that he was there but as time went on all those memories would come back to her in strange moments. This, sparked her dislike towards him. This dislike turned to anger. Yet at first she could tolerate him but soon she could not stand the sight of him.

Then came the night of the birth on thirteenth of April. She soon felt the contraptions. She was in her bed and she called for Alex who quickly ran to where she was but before he entered the bedroom the door slammed in his face. She then heard the cackle and knew that the witches were there, followed by the realisation that they were watching the two the entire time. As soon as she heard his banging she felt the hands around her wrists, pinning her down.

She then spotted that the door turned into part of the wall and Then the banging became louder as she heard him call her name. It was all too clear that he could not come to her aid. She was alone and at their mercy.

 Before she could do anything she felt hand reach up and take her underwear off and reach up her hands and she let out a scream both out of pain and fear. She could feel the baby coming and she tried to pull back but that only made things worse. She tried to pull them all off her but their grip was far too strong. She was pulled back down and she felt the hands pressing against her thighs. She could tell that the youngest was looming up as she did all that she could to help the body pass. She screamed as she felt her sides split and tear. She could do nothing to stop what was happening to her. Her vision blurred and the tears streamed down the sides of her temples mixing with her sweat. After five hours she was out and the one who delivered the baby pulled out a large claw and cut the cord with it.

"Just leave her! Don't do it!"

She soon heard the cry of the girl and saw the witch grip the girl and was about to raise the claw to her chest. 

"Stop it! Please, you've taken enough! Please don't do it!"

Yet the witch looked at the girl and dropped the claw.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I-I can not believe it!" She barely was able to whisper.


She looked at the other two with a victorious smile and eyes wide with excited shock.

"We-we did it!"


She let out a laugh and kissed the baby and then her.

"What is it?"

She padded the girl over to the other two.

"We were able to do it, the one thing that the great Dark Lady Grasharlo and the witch of the Queendom Isles could not do!"

"What? What are you talking about? Please just stop it?"

The youngest witch leaned in and hugged and kissed her.

"Thank you for this! Thank you for bringing such a marvelous creature into this world!"

"What! What are you talking about? What do you mean? What is she?"

"The Mythos Puros. You are the mother of the Mythos Puros!"

"What is that?"

"A creature of great power, a weapon of pure magic. So thank you for this gift and as a reward we will give you back your freedom and the hunter too. Cone along sisters! We have what we came for!"

They soon vanished with the child still crying in their arms. Alex soon fell in.

"What-are you alright?"

She nodded.

"Need to get to the hospital."

"Where's the baby?"

"She died."


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