The Anti-Fairy Tales The Sweet Demon Arc Part Four

 The Vain Escape

They could not tell how long that they had spent there for everything had become a blur. Coalphyre had put on more and more weight yet Pheoshan was putting on weight slowly, slower as each day wore on. She had even started to get headaches too. She had been tasked with the job of cleaning the strange bowls and cutlery, yet she was watched by the sweet demon. With the waste going into the fire that she would give the ashes to the sweet demon. She saw an old woman with snow white hair and crystal blue eyes. She no longer saw the scales or the reptilian eyes. She did not even see those serpentine teeth,  but now she saw a normal set of teeth.

She had an increase of these strange headaches as she decreased in her weight gain. Eventually, she started to see the teeth. She would look at her in a moment of fear, yet in the next moment she would see the normal teeth. Yet these moments became more frequent and what she would see and the headaches would only end by the sugar that she would give and things would be normal again.

"A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down!" She would sing.

But after a while, her headaches became more frequent and worse. Soon the sugar stopped working and made the aching worse and flashes of her memory would come to her. Soon the sweet demon had to increase the sugar and the amount of food she had. This worked better yet she kept a closer eye on her. 

Then came the day when nothing worked. She felt her memories started to return to her. Not to mention she was not putting on any weight. She was soon seeing things the way that they truly were. This, she knew, she would have to keep secret. Yet she became concerned with Coalphyre, and how much weight he had put on!

Then nightfall came, she waited at the bottom of the cage, pretending to be asleep. She waited until she knew that the sweet demon was asleep before she shook Coalphyre awake. He grumbled under his breath before she shook him harder before she woke him up.

"What?" He moaned.

"We need to get out of here."

"Why? What is there out there that we can't have here?"

"How about our lives."

"What? What are you talking about? We've always been here."

"No, it's the sugar,  it dulled us in some way. For a while we have forgotten the outside world. But I have woken up."

"Okay fine!"


She looked at the bedroom that the sweet demon was sleeping in, affair that he had women her up. She listened until she heard the snoring, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Now,  if everything here is made of that sugar so must the bars."

"So, you wanna east through the bars?"

"Yes,  yes we are!"

"After you!"


She tilted her head and took a bite. To her shock,  it seemed that the bats were the sweetest and the most tasty thing in the entire house! She and Coalphyre ate and ate, yet as she did Pheoshan had to ignore the headache and pushed on eating. As she ate, her headache intensified and it almost became unbearable, yet she had to continue. To stop meant death. She continued until the bars were gone.

"Right, come on."

He nodded as they then stood on their feet. It took longer for them to get to the door as their weight slowed them down. Yet they tried to move as silently as she could keeping Coalphyre close by just in case the sweet food around them was booby trapped. They walked through the door and took in the first fresh air that they had in a long time.

"Cone on." Pheoshan said as she knew that they could not enjoy it.

She then pulled him as they ran as fast as they could; they almost made it to the forest when suddenly their feet changed direction. They made a complete u turn and ran in the direction of the gingerbread house!

Of course! I should have known that it would not have been that easy. She thought bitterly.

She then tried to get her feet away from the house, yet she could not stop herself. They both ran into the house then they were back in the cage. None of them were able to prevent themselves from doing so. That was when she heard the laughing.

"Thought you were awake!"

She looked back at the door to see the sweet demon looking at them,  the way she truly was.

"It's a good job that all my sweet sugar is enchanted."


"You can't escape no matter how much you want to. Not as long as part of you wants my sugar."


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