The Anti-Fairy Tales The Sweet Demon Arc Part Two

 Bread Crumbs

Pheoshan and Coalphyre woke up. The sick sweet scent of sugar entered their noises. The first thing that their eyes met was a sky with pink candyfloss for clouds and a sun the size of a small island far in the sky,  yet it gave no heat, in fact it looked like it was made of sherbet lemon. As they sat up they noticed that they had been lying on a ground made of marshmallow. They looked around and saw that the trees were made of toffee and green glass-like toffee for the leaves and the fruit on them was toffee and chocolate covered apples.

"Where are we?" Coalphyre asked.

"A dream world."

"Are you sure?"


"Then how do we wake?"

"I don't know." She said as she noticed a line of rocks. She crouched down to examine it. She then locked it and noticed that it tasted salty and was cold, like a real rock.



"It's rock."

"Yes, I can see that but what does it mean?"

She pointed around them.

"Everything here has a sweet theme. So why is there a rock here made of rock, and not something sweet?" She asked.

He nodded and he soon understood.

"Should we follow it?"

"I think so."

They walked along the rock, which was too small to walk on. Yet they had noticed that the marshmallow was sticky so they knew that they would have to continue fast enough so that they did not get stuck. Yet they had to pull their shoes up every now and again. They kept their minds on the stones that they were following like bread crumbs. They soon came to a dead end.

"Now what?"

"We look for something else that is just as equally out of place." She said as her eyes were already darting around.

"But can we not eat something first?" He asked.

"Didn't we eat some gingerbread when we passed out?"

"Yes, but I'm still hungry, so can we eat?"

"No! We're in a dreamworld, we don't need to eat!" She said. "Not to mention the one that created this dreamworld may not be friendly, so we should only trust what we know."

He nodded as he looked aside. He then started to frown.

"Tell me, all of this is all about sweet things right?"

"Yeah, have you found anything?"

"See for yourself!" He said as he pointed a tail of off white dots.

She crouched and licked it.


"Do you think that that qualifies?"

"Yes. It is savoury food after all!"

They then followed the breadcrumbs. Yet after they had gone so far a crow zoomed down and quickly ate the breadcrumb in front of them. They looked back to see that the path that they had come from was gone, including the rocks! They looked back to see another eat another. They ran to the next one must as another ate that one. They ran and ran until their hearts were racing so fast yet they dared not to slow down for a second. Knowing that if they had missed even one then they would not wake up. They only stopped when they came to the end. The Crow then landed on her shoulder.

They then looked at the crow.

"Cross the bridge."

They frowned as they could not believe what they had just heard.

"Follow me!" She said and flew off her shoulder.

Knowing that they had no other option, they followed the crow. They started to walk at first,  but then as the crow started to fly faster they had to break out into a light jog. When they had been jogging for a while then the crow sped up slightly causing them to break out into a run. They soon broke out into a sweat. Then the crow stopped and landed on a pillar of a chocolate bridge. Underneath was a liquid river that was made from melted sugar.

"Walk over and eat none." She said.

They started to walk over the bridge, yet the temping scent of chocolate entered their nostrils. As they walked on, the scent became stronger and stronger. Their months started to salivate and they had to gulp it all down as their mouths became filled with their saliva. Before they knew it, they were across.

"Now what?"

"Eat the muffin that is growing on the tree before you." 

They saw the tree which was made of chocolate and had pink leaves that were marshmallows, that had pink flowers growing from it. They walked up to it and picked a flower. They opened the flower and picked a muffin from the centre. They took a bite and their eyes opened.

When they woke, they noticed that they were in the gingerbread house. They saw that they were in a steel cage littered with human bones of all ages.

"Hello dearies!" Came a sickly sweet voice.

They looked up to see an old woman with scales instead of skin. Her green eyes were reptilian like that of a lizard and deep purple lips that were like that of a lizard too. Her tying was forked and was a deep shade of purple that appeared black. Her sharp teeth were curved inwards like that of a snake.

"Did you have a sweet dream?"


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