Escape From Fairyland


There was once an eighteen year old with hair like the night and a face like a full moon and eyes like a deep lake. She was the most beautiful and desired woman in her town and all the men wanted to court her. She was named Lokisif Zoe as her parents were high when they named her. 

One day, her beauty caught the eye and won the heart of a fairy nobel. He soon stole her away and took her memories away. He soon enchanted her by his alluring song to make her fall in love with him. They were soon married and soon conceived. During this time Lokisif Zoe, now Lokisif Zoe Elric, regained her memories

When she regained all her memories, she snuck out to return home. She soon ran and ran until she became tired. Then she heard something behind and spotted a knife come out from nowhere! Quickly her mind became focused as quickly as she dodged. 

She looked at her attacker and spotted the bloody red cap on the head of a small, plump creature that would have looked human had it not been for its enormous wart infested nose.

It soon hit her in the leg and she kicked instinctively in retaliation it landed back and the hat landed in a river behind them and sank. That was when the creature doubled over.

"My hat!" He croaked as the water washed the blood out of his hat.

Lokisif then poked and prodded the creature before she was satisfied and knew that the red cap was dead. She took the dagger out of its dirty hands. She soon cleaned it. She then moved on until night came. She soon settled down to sleep. She was woken by an unnaturally loud neighing of a  horse. She spotted its legs and rolled up as she looked up as she rolled out of the way. She looked up at the rider and screamed. Neither horse nor rider had its head! 

"It is unsafe to be travelling alone at night, human woman." She said. "Come,  I will take you to where you wish to go."

She extended her pale hand.

"Do never fear, I will not take your life for it is not time." She sighed.

She took the hand and let herself be pulled onto the dullahans' horse. She held her shoulders and they were off.

"So where is your destination?"

"My world."

The dullahans' neck did something that would have signified a nod if she had a head. Yet she had her head tucked underneath her arm. She noticed that there were nails in the earlobes. Yet despite this she felt safe and fell asleep on her back. She then woke up as they arrived. To her horror she saw her husband was already there. Knowing there was no avoiding it, she got off.

"Thank you. Now please go." 

"Any time and I hope to meet you again but I hope that it will not be too soon." She said as she turned to move.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name!"

"Bellamort Resurrect! I became a dullahan a long time ago." She called as she galloped away. 

She has just as silly a name as I have! She thought as raised her eyebrow. Yet she could not dwell on it. She turned to face her husband. They soon met and he was in between her and the portal.

"Let me pass." She demanded.

"There is nothing left for you back there."

"Let me pass."

"You have a life here and I love you."

"If that is true, then let me pass." She said as she drew the dagger. 

He then looked at her and sighed. He drew his sword.

"Then let our blades decide what happens then." He said acceptantly.

"Good." She said as she ran to him.

"So be it." He shouted as she struck him.

He blocked and looked deep into her eyes and she did the same. He pulled her away in an arch. She then let her hand twist and fall which stuck his fingers. She then sliced the skin of his fingers just before he barely backed away. Yet she was able to see that she had an opening and stuck him in the chest with her fist. Causing him to cough and she put the dagger to his head. He punched her in the ribcage causing her to drop her dagger. He then brought his blade up and left a line across her face. Yet he hesitated in that moment as the shock and horror of what he did. She used this to her advantage and hit his shoulder. She twisted her elbow and dived down to elbow him on the other side of the chest. She then brought her leg upwards and in between his legs and as he dropped his blade. She twisted back to hit him in the face, yet now it came her moment to hesitate. He did not even flinch. His eyes were dull and his lower lip trembled. His face was pale. It was all too clear that she had won.

"Go then!' He whispered, his voice hollow. "Please, if it makes you happy...go back to the human world!" He then started to tear up and then the rain out of his eyes. "B-but please if you d-do, be truly happy! However if you are truly happy then do not return. However, if there is nothing but grief awaiting you, there will always be a home here for you. I love you and I do not wish to bring you any more harm."

She nodded as she took his sword and gave it to him.

"Then let my blood be the key." She said as she left and returned to her world.

When she did she spotted that the cars were flying in the sky. She saw that there were pyramids of all kinds surrounding her. Yet she spotted a digital holographic clock in the air. The time, 16:15 and the date 4:7:2120!

As the months passed by it became all too clear that she no longer belonged to the human world anymore. So after grieving for her family and friends and visiting all their graves. She then returned to Fairyland to her husband, where he helped her give birth to their child. He did all to meet her needs to make up for what he did.


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