Lasta Coop Search For Otb Arc Part One

 Back To Otbs' Planet

Lasta Coop could not get her bearings. Her head was spinning and she felt nauseous and she knew that she was about to throw up,  yet she could not taste the bile. She looked around as her head started to settle. She thought that she was in a cell. Yet as her eyesight started to blur less and less she realised that she was on a ship.

"Take me back!" She soured as she spotted a brunette with her hair tied back.

"No, sorry,  I can't do that." She said with a high-pitched voice.

"Why? I was going home!"

"Because,  see I was told to get you once that you came here. After all, Otb has escaped and,  as the only one with experience with him,  I have been told to collect you so that you can locate him."

"How would I know where he is!?"

"Because,  the last time you came to this planet,  you seemed to know a great deal about him,  including his treacherous ways."

"That's because in the past, at the time it was his future!"

"Are you alright? You seem angry."

"Well I don't know, maybe someone abducting me against my will might have something to do with it?"

"Well, I have to say sorry and once we have Otb back in jail we will return you to your home."

"Ha! I think I'd like to have more than that!" She snorted.


"How about next time you wish to take me away at least ask for my permission and give me something that will make it up for it!"


Assuming that I will get home! Said a voice in her head.

She slid her eyes to the window and saw the stars. She drank in all the different colours listed with starts like glitter that were ever shining. She saw that there were different colour stars,  some were colours that she did not even know that they could be that colour! She saw that there were different coloured planets too, some more beautiful than others.

Oh,  how I wish mum saw here… I wish that I could tell mum all about this too. I also wish that I could tell her and Bill all about this. Once I'm home I'll tell them.

That's if I ever do get back home… Somehow, I doubt that I'll ever get home. After all, I'm beginning to think that curse is real.

At this possibility she started to cry. It had been so long since she had seen them. She would give up all her adventures just to see them again and stay with them. She wanted to hug them both too.

"Are you alright? You seem to be crying."

"No!" She snapped, trying not to sound too hurt.

"There's a bed in the room opposite the relieving aria. Get some sleep."

Lasta looked wearily at the door and walked over to it. She saw the bed and wept into the pillows until she fell asleep. She what seemed like hours later by her head hitting the floor below. She then ran to the pilot.

"What's the big idea?"

"We're being attacked so strap in!" She shouted as she flocked a few switches.

She did not need to be told twice.

"Who are we being attacked by?"

"Either pirates or enemies." She said as she pushed a button and an enemy ship exploded. 

Lasta felt herself shaking as she soundless fire erupted,  it was far too creepy for words. Then another lie up and another. Then a larger one was coming she fired laser after laser at it. She then spotted that there was a laser coming at them and the pilot fired a shot at it, which prevented it from hitting.

"Good shot!"

"I do believe that there might be the possibility that you too should do the same."


Then another was hit!

So this is what it feels like to be in a space battle! It's more terrifying than I thought! The thought as the last one exploded. Must in time too, they had just arrived.


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