The Blue Rock And I The Final Order Arc Part Four

 Uncles' Revaluation

The following morning I knew that the air had changed. Especially when Haru came in earlier than usual. He was cheerily humming to himself like he was genuinely happy. This made me feel nervous, whatever made him happy would have made me anything but. The more it hurt the better. He pulled up a chair and sat on it. He looked at me with a dark glee that told me that I was not going to enjoy what he was about to tell me. This made me want him to do anything but open his mouth.

"Well good news is that you're not going to die. Now, tell me do you know why I hate you?" He asked, his voice filled with ice.

"Because of what my father did." I said, trying to play along. The sooner that I got this over with the better.

"And do you know what happens to those who did what your father did?" He asked.

I remained silent. I did not want to answer that question but I already had figured out the answer.

"Answer the question." He said, playfully.

I looked down not wanting to say it.

"Answer the question." He said sternly.

"I do not think I want to." I admitted.

"Do I have to discipline you?"


"Then answer the question." He said, calmly.

"They are killed." I said, my voice hollow.

"Now when your father did what he did he brought shame to our family. Tell me what do you think that meant?" He asked as a smile played on his lips.

Yet another question that I did not want to answer but yet knew the answer to.

"No." I lied.

"Well it meant that there were two ways that could be rectified. One, if my brother repented and fought on our side, and two, if a family member killed the trator." He said.

I looked at him stunned at what he had just said. I felt shaken by what he had just said. I was also shaken by what he was implying. Suddenly my mind was like it was in the eye of a storm of rage that I did not want to understand. 

"And tell me," I said in a tone that I did not like and sounded so alien to me. "Who killed my father?"

My mind went to the day that I saw my mother after the war and how I wept after finding out that he was dead. I remembered how much it had devastated her and me. How after trying for a month we could no longer live in America. How we had to move to Great Britain. If what I had suspected was right, all of that could have been traced back to him. I could not believe we had let that devil in our home, and with open arms no doubt!

He smiled.

"With that tone in your voice I think that you already know." He said.

"Say it!" I growled.

"I did."

With that my body moved almost as if it had a life of its own and rushed to him. I punched him in the face and he was flung back and hit his head on the ground. But I was no in the right frame of mind to care. All I wanted was to make him hurt like he hurt dad,  like he hurt mum and how he had done nothing but hurt me. So I dived over to him and as I went in for another punch he caught it and pushed me back. I then kicked him in the groin and then stood on his foot before he could recover and then I hit him in the temple again until he started to bled. He then hit me in the gut but I hardly cared as I felt my tears of rage fall. My hand then was raised but he caught it and then hit me in my armpit. I screamed out of pain yet I went to kick him again but he pushed me back and I hit the bed behind me. The arm that he hit was limp and I got up. My eyes directed at him, though I could not see him through my tears and picked up the chair and threw it at him. He raised his arms to block it but it was not enough. So he was flung to the side and used this to lower himself and hit my ankles and I was soon on the ground on my limp arm. 

He then picked me up and punched me in the face. I hit the bed with a grate thud. I knew that there were several bones broken but I did not care. I was not in the frame of mind to focus on the pain. I took the bed sheet and threw it at him. I then jumped onto it and hit him again and again. Then I gripped him. He kicked me off him and I landed on the bed. He then jumped on me and he drove his forearm into her throat. I wriggled as my head became light and then slowly everything slipped into black. 

When I woke up I was in my bed. I could tell by the lighting outside that I had been out for more than one day. I could feel that I had leather cuffs around my wrists. Though my body must have gotten over the worst of it my body still hurt all over. I looked around and saw a pile of papers next to me. 

Of course it was for an experiment! I thought as my heart sank.

Haru came in as if on cue. His face still was bruised.

"You awake?" He asked as he sat on my bed beside me. "Good!"

"Go away!" I spat.

He smiled as he went to place his hand on my cheek. I tried to pull my head back as I knew that it was the hand that he killed my father with and I wanted to have nothing to do with it. However it reached my cheek nevertheless.

"Tell me, do you want to know what I am telling you with this hand?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I said with a bitter tone in my voice.

"As I am sure that you have figured out, I killed your father with this hand and I can kill you just as easily." He said.

"Then why don't you? I don't wanna be here anyway." I said.

"Why should either of us be so selfish?" He asked.

I looked at him confused.


"Well Yuki would not want me to kill you and he would not want you to be killed. So it would be selfish for either of us to kill each other. So please for his sake, don't be so selfish and neither will I." He said.

I nodded.

"So would you think that he would want you to be so selfish?"

"No, he wouldn't."

"So will you be selfish if I undo these cuffs?" 

"I won't."

I soon was free from my cuffs. It hurt me slightly to sit up.

"Now, read these and get a good nights' sleep. After all, you will be transferred tomorrow." He said.

"Are you coming?"

"Yes." He said as he reached the door. "Good night."

"Good night." I said completely defeated.

He cleared his throat.

"Uncle Haru."

He smiled as he left me. I then read the papers. I then ate the gruel and fell back to sleep.


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