Lasta Coop Fay Bound Arc Part One

 Return To Fairyland

Lasta Coop heard the chirping of birds as she woke. From the moment she saw the colour of the grass she knew that she was back in Fairyland. She groaned as her body ached as she slowly got to her feet. She heard the popping as she stretched. She looked around to find out where she was. By the light she was in the Seelie Court, yet she could two that she was in a garden. A large one of that.


She looked around to see a blond fairy with crystal white eyes. She wore a pink and yellow dress. Her wings were like a blue butterfly.

"Yes. Who are you and where am I?" She asked with a tone of bitterness in her voice.

"I am Vinnella. We are in the Royal Gardens and I have been given the task to bring before the king and Queen."


"There is a strange situation that they wish you to know about." She said.

She nodded. She was soon brought before King Elric and Queen Elricca.

"Your Majesty."

"Lasta, I am sorry. However I have the misfortune to inform you that Salynara, the fairy witch, has somehow been resurrected." The king said.

She looked at him shocked.

"What? How? Why? When?"

"We are yet to learn of that answer."

"However all we know is that she is after the relics. We do not know what they are just that she is after only three." The Queen said.

"So you're gonna send me after her then?"

"Uses, however, I wish for you to first rat here for the night. I can see that you need it."

She nodded.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea. I'm beginning to forget what it feels like to sleep in a bed."

"You have not been home?" Asked King Elric.

She shook her head.

"Not since that witch cursed me."

"Do you think that it will hinder you in some way?"

"No,  I will use that as a motive. After all,  I'm gonna make her break this curse of hers'!"

He nodded.

"Then I suggest that you get your rest."

With that she was soon in the chambers that they provided for her. The moment that her head hit the pillows she was soon asleep. In the next moment she was waking up from a nightmare that was soon forgotten. All she knew that it was about Otb. Just thinking about him sent a shiver down her spine. She was soon back to sleep, yet she was going in and out of sleep waking up from a nightmare every time.

This was interrupted by a knock on the door and a fairy walked in. Her hair was brought ginger and her eyes and dress were both grass green. In her hands was a suit of green armour.

"I was told to give you this." She said. "You are expected in the training room."


"Yes, His Majesty thinks that you must have one." She said.

"Why just one?"

"I am informed that you hardly have that much time."

She nodded as she slipped out of the bed.

"Also your breakfast is ready, you will be joining Queen Elricca to eat."

"Right, thank you."

She slipped out of her old clothes and slipped on another set of clothes that fit her. Which was black leather trousers and a dark purple shirt. She put on the armour which fit her perfectly and was lighter than a feather. She moved around and noticed that it was easy to move in and she could get around in it as easy as if she was not wearing it.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Greedara. You met my half sister yesterday." She said. "She looks more like Father than me."

She nodded.

She was led to the woman's dining Hall. It was a tall and glamorous room, filled with light that came through the tall windows. The mirrors and the glass chandeliers made it even more so. 

There she was greeted by Queen Elricca.

"Good morning Lasta Coop." 

"Good morning Your Highness." She said as she curtsied.

She chuckled that sounded lyrical.

"Please, call me Queen Elricca."

"Alright Queen Elricca." 

"Now would you like to sit next to me? That way I do not need to raid my voice to speak with you,  nor you me."

She smiled.

"Yeah,  that would be a good idea." She said with a shy smile. "Although,  I do admit that this must be the first time I have eaten with royalty."

"Never fear. I shall teach you all you need to know." She said as they sat.

"Thank you."

"You are very welcome! Now, you start from the outside and work your way in. Also, when holding a goblet hold it like this with your tiny finger sticking out."

She did what she said. The maid fairy came in and placed down their plates in front of them. Which was olives and pineapple. She observed Queen Elricca as she ate and copied her as she too ate.

"I must say, Lasta you are a fast learner."

"Yeah, well, as I haven't gone to school for ages I must learn what I can when I can and as fast as I can."

She smiled as she finished. This was soon followed by a full English breakfast. She waited for Queen Elricca to start,  as she did, she noticed that she pushed her beans onto the back of the fork. She flipped the fork over and did the same. Queen Elircca smiled at this as she slowly ate. She made sure to keep her back straight and ensured not to drop her manners. That was until the chocolate cake came. This she did without having to mind her manners, as she ate it slowly as she wanted to preserve every moment. She dug her spin in slowly and left nothing, not even a crumb.

"Right,  now we will embark on our training session."

"Wait, you mean you're going to-"

"Yes,  after all if the Seelie and the Unseelie Courts were to go to war and my husband had to go to war, then it will be up to me to defend the kingdom, here." She explained.

"Oh,  I didn't think about that."

She then smiled. She has soon led her to the training grounds. She then gave her a sword that was in the shape of a plant with the weight in the shape of a coral red rose and a hilt in the shape and colour of a stem with the guard looking like twin sepals. With a lilac blade. It was light to hold and easy to grip.

They both faced each other and she ran to the Queen and raised her blade which was soon blocked.

"Be careful to not be too obvious."

She nodded as she pulled away. She drove her blade to the side and then the other side. She tried to do this faster and,  as her muscles warmed up, this she was able to do. She then kept up the flurry of strikes, with Queen Elricca doing nothing but blocking her every time. She soon built up a sweat, yet Queen Elricca had not even one drop on her. She then soon had the tip of her blade to her throat.

She smirked.

"You have become faster. That is good." She said. "Now, time for you to work on your defence."

She soon was thrusting her blade at her. She blocked again and again,  the Queen getting faster and faster as she went. She felt her heart increase and her mind became sharp as she knew that to fail blocking one would mean that she would be cut. Her eyes darted around as she kept her eye on the blade. She felt herself walking back further and further. She soon started to feel tied,  yet she dared not show it. She pushed through the ache of her muscles and she felt on blocking again and again. She soon slipped and had to dodge the blade before it hit her.

She knelt panting as her lungs got as much air as she could.

She smiled.

"Good work. You may be ready, so clean up and we will pack you your food,  and you can keep that sword."

"Than you!"

This she was able to do faster than she thought she could.

"Here." King Elric said as she passed her a map. "All we know is that she is heading to this place named The Cave Of Relics."


"Now fair well, we will wish you the best."


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