Eva And Withelé The War Time Assassin And The Child Prisoner Part One

 The First Kill As The War Time Assassin

Withelé had not spoken one word since her own mother forced her to kill her adopted sister and her grandmother Olf. She had many nightmares about that night. She had hardly eaten and anything that her mother did force her to eat immediately came up three minutes later. The worst thing was that she knew that sooner or later her mother would force her to do it again. Her mother would take control of her and would make her do it and she would be incapable of stopping her from killing whoever she set her upon next. She knew that she was not her mothers' daughter, she was her mothers' puppet. She had realised these things over the past three months. This would always make her cry for a great amount of time until her tear ducts did not work right and her eyes would sting. Her mother hardly comforted her in fact she knew that she neither cared or loved her. 

She wished the mother that did love her was here. She wished that she had never told her about Mytholonia or about those snake people that had tried to kill her. Her thoughts turned to Sara, what was she going to tell her? How was she going to tell her? Would she understand? Would she still love her? Would she be angry at her? Would she hate her with everything that she had? She knew that she would. She knew that she had nothing but hate for herself and her bloody hands. She had washed them again and again but they would never feel clean to her. She could never ever get the blood off her hands. Even though she had been told that she was going to be the very thing that would end the war she knew that this was not going to be a good thing.

Then the dreaded day came. Her mother came to her.

"Hold my hand." She said with one hand in her pocket and the other extended. Her hand extended to her and her fingers wrapped around her hand. "Good girl." She said as she gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I love you now, say it back."

"I love you too." She said with anger in her eyes. She closed her eyes in rage as she knew that she would have to do more than that. After all she knew that she would have to butter her up in some way. "Mother."

She gave her a chillingly cheery smile, one that, if anyone had no context would have never thought that there was an ounce of evil within her. This surprised her, she did not know how someone so evil could possess such a pleasant smile.

Sometimes evil where's a pleasant face…

The phrase came to her. She did not know where or when she heard it but she knew that she did not believe it until now…

They left the mansion and climbed up the stairs. They left the cave and up the mountain where they came to a flat area where a plain rested. 

"Alex Stone." She called and the door opened.

They climbed the stairs and her mother guided her to a table and a row of leather chairs with seat belts. Her mother let go of her hand and she took her seat. Shebput her seatbelt on and her mother followed suit. They were soon in the air and when they were above the clouds Withelé realised this was the first time in a few years that she had left the Bermuda Triangle.

"I am willing to bet that you're wondering where we are going?"

She nodded but remained silent.

"Well," she said as she pulled out a file. "see this? He's the current British Prime Minister Jace Workworth. I want you to kill him."

Her eyes widened and she went pale with nausea.

"Please no. Don't make me do it again. Please don't!" She pleaded already knowing that her cry was falling on deaf ears.

"Sorry, but for now that will be your place in the scheme of things."

At this she tried to but nothing could stop her from crying.

"Stop crying at once!"

Immediately, almost as if there was a switch, she stopped.

"Hell if I knew that you would be this much trouble I would have never let you go!"

"Maybe you should have at least then I wouldn't worry about you putting more blood on my hands!"

She then gave her a look as if to say that it was her own fault that it turned out this way. Yet she knew that if she was then she would not be dealing with the heart ache and lonely misery that she was. She wanted to say something more but knew better. She also knew that it would not make any difference or the situation better. So she looked aside.

"So is this what my life is going to be like from now on?"

"Yes. Until the appointed time."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You will know at the appointed time."

"Why can't you tell me now and not later."

"Because you will not understand now but when that time comes then you will know." 

With that Withelé knew that she was not going to get anything else out of her and if she tried then she would get nowhere fast.

"Now I would like you to change into this dress and join me for tea later. Do you get that?"

She curled her lip and nodded. She then walked over to the planes' private bathroom and took a quick shower and shaved her legs and pits. She then put on her pajamas, knowing that this was going to be a long ride she slept until her mother woke her up. She wiped her face and cleaned her teeth and put on a burnt red dress that was covered in gemstones making it look like she was wearing a dress made of wildfire. 

She then joined her mother for dinner which seemed to last longer than it was before she cleaned her teeth again. She then put her pajamas back on and, even though she was crying, it was silent and her tear ducts were sore and felt like they were on fire! She knew that she was incapable of escaping this reality, this nightmare. A nightmare that had stolen her innocence, sleep and weight. Throughout the night she weaved in and out of her nightmares so by the time that it was morning she was tired and had clear bags under her eyes. This made her face look like she was in a grave.

"Are you alright?"

"What do you think?" She asked too tired to put any filters up.

"Well with that attitude of yours when we get back home I am going to have to discipline you. That is if you don't apologise first." 

"Why? What for? Telling you my honest opinion?"

"Your honest opinion is hardly necessary. Now behave."

"Ironic thing to say considering what you're about to make me do."

With that she gave her a painful slap across her face. She found herself on the floor with the taste of iron in her mouth. She felt her anger rise and as it did the plane started to rattle like it was in the middle of an earthquake. With that her mother slammed her heel into her throat. Then the shaking stopped and everything corrected itself then things went back to normal. Yet for Withelé she was unconscious as her mind trapped her in a world of nightmares.

They soon landed on British soil and she woke her up then they left the plane. They made their way to the checkout in the airport. They were then searched and to Withelés' surprise her mother was not alarmed. At this she started to wonder how her mother planned to make her kill Prime Minister Jace. Yet then it occurred to her that she might be planning on making her kill him with her own bare hands. She hoped not. 

