The Blue Rock And I The Final Order Arc Part Three

 The Cult

I woke up in a room so dark that I knew if I could move it, I would not be able to see my own hand. I needed the lieu too but I knew that I had no choice but to stay where I was. Anything that I said and did would reflect on my mother and Aunt Blue. I hoped that they were alright. I hoped that they were alive and safe.

I warned you about him, but you refused to listen or pay attention.

What would you expect? I thought that he was like dad! I thought that he was like dad!

I know, I keep forgetting that you are just a child.

And I haven't felt like a child for a long, long time. In fact I'm not even supposed to be a child!

Yes, words can not express how sorry I am for that.

I then felt vibrations around me. This told me all that I needed to know. I was in a room in a plane. Where I was going only my uncle knew! An uncle that I knew was bad. This told me that whatever was about to happen to me he would not lift a finger to help me. I was alone here and there was none to help or save me. No friends this time, I was alone. 

I could feel the tears blind me and in the darkness all I could do was cry. Knowing that none would come to comfort me or dry my tears. The cold cut into my heart like a dagger made of ice. 

I don't remember falling asleep but I felt pain in my cheek wake me up. My puffy eyes hurt as the light hit my eyes.

"Ahh! You awake are you?" Asked Haru.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Germany." He said. "And this is the Final Order, devoted to carrying out the Fuhrers' final order before his suicide."

"And that is?" She asked, trying to mask her fear with sarcasm. 

"To find out all the secrets of the famed Sky Crystal, or what you would call the Blue Rock." He said.

I tried not to give away my shock at that.

"So where do I fit into that?" I asked, trying to keep herself as calm as I could but that smile of his did nothing to help.

"Well I am glad that you asked that my dear niece." He said as he pulled me in close to him. "See, as you have noticed that your time in the Sky Crystal has changed you both biologically and psychologically. I even suspect that you might have a slight telepathic connection to it!"

"What!" I exclaimed as I tried to push him away but failed.

He let out a chuckle.

"Now, you will be subjected to many, many tests to find out all about the changes that you have been through. I hope that they will be enlightening!" He said.

I looked down. I was in a confusing mix of emotions, anger, fear, shock and dread. I did not know how to respond to that. However what hurt me the most was the route of all this was a man whose face matched the one of that of my father. 

"Are-are they going to hurt?" I asked, by voice hollow.

"They should." He sang with a devious smirk on his face.

"Will-will you do anything to stop it?"



"Because you are the daughter of a traitor. After all he not only married an English woman, he fought on their side! He betrayed his family and his country. That is why you are here, after all you are his spawn. You here, here have no right and in my eyes, you are not my family." He said. "Now, time to take you to your room."

I nodded feeling both lost and very lonely. His words accompanied by his face cut deep like a risty serrated knife. I walked on, feeling defeated. I walked by him down a blur of corridors and corners, biting my lip the whole way trying to silence my cry. I did not want to give him any amusement, like a pet owner laughing at their stupid pet. I felt like a stupid pet! Then he opened the door and I walked in and the door closed the door behind me. I walked and collapsed into the grey bed and wept like I had never before. I wept until my eyes and cheeks became sore.

After weeping I finally went to the lieu. I cleaned my hands and face. I looked at the mirror, that face that looked so much like my father. 

What gave them the right for them to do this?! Why did I show him that place? Why!

I then punched the wall next to the mirror as I let out my emotional turmoil. I did it again and again until my knuckles bled. I then ran it under the cold water and covered it.

I then looked at the small bathroom. The shower was next to me with only a thin navy curtain giving me any privacy and the lieu was inches from my calves. I walked out the bathroom door and looked at the room. It was the size of a small suite with dull white walls and a shelf filled with books by my bed. Underneath was a small cupboard. 

I opened it and spotted a pair of grey cotton shirts and trousers. Knowing that this was what I was supposed to put on I did. I looked up to see the books. They were all Japanese. I did not even speak Japanese!

Do you want to?

If it would help me.

I cannot promise that, but reading will take your mind off things as much as it can.

I nodded. I knew that I liked the idea of that and right at this very moment, I knew that I needed it too.

So within the next few hours I was reading the books as if they were in English. It was able to get my mind off things. I had read about the history of Japan, right from the earliest of eras and I had come to realise that I was reading a history book. I was enthralled when I read about the semuri and the ninja and I was so engrossed that I did not realise the hours that had slipped by. When the door opened I jumped slightly. I looked up as I looked up at Uncle Haru as he came in. He looked at me with nothing but contempt as he put down a bowl of food.

