Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Part Five

 The Dark Lord

"Right, time for us to save Bill and Bliss." Declared Scar.

Charlotte smiled and giggled slightly.

"Yeah,  I just hope-"

"Don't say it." She snapped.

Charlotte placed an arm around her.

"Alright, I won't!"

They looked at the map to see where they needed to go next. They agreed up on a path and went on their way. They took several stops and during this they trained. All the training armed to flick a switch in her mind. She did not know what was going on nor could she put into words why she felt like she was doing something that she was born to do. At night she did pushups and sit-ups,  and as each night wore on she was able to do more of them. She even was able to do twice as much as her mother.

"Man!" Charlotte panted after the fourth night. "You're a quick learner! How are you not even sweating yet?"

"Maybe I'm in better shape?" She said in jest. 

"Oh is that right?" She said as she raised her eyebrow.

She smiled and ran after her until they were tired out, though Charlotte was the one that tired out first. By this point, she knew that the girl was not as tired out. She almost had to call out to her for her to stop. They then packed up for the night. Both looked up at the stars with many colours and gas clouds painting a great beautiful image that they could not quite enjoy. No, they were both concerned that they would not be able to rescue Bill and Bliss in time.

Then slowly Scar started to think about herself and the change that she was going through. She knew that it could not be puberty, no, that was not for a year or two. No, this change was something else that she knew was making her unnaturally stronger than any child her age. She knew that this was not normal, not even a girl of her age would or should be strong or have this level of insurance like this. No. She wondered if this had something to do with her being a Mythos Puros. 


This was the thought that she dwelled on as she drifted off to sleep. They woke up early in the morning. They did some morning training and ate their breakfast. They then went on their way. They did not arrive at their destination until it was late at night. So they used the money that they were given to book themselves into a tavern and then took a bath. After they went over plan after plan until they rested on one. By which point it was so late at night that they could not do anything else but get into their beds and go off to sleep. They woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. 

They knew what they were going to do that day and now was the time that they were to carry it out. So after a good breakfast they set off to the castle and then bowed their heads to the guards.

"Hello, I am Kinda and this is my daughter Lora. We are poor and we thought that we could get better if we worked for your Lordship. So would you let us in, sir? It has been a long journey." She lied as she placed a hand to the corner of her eye.

This impressed Scar. They both looked at each other and then looked at the two. They smiled empathetically.

"Sure,  but I will warn you. You both look so beautiful and if your Lordship takes a shine to you you ain't never gonna leave this place!"

"Thank you. You're very kind!"

"Yeah,  yeah! Tell you what, why don't I show you just how nice I am!"

"I think that I'm alright."

She then walked into the castle.

"Right now-"

"Urm… Are you Kinda and Lora?" Asked a serpent-like voice.


They turned to see a man robed in darkness with crimson and scarlet rooms like blood with the edge of orange like fire. This made them look like they were glowing. The man had long black hair that fell like water turning to smoke and burning orange eyes that also looked as if they were glowing that colour with yellow pupils. With pale skin like the moon and high cheekbones that gave him both an air of authority and ice cold beauty. He wore a black top hat and a well polished cane with a silver claw at the top,  holding a pale blue orb.

"I hope my guards did little to disrespect you." He said softly.

They looked at each other knowing that they had been caught.

He let out a light chuckle.

"Oh,  I can see that I seem to have caught you off guard."

"I-I'm sorry Sir. I did not expect that-"

"I was this striking? Yes, I get that more times than I wish to admit." 

"No, I just did not expect that you would take the time to greet us personally." She said barely keeping herself together.

His eyes softened.

"Yes, well, if two aim to be challenging me one would so well to properly observe them." He said with a cheeky smile. "Now, Charlotte, Mythos Puros. Ordinarily I would kill you, however I have a proposition for you that you can not refuse."

Their heartbeats started to increase and suddenly found that they were frozen in place. He then raised his hands and they could not move.

"What is this?" Scar said, slightly nervous.

"We will discuss this while we eat." He said as he gestured they rose and found that he was using his magic to levitate them. They were powerless but to allow him to glide after him as they turned corner after corner. As they did, they went up a set of stairs. Their feet never even touched the ground once. They turned another corner and they only were set down once they had arrived in the dining hall.

"Now, let us eat. I will tell you once we do."

They looked at the food suspiciously. The Dark Lord laughed.

"You need not worry. The food has not been tampered with, no I do not like to waste things like that."

Charlotte took a bite of lamb.

"Why're you doing this?"

"Well, I would like you to kill a rival Dark Lord named Daverrin." He said.

This caused Scar to look aside as she went pale.

"What, you do not like the idea?"

Scar opened her mouth to speak, yet decided against it.

"I can't say that I do but it is far to clear who here has the upper hand." She said, yet there was something odd too as she ate. She felt a strange surge run throughout the body. Her heartbeat increased and her mind became as sharp and clear as a blade made of diamond.

"What did you do?"

The Dark Lord smirked.

"I made your powers as a Mythos Puros temporarily easier to access. This will help you in your quest." 

She nodded as she continued as she looked with disdain.

You mean that there's advantages to being what I am!

"Now,  as for you Charlotte. Your food will make you both stronger and faster than usual. However,  this will wear off in a week or two. This ought to give you enough time to complete my task."

They finished their food.

"Now, I will let you have your alone time with the other two. Bill and Bliss! I believe their names are."

They both looked at each other and did all to control themselves.

"Now, you will need to find the shield of Phorap the Mad. It will help you kill Daverrin. Maybe you will prove to be a good challenge!" He said as his eyes started to light up. "Speaking of which,  I have just realised, I have not given you my name! It is Vadarlor Dire." 

They nodded.

"Dark Lord Vadarlor Dire? I like it!"

"Even more than Daverrin?"

"Yes." She said as her face dropped. "You give us a truth serum."

"Sort of. It only works whenever you speak to me, and only me. It also forces you to answer all my questions."

She looked aside.

"Speaking of which do you like my looks?"


"Good, time for me to give you your time with Bill and Bliss. Let me tell you that those two really know how to keep me entertained!" He exclaimed.

They were taken to a small room where a thinner Bill and Bliss were.

"Bill! Bliss!" Both expelled as they threw their arms around the two.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Get out of here! They'll kill you!"

"Going to get you two out of here."

"And no, as long as we have use they won't."

"Don't! Whatever he wants you to do, don't do it. He'll only stab you in the back!"

"I know, but we have no choice."


"Because none of us here want you to die!"

"Me too, now-"

"But he won't let us go! Or you for that matter!"

"That doesn't matter, though I do think that he wants to fight us at the end of this."

"What makes you think that?"

She touched her hat and thought.

"His eyes lit up when he proposed that we would be a good challenge."

They all looked at her all wondering how to put their thoughts into words.

"Time's up. Time for the two of you to go to your bed chambers." Said Vadarlor.

They turned and nodded, knowing that they had no choice but to depart.

"See you later."

They took one last look at them and then departed. Charlotte blew them a kiss and Scar gave them a solute as the door closed. They followed Valarlor and he put a hand on Scar.

"You know, you are an intelligent young girl. I think that I would like to have you in my ranks." He said. "And you are right. I do want a fight with you. Maybe if you impress me I will make your mother my wife and you will be my hair. Though I will expect certain things from you child. Great things too."

She was about to reply.

"Just think on it."

She nodded as they walked in the room. They were given sleeping drafts which they drank and fell asleep in the soft bed.


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