The Horned Princess And The Witch


There was a princess, who was such a beauty to behold! She knew just how beautiful she was and how much she was sought after and how she not only hated it but could not stand it! She hated it because of the attention that it brought her. After all, all the men that demanded her hand in marriage did not extend it out of love but lust and she knew it.

This she did not want, no, all she wanted was to tuck herself in a corner in her royal library and lose her mind in the worlds hidden in the pages and locked away in those bulky blocks of paper. Where she would spend hours entranced by these worlds on end. 

It was in these pages that she learnt about a wish granting witch. She examined the book and soon learnt that the book was based on a true story. Feeling overjoyed she immediately tossed the book aside to look for the witch. She found the witch quicker than she thought that she would.

She soon told the witch that she wanted to be ugly and to go to a far off land. The witch patiently listened to the girl and neither interrupted nor questioned her. She listened in silence until the girl was finished. She then looked aside.

"I shall grant your wish, however in return you are to give me a life. A life that I can do with as I please. I shall take your memories too, as you will be able to live this new life fully in bliss. I will only wake the memories when it is time for me to take the life that has been promised to me. Now if you agree to these terms then I will give you horns in order to mark our deal. And these horns will only go when our deal is done or I die before then." She explained and the princess agreed without a thought.

The next moment the girl woke up in a cornfield feeling very free. She then started to run and dance. She was barely aware of her ugliness nor the horns that curled like a seashell covering her ears. She then started to sing while dancing.

This beautiful singing caught the attention of the farmour that worked in the fields. He noticed how happy and free she looked. He walked up to the princess feeling infected by the pure joy that she was displaying. 

"What is the source of your happiness?" He asked.

"I am free from everything terrible and yet I know not what! But I do not care what, for I am free! I am free! I am free!" She sang. 

Smiling to himself he took her to his home and sheltered her. As the year wore on the princess became a woman. Soon they fell deeply in love and with his fathers' permission they married. Then, they soon got to work on building a family and life was good. 

That was until the princess fell pregnant and gave birth to their first child. Then her memories returned. Now knowing what the witch meant and why her memories had returned, she immediately told her husband.

Together they made a plan for how to take this witch down and protect their son. Then husband and wife armed each other with whatever that they could find. Then they waited for the witch to come. It was not until midnight that the door opened. The witch had come. She walked in the hallway and made her way up the stairs. A opened the door to where the nersarary was. She did not see the princess standing next to the doorframe behind her. Nor did she see the dagger until her head rolled onto the floor.

This caused all the witch had done to the princess to be reversed. She soon transformed back into her beautiful self and the horns dropped. This felt her husband marvelling at her beauty as she disappeared and went back to her kingdom.

When she woke in her bed she soon begged her father to let her go and find her husband. This he agreed to, but she only had one year to do this. If she found him then they would have a public wedding, as to compensate for missing the official one, however if she faild to do so, then she was to annul the marriage and he would pick a new groom for her.

So she set off and searched and searched and after nine months she found him. They soon returned and her father smiled as she saw his grandson and his daughter happy. He soon had them have the public wedding with the best of the high priest married them.


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