Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Part Seven

 The Second Dark Lord

An image of Vadarlor appeared before them.

"So you were successful in obtaining the Shield Of Phorap the Mad. I am glad to see that you were mostly unharmed. Now back to Dark Lord, I am sure that you remember the name, my beauty?"


He smirked as she gave him a strange determined look.

"Good girl. As I can see that you are both both brains and beauty. I would really like it if you were to join me after this. I have been longing to have a companion of the mind."

Charlotte put on a false smile and placed a hand on her daughter's back.

"I will think about it!"

"Please do, now both of you, get some sleep. You will have a long day tomorrow."

"And what about-"

"No,  you will not speak to them though they are both fine. I do well to look after my leverage. But I will tell them good night from you." He said and faded.

Both of them set up camp and laid down their heads. They were soon asleep before they knew it. In the morning they both woke up in strange black armor with red tips. With a crimson raven on the breastplate and on the cuffs of their arms. This looked odd on Scar as she had both the sword and shield of Phorap The Mad. Yet it strangely suited her. Though it did not suit Charlotte. 

Scar had a strange feeling wearing it, a feeling akin to dejavu of some kind. Yet she knew that she had never worn any armour in her life!

"Can you move well in that?"

Scar did some stretches.

"Yes, yes I can. Very well in fact!"

"I am glad to hear of it!" Came Vadarlors' voice from behind. They turned around to see him.

"How long have you been standing there?" They both asked.

They both looked at each other realising just how weird that moment was.

"When you woke up. Now, onto business. The map will now lead you to Daverrins' kingdom and care to return with his head. And, as always, do not let that face of yours carry any scars." He then placed a hand on her cheek. "Tell me,  are you a good kisser?"

"Scar, I think that it's time to leave." She said,  trying not to give into the flirtation. She tried to get his hand off her but he gripped it by her wrist.

"Answer me!"

Her face became red yet there was a hint of a lonely sorrow in her eyes.

"I don't know! I've never been told." She said.

"And why is that?"

"I have never kissed anyone!"

He smiled getting closer.

"Then let me tell you. Just remember,  I do have my ways so do try to put your all into it!"

He pressed his lips against hers. He kept them locked and he became strangely passionate and gentle. He pulled away and smiled blissfully.

"It seems that you are a great kisser. Whoever claims your heart has a great catch."

"T-thank you?" She stuttered. She soon regained her composure. "Anyway you do want this Daverrin dead don't you?"

He chuckled.

"Yes,  and take care of the pair of you." He said as he faded into dust.

They opened the map and looked at it. They saw that the line was leading somewhere else this time. They followed the light line and they soon came to a barren place. The men had hard faces with anger in their eyes and the women had despair and disgrace in theirs. They looked at their eldest child with disdain and hate. While their younger children with nothing but sorrow and love. Yet strangely,  all the eldest children of the village all looked alike.

"Wonder what that's all about?"

That was when the guards of the Royal court marched up to them.

"Tell me, are you here passing through, or to live?"


"Are you Vadarlors' subordinates?"


"Are you from that land? "


"Then, why are you wearing his red raven?"

"Never you mind!" Charlotte remarked, indignant.

They took a step forward.

"Oh,  I do."

"Now, has Vadarlor told you of the law of this land?"

"What rule?" She said slightly innocently, though she knew that she would not like the answer.

"All firstborns must be Daverrins' child."

They soon looked at each other alarmed.

So, that explains this. No wonder!

"I am sorry. I was not informed." She said. "My daughter and I-"

"Is she a first born?"

She looked down.

"I don't know." She admitted in a slightly subdued tone.

The guard laughed.

"How do you not know?" One mocked.

"I don't know who my biological parents are." She growled angrily.

Then their shoulder blades flew back and then hit the ground with a grim crackingthud. They twitched and moved no more. She looked at her hands feeling suddenly afraid of herself. She looked at the guards as if to confirm that they existed. She then gulped as she suddenly felt nauseous. 

"Scar? It's alright don't blame yourself, so don't focus on them alright?" 

She nodded.

"I-I'll try not to."

"Now we need to get to that castle."

She noted realising that she was trying to help her focus on something else.

"Y-yes. We do"

"Now, those guards gave me an idea."


She smiled as she turned to her.

"Trust me. Come along!"

She walked up to the black glass gate with walls made of black glass bricks.

"So, what's your idea?" Scar asked, worried.

"Just follow my lead." 

