Lasta Coop Search For Otb Arc Final Part

 Back In Jail

They arrived back mere seconds after they left. They stepped out, both of their bodies were aching as they did. As soon as they stepped away from the time machine Otb was immediately repainted and arrested. Lasta looked at him as he was taken away. She knew that she wanted to talk to him but she was just too tired. They gave her a pod to sleep in. In the morning she cleaned herself and changed into the silver and white clothes that she was given.

She wondered around as she looked for someone in charge. She soon found one.

"Urm… Excuse me,  could I see Otb?"

She looked at her with suspicion on her face.


"I just wanna talk to him."

"Alright. He's just this way"

She followed her to the room where he was being held. It was a diamond titanium cell what everyone could see into. He had no privacy either. She was soon alone in front of the cell that contained the very essence of the nightmares, yet even though she knew that she was safe, she didn't feel it.

"You wanted to see me?"

Lasta nodded. She was unsure of what to say or how to say it. So she did as her mum had told her and thought about what she was about to say.

"Yes, yes! I wanted to know; do you have a moral code?"

He looked at her with a sly smile.

"I may have."

"Then why did you do all these bad things?"

"I'm sure that you'll learn why. Speaking of which, I have a question for you; do you think that they have a moral code?"

Lasta frowned as confusion started to grow in her mind.

"I don't get what you mean…" age murdered,  yet even as she said those words left her lips, she began to.

"I think that you do. Why else would they hide behind a twelve or thirteen year old like you?"

"They didn't!" She lied.

"I think not. Well you're wrong, they have."

"And what so you mean by that?" She snapped, annoyed at this long word game that he was getting her to play.

He stood to his feet and walked over to the wall. He then beckoned her to get closer to him. She, against her better judgement, walked over to him.

"Well,  why did they send you at the age that you are and not an older version of you? And after you have had a curse placed upon you?"

Lastas' eyes widened.

"You believe me?"

He shrugged.

"Not until I speed that bizarre incident with the teleporter." He said as he cocked his eyebrow. "And it all made sense when I saw that you started to cry. You couldn't go home. Not even to warn your younger self. So I knew that you had to have been stopped supernaturally. Although,  I hardly recommend that you tell them any of this."

He then stepped back and she did too.

"Those ignorant snobs hardly put stock in anything like that."

They are arrogant too. She thought.

He then flung himself onto his bed.

"Is that all?"

"N-no. I wanted to know if you know of any way to break the curse?"

"No!" He sighed. "But there's no harm in keep trying."

"Right,  thank you. And thank you for not killing me."

"You might not do. After all,  I will be saving that for another time." He said as he sat up and leaned in. "So don't get comfortable with me little princess. One day those shiny years won't work on me anymore and when that time comes…" he broke out into a laugh. "So live while you can! Just know that I will be the scythe that will be coming for your head!"

Her legs gave way beneath her and her kneecaps hit the ground. He looked at her with a satisfied smirk as she stood back up with shaky knees. She turned to the door and she turned the knob with a shaky hand.

He will kill me! He will kill me. I hope that I will never have to see him any time soon…

She soon was approached by that woman that she did not like.

"I came here to thank you directly."

She nodded and smiled.

"You're welcome! Now can I go home?"

"Just after what you were talking to Otb about."

She could feel a cloud chill run down her spine like ice.

"Nothing that I want to talk to anyone about. Must make sure that he doesn't get out again."

"Will do."

She spotted that there was a man behind her. He took hold of her before she could react.

"What are you doing?" She snapped.

They raised a scanner to her and her body felt strange, almost weak.

"It seems that you do?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, confused.

"You have nano drones inside you and they have been recording everything that you have been don't and saying." She said.

She opened her mouth to defend herself with but then she felt a surge throughout her body. With a flash she was gone! She caught a glimpse of her home bit then as she came close she was whipped away.

Meanwhile back in space they saw a pile of rose petals in place of her.

"Find her and put him in a maximum prison!" She shouted.


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