The Blue Rock And I The Final Order Arc Part Six


I woke up in my bed. My head spun slightly. I tried to see but I was in nothing but darkness. That was when I felt something made of cotton around my eyes and temples. 

Blindfold...I thought sleepily. I tried to move but I could not. Cuffs…

I waited painfully aware that I was helpless. I tried to hear what was going on so I kept my breathing quiet and steady. I could hear mumbles and mutterings but I could not make out a word like there was something blocking my ears. Yet I could not feel anything in or around my ears.

Must be a side effect of whatever they did to the Blue Rock yesterday...if it was yesterday. How long has it been since I was at home? I wondered. 

I felt someone stroke the bend of my arm with their index. I twitched as it was cold as ice. It then pulled away. This told me that someone else was in the room with me. I felt my heart race as I knew that this was not a good sign.

"She's awake!" Came Leonheardts' voice.

"Then let's get this over with." Came another.

I suddenly felt a nipping pain in the bend as something cold forced itself into it. I knew what it was that was my arm. Then it was pulled out. I then went numb as the blindfold and the cuffs came off. I then looked at a new face, who told me his name but to this day I can remember neither his face or name. I was soon put into a strange state of mind and I became obedient and submissive. I was, in this moment, his puppet and I knew it.

Everything about the next three hours became nothing but a blur and the next moment I was back in my cell and I hurt all over. I sat on the floor and nursed my fuzzy head. I barely registered it when Uncle Haru came in

"Well that was alright." He said.

"W-what h-happened?" I asked slightly muffled, like it was miles away from me.

He placed the food in front of me.

"You were hypnotized." He said.

"W-what did I do?" I asked. "W-what did they make me do?"

"Lots of things." He said with a sly smile.

I looked at him worried.

"Don't worry, it wasn't anything too undignified." 

I nodded slowly. I reached down and picked up my food. I ate it as fast as I could yet it felt slower than I knew it should.

"Are you going to do it again?" I asked as my voice choked.


"I'm going to have a nap after this." 

"Then get your rest."

"I will."

"Good. You will have the rest of the day off." 

"Good. I don't like that guy. What was his name?" 

"It doesn't matter." 

"No, I guess not." I said I finished. I then climbed into bed and closed my eyes.

I was soon dreaming of the blue rock again.

Wake up! Aqua Aoshine, wake up!

What? I don't understand!

You are never going to get out of here. Not any time soon. They are going to have you go through more things before they will let you go anywhere.

But what's the point? There's so many soldiers and guards! 

Is that the same girl that fought those witches and warlocks? 

But they did not have guns!

Good point, however they had magic. So what may I ask is the difference?

There's a great difference!

I woke up some time later and I read the books that I was given. While I was reading my head hurt and for some reason I found it difficult to read. I then put it away and then looked at the door. I saw the keyhole. I wondered if it was possible for me to pick it. Only to realise that I did not know how. 

I then went to have a shower. It was cold but I did not mind. In fact I liked the fact that it was. It helped me cool down and I felt a lot less claustrophobic and refreshed. My mind became clearer too. So when I got out I felt miles better than I had in days. I then got some new clothes which were black cotton. I then found reading better too. By the time it was to go to sleep I had finished the book. When I woke the next day, I was feeling quite refreshed and my mind was as clear as water.

I then saw that doctor come in. He then gave me a puzzle box.

"I want you to get into this." He said.

I nodded avoiding his eyes. I looked at it and then I felt that needle in my arm. I looked at it and its angles.

"It's a puzzle box!"

"Yes, and if you are a clever girl, you will be able to get into it." He said.

I nodded again and looked at it closer. I then spotted a circular nobb. I then turned it one way but seeing that it did not work I turned it the other way. It then rose up and I heard a click. I then pulled it up and looked round it. I spotted a small tube sticking out. I then pulled it and then twisted. I then heard another click and I then let go. This locked the work in place. I then pulled at the lid. Seeing that it was not opening I then spotted a latch I then pushed it in and the lid opened up. I looked in and spotted a pendant with a small shard of the blue rock in. I took it out and looked at it completely entranced. I then looked up at the rest of them. 

"Have it." He said.

I then put it on.

"Looks good on you." Uncle Haru said. "Mother would love to see you with that on. You know, you look so much like her."

I nodded as I smiled.

"Right, now all we need to do is perform an experiment on you." He said as he brought in a chair.

I looked at it as suddenly I felt afraid as I approached. I did not want to have anything reflect on mum and Aunt Blue. So I sat in it and I was strapped into it. I knew that this was going to hurt but I had no choice and I knew it. Then he pushed a button and that was when I felt an electric shock run throughout my body. I screamed out in pain. Then it ended I thought that that was it but then came wave after wave of pain. I screamed and screamed as I started to cry. Then I started to weep.

"Help! Help!" I shouted as I knew that none would. I moved and shook, trying to get free. I hit my head again and again. Then the chair started to rock. Then it stopped.

I panted again and again. 

He then twisted the knob and then flicked the switch and pressed the button. I then felt a pain worse than the shock before and longer. I felt my heartbeat increase. My body became hotter and hotter as it did.

"Help! Help! Help!" I shouted. "Stop it! Please, stop it! Please stop!"

 I soon wept as it finally stopped.

"Please don't do that again!" I wept. My heart sank as the knob was turned yet again and flicked a switch. "No, no! Please no! Don't! No, no!"

I then was forced to endure more powerful shock and it lasted longer and soon all I could do was just scream and be blinded by my tears. By the end of it I was twitching uncontrollably. I knew that they were not finished.

"Increase the voltage." Doctor Leonheardt.

"But it we do-"

"Increase the voltage." He repeated.

Then it came and the world became black. I woke up, still twitching. I saw Uncle Haru looking at me.

"B-bet you're happy now."

"That last shock should have killed you."

"I don't care."

"Not even the least?"

"No, just leave me alone."


"Because you don't care. That thing doesn't! Neither do you friends. None of you care and all that you do care about is that rock!" I shouted as I wept.

He then placed a hand on my head.

"Do you remember our conversation?"

"I don't care! I just want to go home! I just wanna go to mum and my aunt! They're the only ones that care for me!"

He smiled.

"You're right. They are." He said.

"Then leave me alone!" I shouted. "And I hate how much you look like dad! I never wanna see your face ever again!"

He signed and then hit me in the cheek. I looked back in anger. I just did not care anymore. I wasn't going to get out of here and I knew it. All he was to dangle the hope of being out of here in front of me,  just to keep me going and stopping me from ending this myself. At that moment I was having none of it. He then hit me again.

"Do you think that I like this face?! I share the face of a traitor! It's shameful to have!" He shouted.


"Oh you spoiled child! You just don't get it. I'm certain that in a few years time you will learn." He said.

"I don't get it? You're the one who doesn't get it! I won't be getting out of here! You really think that they'll let me go? No,  I'm never getting out of here!" I shouted.

At this he went quiet. His eyes spoke for him as he left. I was left alone. In this nightmare, I was alone. Helpless, hopeless and alone. Exhaustion got the better of me.


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