She raised her eyebrow, as if to day; alright. She then waited until the doors opened and soon a man dressed in white robes walked to them. He was the pinnacle of beauty like Vlad Tapez, just with more greater beauty. His eyes and hair were a dark shade of brown that appeared almost black. This made his skin appear as white as snow.

"Tell me who are you?"he said with a smile.

" I am Charlotte and this is my daughter Scar. We were sent by Vadarlor as peace offering. He wishes to end this bitter rivalry." She said.

Me bellowed a laugh.

"Yes,  he always knows what I like and has always been weaker than me." He laughed.

He then walked over to her and then Charlotte and the shoulder. He looked at Scar in a way that she did not like. The then turned his attention to Charlotte. He then stroked her cheek and then placed his hand on her chest.

"What? Don't you like the way I'm touching her?" He asked Scar as she looked at him with fury. "Well, if you don't stop looking at me like that, I will make you watch."

She bit her lip as she looked away.

"Tell me, how old is your daughter?"


"Then until she is of age,  she will remain and work in the castle." He said. 

"Then tell me, do you want to have a taste of what's yet to come? After all, all firstborns belong to you."

"Well, well, well, my dear,  you really are a naughty one!" He chuckled.

She looked down in discomfort.

"I just want to know if I can please you. He'll kill the others of my family if I can't."

"Well, let me see." He said as he touched her on the side of her neck and laid a long kiss. His hand moved slowly to her back and pulled her into him closely. He then pulled away but remained close to her. "Yes, you will be pleasing to me."

She smiled and bowed her head shyly.

"I'm glad to hear."

"Now come."

They were grabbed by the guards and then were forced to go in further into the castle. They were brought to the bedchamber. The walls were white and the cot was black with golden pillows and quilts. 

"Tell me, will this be your first time?" He asked as he ordered the guards to leave them.


"Then I will be gentle."

"No." Charlotte said as she looked at Scar.

She took out her sword and shield.

"Oh, so that's how it is!" He laughed. "Well no worries I will tame you!"

He raised his hand and they all expected something to happen but nothing did. He then looked at his hand and then flicked it out again but nothing happened again. He then frowned as his eyes rested on Charlotte. His eyes widened as he looked suspiciously at her.

"What did you do witch?" 

"Nothing, and I'm not a which!"

He rushed over to his sword and Scar raised her shield and then tried to use the power against him before he reached it but this did not work. So she took out her sword and ran over to him and them the swords flicked together. She then found that the blade was now on fire! Yet the fire was blue and burnt through the metal. She would have killed him there if he did not dodge out of the way. He then took a torch out and flung it down on her, yet Charlotte stopped the flames from hitting her with her own.

Scar then ducked as Charlotte then flung her sword up. He jumped back on the bed and then pulled his quilt out and then flung it at them. Scar struck it and it set on fire.

"Can you put that thing out?"

"I don't know!" 

Charlotte then grabbed her hand and threw her above the flames. She flew in the air and then struck down and the blade hit the head of an axe. She then pushed the shield down ensuring that she did not get hurt. Then Charlotte then dived out of the flames and then drove the sword up ending the fight. He fell and by the time he landed he was already dead.

They then took his head and left the room and walked out of the castle.

They heard clapping behind them. They turned to see Vadarlor behind them.

"Sorry it's burnt"

He smirked.

"Well, well, well, you have proven yourselves to be quite the threat! Maybe you are the ones that will take my life."

Charlotte smirked back.

"Well, I could not have done it without your kiss!"

He smiled wider.

"So, you figured it out!" He sang. "Your brains seem to surpass your beauty!"

"It was hardly difficult to figure out!"

He laughed.


"Yet now that you're weakened, I think it should put me in the advantage!"

Suddenly they were frozen in place, where they stood. He then slowly approached the two. He then looked at Charlotte.

"It's a shame that you're so beautiful. I would have loved for you to join my harem." 

Scar twisted her head to his and spotted an arrow at his hip. She closed her eyes and then willed it up. Vadarlor spotted this and then willed it away from him and to her. She did what she could to stage this off as she suddenly felt the pressure of this strong will. She could feel this becoming stronger and stronger. Yet Scar suddenly felt that she could move.

Good,  if mum's smart then she should be free too and use this.

That was when Charlotte too found this out. She pulled out a blade and then stuck his neck. The arrow flew by her. She looked down at her daughter and knelt. She placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her in to hug her. She hugged her tightly, knowing that the girl would resist otherwise. Yet she hired her back. Both had a strange determination in their eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Even better once we get Bill and Bliss out."

"You're right."

She then pulled back.

"Then let's find a way to get home!"

She smiled, relieved.

"Yeah let's!"


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