"You know, once we have done with you, I will be charged to look after you as your guardian." He said. 

My lip curled.

"You sound happy." 

His lip curled too.

"Do you know how humiliating it is?" He snapped.

"Not really."

His eyes rolled.

"Is that why I have been given these?" I asked.

"Yes. After all, Japan will be your new home." He said. "And I am glad that you are able to read Japanese. I hate to admit it, my brother has taught you well." 

He then left. I then quickly dug into the gruel. I did not like it but it was food nevertheless. I thought about what he had said and knew that neither of us liked it that he was to raise me. I knew that he would do nothing but monitor me and never let me out of his sight for one second. I would be more like a prisoner than a member of the family. I would never go to a Japanese school or friends. I would never even be allowed to leave the house. I should hope to be treated as a pet at best when I get over there.

In order to distract me from my loneliness I returned to reading once I had finished my food. I felt tired and after a while fighting it I put away my book and finally fell asleep. I was woken with such a loud bang that it made me jump.

"Here." He said, giving me the bowl.

I looked at the gruel, I felt slightly nauseous so I gave it back.

"I don't want it." I said.

He nodded.

"Come." He said.

I then followed him and I then turned and entered the lift. We went in. 

"Ahh! You must be Miss Aqua Aoshine." Said a man with white hair and coat. He had cristal blue eyes and he looked quite young and he had circular rimmed glasses. This made him look striking with perfect features.

"I'm Doctor Wolfgang Anderson. We will be meeting each other every day." He said as the doors opened. "Now down here!"

I then walked into the doors opposite and I walked to the chair that looked like a dentists' chair.

"Now lay down here." He said.

I did what I was told. He then gave me a quick check up. He then cut a few locks of my hair, some of which were from my traumer hair. He then took my saliva and my blood. He then trimmed my nails and I was back in my room before I knew it.

That was fine.

Well, same here.

The worst is yet to come isn't it?

Most likely.

I'll just get to my book. I think that I'm going to have to read as much as I can about Japan, if that is to be my new home. I better learn as much as I can. 

Yes, that would be a good idea. After all there is no need to tourture yourself over what is to come.

I read until Haru brought in my next meal. He then gave me a pile of papers too.

"What are they?" I asked.

"Your blood and DNA results. And I was right, they are enlightening!" He said. "Try reading them before you sleep."

I looked at him with suspicion.

"So how was your first session?"


He laughed.

"Well then get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow will be a little less 'alright'?" He said as he left.

"Good talk." I said as I looked down at the papers.

DNA- Human, although altered by the Sky Crystal.

Blood- A Positive, although there are crystal cells mixed in.

Hair- Part Crystal

Nails- Same as hair

My eyes widened at what I had just read. I looked at my vanes as all the hairs stood on end.

I'm part crystal?

I stroked my vanes as I felt nothing out of the ordinary as the shock of what I had just read sank in. Was this what happened to me after all those times being in the blue rock? If so did that mean that if I went in and out of the blue rock enough times then would I be made of what that was? I wondered.

I then lay on my bed. My mind went over what I had just read. I just could not get it out of my mind! I just could not believe it! Yet if it was true then was I even human anymore?

Sleep came a long time after that. When I dreamed I dreamed about myself as a humanoid blue rock. I woke up screaming and I had to look at my hands to ensure that it was not crystal. I let out a long sigh seeing that it was not. I then looked at the results.

I might end up like that if they are right.

I then read the results and came to the conclusion that Doctor Wolfgang Anderson would come to that very conclusion. This would, most likely than not, mean that they would make me go in and out until they were proven right. This I knew that I would not like. Knowing this I would not be able to get back to sleep. I sat up and turned the light on. I read more of the book that I had been given. Mainly to get my mind off things. I had finished the book by the time Haru came in with breakfast.

"You are up early!" He said, for a moment he was just like my father.

"After what I read in those results I had a nightmare. So I spent the rest of the night finishing this book." I admitted, yet I remembered who I was speaking to.

He gave me a mocking look.

"Oh? Did it scare you?" He cooed.

I regained my composure.

"I guess I was shaken, yes." I admitted.

He placed the bowl next to me.

"Thank you." I said as he took the empty bowls.

I eat the gruel. I was getting used to the grim food. So I was just grateful to even have food. After all, I knew that they might as well starve me, just to see how that would affect me. I was nothing but a labrat here, nothing but a thing to be observed and tested however they wish, with nothing but these books to distract me.

I took a dump and showered. 

Here goes day two! I thought sarcastically. I hope that it won't be too bad.

