The Blue Rock And I The Final Order Arc Part Five

 Lions' Den

I woke up at an early hour. Uncle Haru came in and undid my cuffs. He helped me to pack the books away that I was given. I then was taken with him to a helicopter and, with his help, soon in and buckled in. Then I saw the blue rock, they packed it away in front of me. I was suddenly afraid what would happen if it put me into a trance to get me out of here.

I felt Uncle Haru grip my hand. More to keep me from touching it than out of comfort. Yet knowing that and despite it all it did come to a relief to me. That way I would never find out. 

I looked outside in order to take my mind off things. I started to feel slightly afraid of what was to come and I knew that I was going to go to a worse place. I could tell that all this would make him happy. This, I knew would hurt me and make me desperately want to end things. Though I could only imagine what they were. I knew this would most likely be the last breaths of fresh air that I would ever get for a long time. However, as Uncle Haru said, I must not be selfish, regardless of what happened.

I found myself sleeping and drifting from dream to dream like the tide. I saw faces in them, faces that I knew that I would have to save.

My uncle woke me with a shake. I sleepily stretched and with Uncle Harus' help I was soon off the helicopter. The first thing I saw was the mountains in the distance. It was such a beautiful sight along with the trees that were strangely pale. 

"Aqua!" Snapped Uncle Haru.

I nodded and followed him.

"A-are we still in Germany?" I asked. 

"No but we are still in Europe." He said.


"I can't say. Doctor Leonhardt Rudolph does not like people telling outsiders where this place is." He said.

"Do you know what happens to those who do?" I asked, feeling uneasy.

"He signs their deaths." He said as his eyes twitched slightly. "So, if you ever tell anyone about this place, try to remember that I did warn you."

I nodded.

"Haru! How are you?" Asked a tall man with pale skin and long blond hair and a beard that gave him a handsome lion-like face with reflective crystal blue eyes that were both stunning and piercing. I felt like ice as I looked at them.

"Doctor Leonhardt." He muttered, with a nervous tone.

He smiled as he placed a hand on him. To her shock Uncle Haru twitched slightly as he did.

"I see that you still know your place." He said.

He nodded.

"Yes, thanks to you, I do." He said.

He then chuckled as he looked down at me.

"I see that this must be your young niece. I heard that her aging stopped when she was in the Sky Crystal, but I still never expected her to still be a child." He said as he looked at me with a deep interest. 

"Yes." He said as he pushed me closer to him. "Introduce yourself."

I nodded.

"Aqua Aoshine." I said.

He then held out a strong and well toned hand that was cleaned and well manicured.

"I am Doctor Leonhardt Rudolph. I hope to get to know you and your Sky Crystal very well." He said.

Suddenly my gut felt uneasy as I shook his hand.

"I see that you're just as your uncle. By the way, I hope that you are as good a specimen as he is!" He said.

I narrowed my eyes and ignored my instincts telling me otherwise.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked. 

He laughed.

"You know she is very much like you Haru!" He chuckled. "I mean you are at the heart of all this and, right now, all I care about is the fact that you are the pinnacle of health, and I have a lot to read."

"Come on Aqua." He said and knowing that I had no choice, I followed him and we entered the door and he closed the door behind us. I looked up at Uncle Haru.

"Are-are you afraid of him?" I whispered.

"Yes, and you should too. If not now then you will do." He said, yet he spoke out of experience.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked.

"I will!" He said as we turned a corner and walked into the lift.

We walked in and as we descended I started to feel dizzy, like my brian was vibrating. I leaned against the back to cover it. My vision started to move and my head felt strange. It felt like I was merry fighting to stay sober. My brain started to feel heavy. My vision started to blur.

"W-what're you doing to the blue rock?" I asked, my speech slurred as my head started to hurt badly.

My uncle smirked.

"They're scanning it. Also they're taking samples of it." He said. "It seems that it's having an effect on you."

 I tried to look up at him but my head felt too heavy so I could not raise my head.

"Oh, what? Did you think that we would start the next day?" Asked Doctor Leonhardt.

"I d-n't know…" I said I started to breathe in and out. Trying to get as much air in my lungs as I could. I tried to focus my vision and lock onto something or someone.

He then pushed me against the back of the lift. He forced me to look at him. Helpless but let him see me like this state and gloat.

"L-leave me…" I only managed to whisper as I passed out.

I woke up in a room with black walls. I was in a grey bed with a thin grey sheet with a grey pillow. Beside me was a small shelf with my books on. There was a small bathroom, much smaller than the other room.

I tried to get up but I could not. I could not even feel my body. I felt like a vegetable and what was worse, I knew that they were watching me. I soon felt the painful headache. I tried to scream and shout for them to stop but I could not even open my mouth. Then my body seized up as I felt pain all over. Like I was being electrocuted.

This must be what they are doing to the rock. I deduced.

I could not do a thing as I waited for the pain to pass. I could only imagine that Uncle Haru was enjoying all of this. Yet I could do nothing. Never in my life did I want my mum more!

I heard the door open. I knew that it was Uncle Haru. He then sat down.

"Sit up." He said.

I tried but I could not.

"I said sit up." He said sternly and hit me.

I could not even grunt.

"Can you sit up?" He asked.

I tried to shake my head but I could not even do that!

"Interesting…" he muttered to himself as he closed my eyes. "Anyway, I came to tell you even though they are experimenting on the Sky Crystal today. It will be your turn tomorrow" 

He then left and I could do nothing but slide off to sleep.


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