"Mortgin, is your daughter alright?"

"No, she's always been that, I mean she's always that pale. Even her doctor had to take her away in order to check that there wasn't anything wrong with her!"

"Guess that was a great hassle! Sorry, continue." He said as he gestured for them to leave the airport.

When they passed through the airport they walked to a black limo. Her eyes widened. Then she looked at her smiling mother.

"What! A girl likes to travel in style!" He exclaimed. "I can see that you like it."

If I did know why we were getting inside it I would.

Her mother smirked as they climbed in.

"Tell me, what's your favorite food?"

"Mint chocolate ice cream. Why?" She asked, keeping her guard up.

"Tell you what, once you've done your job why don't I treat you with that?" 

With that she froze. Suddenly she remembered who she was dealing with. She looked down remembering just how evil her mother truly was. To her mother killing was not as hard for her as it was for her. Yet she felt a lump in her throat form as the corners of her mouth turned and tensed. 

"Don't think that I'll be very hungry after that." She admitted, with a tight throat.

"Your choice." 

They rode in silence, yet her mother tried several times to make conversation with her to no avail, after all she was having none of it. After all she knew that if she did involve herself in a conversation she knew that she would make it worse than it already was and reveal far too much about herself. She knew that she would be able to use anything that she gave her against her.

When they came to the hotel it was large but not overly so and it was a five star hotel too. Even though she knew that her mother could afford such things she still could not believe that she was staying in this place nevertheless! She was led to a spacious room with a king sized bed in the center with a red carpet and gold silk sheets and pillows. To the right was the bathroom area that was the size of a small main bedroom along with a seperate bath and shower that were gold plated. Even the loo was gold plated! It came with soap, shower cream, shampoo and conditioner. 

She quickly took a shower and looked at herself in the mirror. Considering only three months had past she quickly became aware of the fact that she had changed. She had become thinner and her eyes had dark black circles around them. She could even make out the outline of her skull. Her bloodshot eyes gave her an edgy crazy look and her darkened look made her look as if she was wearing eyeliner. 

She washed her hands, yet she knew better than to think that they would ever feel clean. Yet she knew that they would never feel clean ever again. In fact, by the time that this was all over they would feel even more dirty 

She changed into her pajamas and curled into a ball as she looked at her hands. They both had blood on them and by this time tomorrow, they would have even more blood on them. Suddenly her mind was flooded with the images of her killing her adopted sister and her grandmother. Then she turned the TV on and saw the Prime Minister and thought about her hands around his throat. The whole thing made her cry, but the tears hurt. She knew that they would always hurt from now on. She knew that her mother would not care if it hurt her. In fact she knew that if she should die her mother would never mourn for her, but she would be angry if she did.

She looked at the balcony.

No, she would not be sad at all.

With that she walked to the edge and her hands rested on the railing. She went to climb, but her legs just locked into place and would not work. She tried again and again but they did not budge! It was all too clear that her mother had thought that she would try to take this option. So she put in a failsafe to stop her. At this realisation she fell down in greaf. There was just no avoiding it! She was going to kill the Prime Minister whether she liked or wanted it or not. She could not stop it! She started hyperventilating as she felt the hand of claustrophobia clutched at her heart.

That was when she heard a knock on the door. The cleaner opened the door and looked at her completely confused. 

"Are you alright?"

No, my mum's gonna make me kill the Prime Minister tomorrow and there's nothing I can do to stop it! She tried to say but the words could not leave her lips.

"I'm fine."

"But you were hyperventilating!"

"I said I'm fine!" She snapped as a wind whipped her back. 

The door and she smashed and the glass smashed. She looked at the glass and put her back to the wall and she painfully cried herself to sleep. She woke up hungry but at the same time she did not want to eat. She would throw up otherwise.

They were soon taking another ride and were in front of Ten Downing Street, which was now made of an indestructible metal as in the early days of the war it was bombed leaving the edges of the street as the only remnants of the original structure. 

Then the Prime Minister walked out. He had rosy cheeks and kind silver eyes and hair with thin lips and a beauty spot under his left eye. When he greeted her mother he took both of her hands. Despite his pleasant and friendly demeanor she had never liked the guy and had never known why. 

"Mortgin, how are you?!" He asked as his eyes glanced at her. "Is she a new one?"

"No, she is my daughter."

He looked at her with a smile that was like that of a doting father and knelt. He put a hand on her.

Get away! She's going to make me kill you! She wanted to cry but the nanites inside her stopped her.

"As in the one that we have all been waiting for? The one that will cause the Dead Wars?"

"Yes and I would appreciate it if you speak no more of it.." She said. Then the earth rose from where they were and he was soon forced on the ground as if he was pushed. "In fact it had long since been decided that you would speak no more period. Now strangle him!"

She put her hand in her pocket and before she knew it she had her hands wrapped tightly around his neck. She felt the grip tighten and tighten. She could not stop it and he could not get his hands off him. Soon his hand fell and she let go sobbing and shaking.

"W-why? H-he w-was on y-your side!"

"We could no longer cater to his tastes. Which would have left him a liability." She said, putting a hand on her. "Be glad! You're a hero! After all, you have saved so many innocent girls like yourself. Now give me a kiss."

Knowing that she had no choice she kissed her on the cheek.


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