The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part Two


Alex and Morana woke in a dark place. It seemed like they were in a cave yet the ground was far too flat and the stone walls were in a perfect dome that had a sharp structure that looked like swords pointing at them with a triangle parting for a black triangle door. With another door on the outside that was made of iron bars.

"Alex? Where are we?"

"I-I don't know!" He replied, trying to keep himself together, knowing that the events were not just a dream but yet they did not make sense. He remembered his mother's chest exploding and knew that his father was dead too, though he never saw his body. He did not have to. His mother's scream told when he was killed. Yet even though he knew that he shouldn't and that he had to be strong he could not help but let those tears fall. He burst out crying and pressed his hands into his eyes.

"Alex, why are you crying? You're scaring me!"

"They're dead Mor! Mum, dad they're dead! Those-those-those ladies killed them!" He wept as he felt his body shake.

"Wh-what?! How, why?" 

"I don't know, all I know is that they're dead!"

"Yes, yes they are." A voice came from the door.

They looked up to see the three ladies. Their eyes were filled with a sadistic glee that could only belong to one who had no good in them.

"Oh!? Crying already?" Asked one.

"But, you should not cry just yet!"

"Yes! You ought to save some of those tears for yourself!"

"Just who are you and how did you make mums' chest explode? No, why did you make mums' chest explode?"

"You mean you were never told?"

"T-told what!"

"Oh! You weren't!"


"Then this would make this far too easy!"

They then walked in and just as he went to run at them he and Morana flew back as if being yanked back and then part of the wall moved forward and wrapped itself around their wrists, neck and ankles. They felt their fear build as they both felt the sharp dagger like edges pressed into their back. The three then laughed as they moved aside for the younger witch. She walked right up to them and took out two cups filled with a purple red liquid.

"Tell me, do you know what your mummy and daddy did for a living?" She asked.

"No, why should I?" he asked as he took a glance at the drink,  his throat feeling dry.

"Don't worry it's not poisoned." She assured him.

Knowing that it did not matter if it was or that he had a choice he drank it.

"They were hunters."

"Of what?"

"Vampires, werewolves, or in our case witches. Anything strange or supernatural that goes bump in the night really."

"But they don't exist!" Morana shouted.

She then offered the second drink to her.

"Then you should have no qualms about drinking this."

She looked down and drank it out of spite.

"Good!" She said and with a wave of her hand they both fell to the ground. "Now get up and follow me."

They climbed to their feet and followed her. They walked out of the cell and into a smaller room. It looked as if it had been painted a grim shade of greenish brown. She then turned around to them once they were in the room.

"Now strip."

Suddenly their hand moved as if they had a will of their own. To their utter horror they were naked with only their underwear remaining. They looked away from each other in shame as to what their bodies were doing.

 "Good. You both look as if you will grow to be strong, including you girl!"

"Why, what?"

Morana then looked at the empty glasses that the witches carried.

Right, they're witches. They concluded simultaneously.

"You're a bright duo! Yes, that drink does allow us to control you."

Their eyes widened in a painted shock. Their hearts beat faster as they realised that their freedoms were no more. They were never going to get out of this place and even worse,  they were going to die here in the dark and none would ever know or care. All dreams they had,  crushed, all their plans for the future might as well be smoke.

"Now turn to each other." One of the older two said.

Their bodies faced each other but before they saw anything,  they closed their eyes.

"Please stop!" Alex begged.

"Please don't do this! You have no right you don't!" 

"Oh yes we do, as proof open your eyes." The other older witch said.


Their eyes flicked open and their hearts shattered; this was soon followed by their innocence. Yet even though they still had their underwear on they still felt the humiliation stab deep. Both wanted to hide from each other and never see each other again. They both cried this time as they knew that their friendship, as it was, was over. They could do nothing but look at each other until both were not only in tears but could bear looking at each other no longer.

The black haired witch opened her mouth to speak.

"Please no!" Morana screamed.

She let out a laugh.

"Oh don't worry, we won't make you look at that! Not yet anyhow!" She sang. "I was just about to say you can look away now."

They looked away as fast as they could. The other two have them both black cloaks and robes that were made from rough cloth. They both put them on as fast as they could little caring for the scratchy feeling that came from them.

"From now on you will work for us."

"From now on, you and your bodies,  even your very souls, are now ours."

"You have no rights or freedom nor should you have any hope in reclaiming either! Nor do you have a life of your own!"

"You are our puppets to do whatever we like."

"Our dogs to treat however we wish and pet whenever we want and however we please."

They looked down, still not looking at each other. They did not look at each other for the rest of the day. Not even when they were in their cell. They had to accept that they were not going to ever get out of this nightmare as they grew. Every day they would do what the witches told them to and would drink the drink every twenty for hours. They would be forced to look at each other in their underwear day after day, yet sometimes whenever the witches were feeling extraordinarily cruel they would force the two to fight and hurt each other until they were in tears, Alex always won yet he was never as tired as she was. Yet he would be in just as many years as she was, sometimes they would be crying and thirty bodies would move on their own. Yet sometimes the witches would torture the other on random days and the other would have to clean up. They would clean the cave that they lived in and would cook their meals. The two did everything and the only thing that they would get to eat was nothing but slimy gruel. They did not even get a bed or anything to cover them during the day.

Yet as tone went on their bodies started to change their physique became toned and strangely fit. Soon whenever they saw each other in their underwear Morana was now wearing a bra and there was something else there. Something that they could not quite put into words. Another kind of humiliation as their pale faces showed the red.

Alex became almost as pale as Morana and now had dark brunette hair and dark circles under his blue eyes that made him look hauntingly handsome. Morana too had dark circles under her eyes too yet her cold beauty became more icy and mature. When they turned the age of eighteen their eyes were jaded. There was no hope in them.


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