Lasta Coop Search For Otb Arc Part Three

 Past And Present

The following day she dressed into gear that would help her cope with traveling in time.

Still, I can't believe why I have to do this. I mean do I even look qualified?

"Tell me, do you think that I'm up for this?"

"Considering your age, no. You don't." Said the women on the council that she did not like. "However,  provided with the context of the fact that you have fort him and survived. I hardly can think of anyone better than you."

"Now where are we going?"

"To the other time machine that we have. I know that it's underwhelming, but still it shall do."


The woman huffed.

"I am fully well aware of the fact that your primitive world would, like a child, be overwhelmed."

"Personally if this is what you call underwhelmed I would really like to see what you would call overwhelmed." Lasta commented.

"I hardly think that would be wize. After all it is something that not only you would never hope to comprehend but it would blow your mind to a point that it would be harmful to your brain." She laughed.

So telling me would be useless and foolish… How arrogant can you get?

"More than you know."

"Are you telepathic?"

"Yes why?"

"Keep out of my head!"

"How can I know that I can trust you?"

"How can I, you?"

"Fair question."

They soon came to a small glass rectangular thing. It looked less than a time machine and more like a glass boothe.

"That is the time machine?" Lasta commented.

The leader raised her eyebrow.

"Yes,  yes it is. And the 'glass' is what you call it, is in fact diamond titanium."

"And where does that come from?"

"The planet Crystos. The people there are quite an interesting bunch."

"And why is that?"

"Let's just say they can be very…reflective."

"I'm just gonna assume that you're not gonna tell me."

"Just get on."

Lasta shrugged as she stood there. She did not know what to expect nor what it would be like getting there. Yet she realised that she did not know how to get both her and Otb in there without getting squished. No that would just not do after all it would be easier for him to kill her that way. If she was older,  maybe she would not have any fear of death.

She then turned to her as she walked in and then turned to face the door. She then felt something around her waist as the door was closed behind her. She looked down to see tiny sparkly things around her waist.

"Nano drones."

Lasta smirked.


"Neat!" She said as she felt herself rising. "Woah!"

She then spotted that the nano drones had lifted and kept her safely in place. Then the box started to spin. Then slowly became faster and faster until the edges became inextinguishable to her named eye. Yet it became faster and faster still until she could no longer see the walls. Then it started to become lighter. Yet it became lighter and lighter and lighter until she had to close her eyes. Yet even then it became brighter and brighter. It soon became so bright that her eyelids could no longer shield her eyes. She could feel that her body was almost being crushed. Yet, the nano drones helped protect her from being damaged. She felt herself panting as the air pressure was getting to her. Then her hair rose and spun like a tornado. Then it started to drop and the pressure did too. She spotted that it was getting darker and darker too. She was soon able to open her eyes and the walls stopped spinning and she noticed that she was back in the Black Knight.

She felt a taste of nostalgia as she was reminded of the old days of her youth. Back when none believed her and her adventures had no true consequences and they were fun.

Oh how things have changed within six years.

She had to small out of it. She had to stop Otb from killing her before she could stop him. It surprised her to find out how early it was that this moment it came in her life. When she came to this point, she thought that it was later on in her life and after she had beaten him after a few times. She thought that he was older too…

Then she heard a scream. She knew that it was her past self. She wondered where the scream was,  yet she heard another. This told her that she was on the floor above where her past self was on. She knew that her past self would beat Otb, but she knew that she would have to make sure that became the case. She spotted that there was a window next to her. She walked to her and saw her past self. Suddenly a thought came to her.

Maybe I could warn her… This thought came to her as a shock that she could warn herself. She could stop the curse from falling on her. Then she could go home. See her mum again and tell her everything that she had been through. She could sleep in her own bed. But I have to make sure that my past self survives first.

She then ran on and she ran as fast as she could. She could feel the beat of her heat increase as the faces of her mum and twin brother flooded her mind. She soon found a lift and ran into it. She dialed the button. She felt her ankle go up and down as she knew that the lift could not come soon enough to where she wanted. She could not wait to get there nor could she wait to see her home. Then the doors opened and she saw her past self. She ran on to get to her but then with a flash she was gone!

Looks like I couldn't warn her after all… she thought as she felt the tears fall. She could not warn her, she could not get to her in time. She knew what this meant and she may never get to see her mum and twin brother ever again! She would never get to sleep in her own bed nor get in her own house. She would be alone and she would never feel her arms of her mum around her. She had failed.


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