I was collected by Haru and I was back in the lab. I did not talk to him. I did not want to talk to him.

"Miss Aoshine, did you get a good night's sleep?" 

"Not after reading your papers." I admitted.

"It gave her nightmares!" Mocked Haru.

Doctor Wolfgang laughed.

"I'm sure." He said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "I would be too if I were you. Now get back into the chair. We will be examining your brainwaves. I would also like you to have a telepathic conversation with the Sky Cristal alright." 

I nodded.

"Will it hurt?" 

"Just slightly."

 I nodded as I sat on the chair. He put a cap on with small needles on me. It slightly hurt but I knew that I had no choice but to endure it.

"Now, start in three, two, one!"




What do you want to talk to me about?

Is-is Doctor Wolfgangs' findings true?


Why did you not tell me?

I did not know that it was important.

You didn't think that it was important? You didn't think that it was important!? Why?

I did not know that you needed to know.

And when would you tell me? When I'm cristal like you? When I have seen everyone I know and love die? And I can't because I'm a cristal freak!


Then when were you?

I did not think that I needed to.

Then what the hell! What the actual hell!

I am very sorry, I was not aware that this thing would affect you.

Then you thought wrong.

"Have you got what you want?" I asked, wishing to end the conversation.

"Yes, why? What did you talk about?"

"Never you mind!" I spat as I felt tears of anger fall.

"What did you talk about?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it!"

Doctor Wolfgang hit me.

"What did you talk about?"

"That Blue Rock just doesn't get it!" 

"Get what?"

"It wasn't even going to tell me about the changes that I'm going through!" I snapped. "I mean, I could see mum and Aunt Blue die and I will be young because I'm a cristal freak and I would never even know why!" After I just broke down.

Doctor Wolfgang placed a hand on my shoulder.

"That will be all." He said. "Haru, take her to her room and comfort her." 

He pulled me as he dragged me to my room. There he curled his lip and gave me a punch in my gut. He then hit me again and I hit the wall behind me. I fell and shook, not out of fear but anger.

"Stop crying you parasite!" He shouted.

I looked at him with defiance in my eyes. 

"I can't." 

"I said stop it! I just want you to know that the only reason I have any obligation to you is because you share my blood! And in my opinion, I think that Doctor Wolfgang has been going too easy on you but I want you to know that I will not!" He shouted. He then slapped me.

I felt my legs back away from him.

"Stop it! Just stop it! Leave me alone!" I growled.

He smirked as he turned to the door and closed it behind him. I collapsed on the floor still crying and shaking with nothing but rage. I soon felt the loneliness sink in and I hugged my legs for comfort. I could not breathe as I was suffocated by my tears. I did not speak to Haru as he brought in the food. I did not even look at him or the food which I did not even touch.

The following day I was half dragged to the lab. I was then thrust into the chair and I was strapped to it. Then Doctor Wolfgang came in. He then had a hostile look on his face. He then took out a syringe and injected a strange liquid into my arm. I was soon falling asleep.

I saw myself in the air. I was looking at the Blue Rock but this one was bigger and I was in a bright blue sky.


What do you want?

I just wanted to say sorry. 


I have to remind myself that you are human and humans are more attached to other humans. I should have known better.

Yes, you should have.

What do they want with you now?

Sleep. They just put me to sleep.


Tell me is there anything else that I should know?

Yes, but I think that it would be best to tell you when we are safe.


I woke up feeling calm and refreshed.

"Did you get what you wanted?" I asked.

"Yes, yes! And I shall give you a copy of my readings tonight." He said as he turned to the both of them. "Now how about you and your uncle go to the gardens. You have both earned it!"

I closed my eyes in dread.

"What is it?"

My eyes glanced at Haru.

"Nothing. I think that it is a good idea too. The fresh air will do us some good." I lied as I went over to him.

"And Mr Aoshine, please behave. Our boss was not happy about what you did last night." He said as he smiled and pinched my cheek. "And be a good uncle. After all the children are the next generation."

He nodded as gave him the evils.

"I can not wait for us to go to Lionhardt Rudolf. He is better at this and less softhearted." He said.

"I know however he would expect the same of you."

With that, knowing that there was nothing else to do I, I took his hand.

"Come on Uncle Haru, why don't you show me your favorite place?" I asked.

He nodded and then we went to the garden in the centre of the base. He showed me the black tulips and then pointed at them.

"How beautiful!" I gasped.

"There you have seen it now time for bed." He said.

I let out a deep breath and filled my lungs with the fresh air before I went back to my room. I ate my meal and took a shower changed clothes and had a good night's sleep.


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