Eva And Withelé The War Time Assassin And The Child Prisoner Part Two

 Mothers' Daughter

Withelé sat on her own on the bed in the room that her mother had given her. She was alone with her thoughts. She stared at her hands. They had more blood on them and they continued to feel dirty. She had to find a way to break her mothers' control over her. She knew that she would have to do it fast. Her gut told her that she would end up running out of time if she was too late. Yet even though the situation seemed hopeless she knew that there must be something that her mother does that controls the nanites inside her body. Thy there must be.

But how? I mean there must be something in place to prevent me from doing what I did in the hotel.

Maybe maybe not? Just think about it, everytime she controls me she puts her hand in her pocket or in her bag. This must mean that she has a remote control that controls them! But what about in the hotel? 

Maybe she was spying on me? Well that would be just like her wouldn't it? Look at her only daughter tearing herself apart while she just watches, taking pleasure in every moment of it! So what can I do about it? Gain her trust and wait for the right moment and take it and destroy it. And what about after? Get away from her! Then find mum and then I'll be safe. But will you? Yeah, right, that would be stupid of me. No, I must think of something else. I must go into hiding and find somewhere I can stay. While keeping a low profile I would have to keep myself alert. But what if she captures the rest of my family. Let's worry about that bridge when I come to it.

That was when she remembered something that Prime Minister Jace Workworth had said. He said something about the Dead Wars and that she was somehow going to initiate it. She wondered what that was and why it was called that. She knew that it was not going to be that simple or that her mother would have given her a choice in that regard.

Maybe it's a war between zombies? You honestly think that they exist? Well the naga and the jorogumo exist. And my biological mother's a witch. Honestly what doesn't exist? Then the question remains, how will I initiate it? I dunno! But I need to before it's too late. Then if it's a war between two zombies then why is it called the Dead Wars? Why not the Zombie wars? Which means that there's more to it than that. Whatever it is, it is why I need to get away from her as soon as possible. Even more so as I know that she will put more blood on my hands!

She heard a knock on the door. Her eyes looked up with a crazy look in her eyes, already knowing who it was.

"Leave me alone!"

"Now, now, is that any way to talk to your mother?"

"Never heard of a rebellious teen?"

"Well, in that case I will just have to discipline you then." She said, as she walked into the room.

"What? Do you like seeing me in pain or something? Does it make you happy or something?"

She smiled.

"Wow! You're a lot more like me than I thought! Maybe you're not such a lost cause aa I thought!"

"You're wrong! I'm nothing like you!"

"Did you not try to manipulate me last week by calling me mother?"

She remained silent as she realised that she had a point.

"I thought so."

"Why're you here anyway?"

"What? Can't I visit my own daughter?"

"We both know that you're not like that."

"Oh? How would you know that? After all, we haven't known each other that much. But I do wish to know you more, I am your mother after all."

"Yes, I know!"

She let out a childish groan.

"Alright, there's another one that I want you to kill."

"Piss off!"

"Oh, if that's your attitude then I will keep these tickets to that band that we both like."

"How do you even know what bands I like?"

"Well I you are daughter, and as little you wish to know or admit we are alike."

"Just go away."

"I hope that you're bo plotting to run away are you?"

"How can I? But if I did then I hope to never see you again!"

Her eyebrow cocked.

"Anyway, your next target is Connor Roya."

"What? That trillion hair who gives over half of his income to those who need it the most?"

Her lip curled into an impressed smirk.

"The very same. See what he's really doing is buying that person and will undoubtedly use that for self gain."

"How would you know that?"

"Because it was I who taught him how to do that."


"Well we shall see in abouts" she checked her watch. "four or five hours. This one's com

ming here this time." She said as she put her hand in her pocket.

"And you're not to say a word and get ready for him my sweet." She said as she placed a kiss on her forehead.

Get off me you psychotic witch!

She took a step back and paused for a moment. She looked at her dead in the eye and smiled victoriously. She drew herself to her full height and rubbed her hands together.

"This ought to be fun!"

"For you. For me, if I ever get out of your clutches, then I will need a lifetime of therapy."

She giggled as she placed a hand on her head.

"Well you're the optimistic one, after all, what makes you think that you'll be able to get any therapy?"

She looked down, for a moment, she did not know what she meant. Yet within the next moment it hit her. She swiped her hand away.

"What? Can't bear me touching you? After all-" she said as she leaned in close to her ear. "-I am a psychotic witch."

At these words she let out a scream so loud that it would have awakened the dead. She stumbled back and tripped. She looked at her in absolute horror. She felt herself shaking all over. Her eyes were wide and wild.


"Can read minds?" She sang and let out a lyrical laugh. "Does that surprise you?"

Seeing that it did the trick she looked away even more scared than she was already.

She knows my thoughts! She knows my thoughts! My own thoughts! My sanctuary! And she can invade it at any time!

Knowing there was no way to keep a secret from her or have any part of her that was free from her mothers ' evil eyes she burst into tears. She cried until she fell into a light sleep. This only lasted two hours until she was awake. She cleaned herself up and put on her darkest of clothes. She did not want to see the blood that she was about to shed. She felt herself shaking, knowing that she was about to kill again. She tried to remain steady as she walked down the main hall, where she saw on the TV they were on about the murder of the Prime Minister. She felt nauseous as she saw the people, paying their respects and his wife weeping in her childrens' arms, who were also weeping. 

"Ohh, what terrible person would do this!?" She cried. "Oh just, please just go away!"

It wasn't my fault! My mother made me! She thought as she felt a painful tear drop from her cheek. She looked up as she felt a hand on her chin. It lifted her face and she looked at her smiling mother. She pulled out a small, silk white handkerchief. She closed her eyes in dread.  She gently wiped the tear away. She wanted nothing more than to be free from this woman. She opened her eyes as her mother took her hand. She led her to a chair and as she sat down she heard a knock on the door.

No! It's him!

Her mother rose and looked at her for a moment. She then passed and walked to the door.

Just go away! Just this once! Just go away and she won't make me kill you! She wanted to shout but her mouth would not open to say. Then her heart dropped as they walked into the room. He looked at her with his black kind eyes and he smiled his kind smile. He placed a hand on her head.

"Hello there little one." He said in a whisper-like voice. "You must be Withelé, you look just like your mother, well apart from your eyes."

"I know."

"Are you alright?"

She felt the tears build.



Her eyes met her mother.

"Oh, you're mother's not that bad!"

She looked at the pair with a twisted smile on her lips.

"Kill him. Now!" She said and like a drone her hands wrapped around his throat causing yet another scarlet strike on her ever decreasing innocence...


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