Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Part Four

 The Spell

They came to an inn. It was white with black timber exposed. The door was painted brown and the doorknob was in the shape of a cat made of silver. As they came closer Chashathrophogh placed his hand on the doorknob and sniffed. His eyes narrowed making the bags under his eyes stand out more. He took his hand away.

"I don't-"

Then the door opened.

"Hello children!" Said an old woman with grey hair and shockingly blue eyes. Her height was only slightly shorter than Bounty Hunter Bash. She had a wide smile.

"Care to repeat that old woman?"

"Please young man, when you're my age anyone might as well be a child!" She said with a cheery tone. "Come in! Come in!

" Well, you're making the assumption that I will be your age, you old hag!" He grumbled as they walked in.

She let a laugh.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's just I don't trust women as cheery as you."

"Maybe she's well…"

"Getting old?"


He signed as they reached the top of the stairs.

"These are the bedrooms. So I think that I will leave you to your own devices." She said.

"Yeah,  I'm sorry about him. My uncle's just feeling off tonight." She said. "So I think that it would be best to keep away from him."

"Oh that's alright dear, we all have those."

"Do those off days include making one dagger happy?"

"Duly noted. I'll pop off 'n' out the kettle on!"

When she was gone Chashathrophogh hit her on the head.

"What was that for?"

"You are pushing your luck girl."

She shook her head as he came close.

"Do I need to kill that old woman to remind you exactly who I am?"

"Will I be able to stop you?"

"No,  no you will not!"

"Just don't. She's-she's-she-"

She spotted that her vision started to blur. She started to feel weak and then a pain like needles were piercing her every pore. 

"Stop-stop it!" 

She then collapsed

"Oh my! Is she alright?"

"Yes. She just felt a bit faint." He said as he approached the old woman and he put a hand on her.

No! G-get away from him! She thought as she felt herself shaking. Just waiting for the moment that he killed her, unable to do anything. She tried to will him away from her but he resisted her effortlessly. Then he was pulled away from her and,  for a moment she thought that she was able to do it,  until she saw his strands of hair in her hands.

He got up.

"Knew it!"

"Thank you deary!" She said as her cheery smile turned into a dark and twisted one. "You Touchable,  I wish that I could say the same. Though,  I can tell that both of you must have really powerful magic but, I know that if it was not for you then this young man would have killed me before you even knew that you were ever in danger!" 

She then looked at Chashathrophogh surprised. Yet, sure knew that if she was in his shoes she would have done the same.

That was when Chashathrophogh threw a few small tiny blades at her. She raised her hands and they fell and she then took two strands of his hair and then twisted and snapped them apart. He then fell and though he was alive, he could not move.

She then walked to Bounty Hunter Bash and she pulled out her bow and fired an arrow to her, but she caught it. She then dropped it and with a flick of her wrist she flew up and then just as she thought that she was going to land, she was flung forward. The old woman caught her by her neck. She felt something strange surge throughout her body. She soon could no longer move. She then pulled out a few strands out of her hair too.

"Time to make this spell stronger. However it'll only work if two conditions are met."

"And they are?"

"I shall tell you one the spell has been cast." She said as she twisted the strands together. 

They could do nothing as she bit into her thumb and spread her blood over the strands.

"Those strands tied to the box strength of the spell increase, 

As the enmity between them continues to fade and decrease!"

They soon felt a surge of adrenalin and they soon could move again. They then wasted no time to fire fireballs at her. She then dodged, yet Chashathrophogh saw this and fired a fireball at where she was going and he hit her. She then put it out as Bounty Hunter Bash fired an arrow at her. This one hit her in the shoulder. She turned to get as Chashathrophogh came code behind her and stabbed her in the back.

Once she died they felt a strong pull to each other.

"Suddenly I wish we had that horse."

"Though it would be dangerous for him."

"Do you think we should day here?" She asked, glancing at the dead witch.

"Yeah." He said as he picked the body up. "We will burn the place tomorrow."


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