Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Final Part


"There is a room that is near here. However you must have the key to get back though. Yet your only hope is that one of you has the key and unless you are a descendant of Johan Close you would not." He said.

At this Scar remembered the key that she picked up. That strange let that she was drawn to. She also remembered that she had it on her the entire time! She then pulled it out.

"Is this it?"

His eyes lit up and widened as he reached out a hand to touch it but then belt back. He then pulled out a brown leather bound book and flicked through the thick creased pages. Once he had reached the page that he was looking for he smacked the page. He then looked at the page and at the key. He then showed it to her. The key was identical in every way.

"So… They're both identical."

"Yeah… Seems so."

"Scar, what or who are you?"

She looked down, feeling slightly vulnerable.

"I donno."

"How can you not know?"

"I don't know who my parents are nor do I even know why I was left with the witches and I don't even know what a Mythos Puros is but I don't like it! Yet I don't even know a thing about it!"

Aki places a gentle hand on her with a motherly comforting look on her face. She then took her hand.

"Dear child, you will. Though I am sorry. I did not know the extent of it."

She looked away with a slight shake.

"I-I don't think I want to."

She crouched beside her and looked her in the eye.

"I do not think that you have a choice in that regard. However, that will come when it comes." She said.

Then Billron took out a map and then circled a part on it.

"Here, is where you need to go."

They looked at it.

"Alright. Now you ought to be on your way. I fear that if you stay your temptation of staying will get too much. Also, you can keep the book." She said.

They nodded. They were soon going on their way. Yet as they journeyed on, Bill and Bliss carried that look on their faces. It was too mature for children of that age. Yet they could sense that they had been through a lot. They seemed to have become older in their heads too. Neither of them knew what exactly they had been through nor would they.

They soon came to a box-like room the size of the attic. It was strange to see what the timber looked like, yet there seemed to be no age to them. Yet as they looked at the overgrowth surrounding the box-like room showed that it must have been there for a great amount of time, possibly decades.

Scar pushed the key into the hole and turned. She opened the door and then held it open as Charlotte walked in. They then looked at Bill and Bliss who had not moved. They had a determined look on their faces. It was all too clear that they had already made up their mind.

"Are you alright?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, but we're not leaving."

She frowned.

"What? Why? All of this was all about getting you home!" 

"Yes,  we know. But we think that our place is here. That kingdom does need a king and Queen after all." 

"And you think that you can do it?"

"It's not about that. We both have felt like we belong here. Both of us have spoken about this a great deal but we think that we can help here. We also think that we will return to our world. I don't know why but I think that we will know when the time comes."

"And don't worry, we are better judges of characters now."

Scar looked down, something told her that this would be the last time that they would see their adopted mother but she decided against saying this.

"Then see you later then." She said as she pulled Charlotte in and closed the door.

They looked at the other doors wondering if there were other worlds behind the other doors...


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