Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Part Three

 The Blood Priest

After one night they were on their way. They had not a moment to lose. They journeyed for the whole day. Whenever they needed to eat they made a sandwich and ate it as they walked. It soon became evening and the night was becoming colder and colder. The bringing as autumn was upon them. They came to a new building that was made by strange white rocks. The door had a large arch at the front and it had a domed roof. At the top of the door was what looked like a new goddess made of rubies and her hands were cupped and from them fell blood!

"Clohida, goddess of blood." Came a voice behind them. They both jumped slightly as they turned around. Behind then was a man dressed in a crimson robe. He had long black hair and eyes. His face was as white as chalk with an alluring dark beauty that would make anyones' heart skip a beat.

"She had been known to protect people from vampires, werewolves and all manner of dark creatures." He said, revealing his snow white teeth. "Speaking of which, this place is riddled with those so come in!" 

"But you do not know who we even are. We could be worse than either one of those!" Chashathrophogh pointed out.

He shrugged.

"Then I well take that risk!" He sang, as he urged them in.

Inside there were rows and rows of benches painted red and in front of them was a large statue of Clohida standing in a pond of blood.

"That looks charming!" Commented Chashathrophogh.

"Yes, I forgot, sorry. She's not well known here."

Chashathrophogh looked at him suspiciously, however he said nothing.

"Then make a note to warn people next time. After all,  if we were normal people we would be screaming out head off." He said.

He laughed.


"What? You should know better than to expect an apology."

She just glared at him but then looked aside.

"Alright we'll stay but only one night, any longer and we'll-"

"Miss our boat."

"Where to?"

"The Desert Planes. I heard that she always wanted to go."

"I said the Sand Planes. Desert Planes are far too dangerous. Or so I've heard."

I don't know why he's lying,  but there has to be a good reason.

"So,  is there anywhere we need to sign?"

"No, but you and your uncle are welcome here as long as you need to stay here." He said. "Now,  you must be hungry I expect."

Suddenly, as if on cue, their stomachs tagged to rumble. Yet,  they knew that this was not out of hunger. They also knew better than to stay,  yet their curiosity caused them to stay there.

"Sure!" They lied.

He smiled and left. Chashathrophogh turned to her.

"Go and check the religious text of Clohida. I will be giving the blood priest a hand in the kitchen."

She nodded. She looked around and in a small room she spotted a book. It was made of red leather and the pages with golden edges. It was on a red table with a maroon tablecloth.

The Book Of Clohida


She picked the book up. She looked around to see if there was anyone around. Seeing that there was not, which was strange. From the moment that they had arrived, apart from the blood priest,  there was none there. However, this gave her the opportunity that she needed. She knew that her uncle could take care of himself. So she opened the book.

Clohida always demands two things before you

follow her. If you do,  then you will be able to 

know her secrets and all things patterning to

the blood and blood magic.

Now the things that you need to do are,  get a

pool of blood and sacrifice two royals by 

drowning them both in the pool.

With that she closed the book. She now wondered if her uncle was really alright. Also this meant that he knew who they were the moment he saw them. She closed the book and then ran to the kitchens. She saw her uncle and it occurred to her that she needed a reason to pull him away without alerting the blood priest.

"Urm.. Uncle,  could you help me with something?"


"But I really need your help. There's this spell that I'm really stuck on."

He rolled his eyes.

"Fine! I'm coming!"

He walked over to her.

"This better not be the truth. If so, then I will be disappointed!" He said under his breath.

"No,  I found something."

"Go on."

"The conditions of following Clohida. And that is to make a blood pool and to drown two royals in it." 

He glanced at the pool.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah! We'll be fine!"

"Good!" He said as he gave them a goblet of a hot drink. "It's a tea from Clohidas' native nation."

They looked at each other and pretended to drink it, yet somehow, either they misjudged or something,  but for some reason they ended up taking a proper sip. He then smiled and took another goblet and took a sip and then poured it into the pool of blood. 

"You catch on surprisingly fast! Most do not figure it out until they're in the pool." He said. "However I guess you're not normal royals, are you?"

He walked over to Chashathrophogh and placed a finger on his jawline.

"Tell me, do you love her like a niece?"

"No. Why should I?"

"Not even a little?"


He smirked.

"Well,  my goddess Clohida will reveal if that is true." He said as he walked over to the pool.

They would have tried to move to take him down,  but there seemed to be something stopping them. Then he raised his hands and they were pulled over to him like a magnet. He then looked into their eyes and smiled. He then started to chuckle and then let out an ice cold laugh.


Both tried to well themselves away from him.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Only royals that love each other, regardless of what type, would be pulled to my hands."

"What? There's no love between us!" Bash exclaimed.

"Ignore it and trust me!" Chashathrophogh croaked as he willed a blade in his belt into his heart. He then fell down. Their feet landed.

Bash was about to check to see if he was dead but then Chashathrophogh hit her. She looked at him and frowned and she hit him back. He then smirked as he outstretched his hand and then a fire rose up.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"There is magic here that needs to go. Fire is a purifier so you must burn these places." He said.

She nodded as she helped. Soon the temple was gone.


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