The Anti-Fairy Tales The Sweet Demon Arc Part One

 Enchanted Lure

Pheoshan and Coalphyre and Phiredoor were still shaken. They had lost track of time, as their minds could not get what they had seen out of their minds. The burning and destruction was burnt into their minds. The black glass slippers still were on her feet yet they had morphed into something more like clogs. They were walking almost automatically. Especially Pheoshan, knowing that Wolfox had been inside her all her life and she knew that he had gone easy on her.

How? She thought repeatedly.

She was so shocked that Coalphyre had to shout her name the times before she stopped. She turned around and looked at him. She stood there, her mind foggy and numb. She slowly walked back, unfeeling and unaware of anything else.

"Are-are you alright?"

"Not after that."

"We're all shaken, I know, but we all need to keep calm and try to move on."

"B-bit rich." She said, noticing that he too was shaking.

He noticed this too. He tried to stop himself, yet to no avail. His face was as pale as a corpse. 

He shakily signed.

"I-I think that we should go and collect some firewood. It-it will t-take our minds off things."

"And who will guard the camp?"

Pheoshan placed a hand on her.

"Thank you for volunteering!"

She then walked off followed by Coalphyre to collect the firewood. They did not need to look far for they soon found a good log. Then another and another,  each time getting further and further from the camp. All laid down in the shape of a tail. They continued further and further, fully engrossed in following the trail, to a point that they were not paying attention to where they were going or came from. They were soon lost and yet, too enchanted to know it. They did not snap back into reality until they saw no more firewood to collect.

They looked up and to their delight, they saw a house made of gingerbread. There was a wooden cover above the house to prevent rain or snow from affecting it. The moment that they smelt the ginger their mouths salivated, after being dry all day. They walked up to it and started to eat the walls. They eat more and more. The more they ate, the more they wanted. Yet as they ate they became sleepier and sleepier. They continued still nevertheless. Pheoshan was so engrossed in her eating, that she barely noticed Coalphyre collapse next to her, with gingerbread was still in need his mouth. She soon followed.


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