The Witch Within The Five Silver Rings Arc Final Part

 The Final Silver Ring

It was early in the morning when they both got up and, even though they both felt tired and sleepy, they knew that they had to get their heads in the game as soon as they could. They knew that they had to get to Cenyoulonjinn before nightfall, after all both had heard strange rumours about that place. After all, most who go there either never come back or come back with nothing but evil in their hearts. Loc felt concerned that this was the last place that they were to go to before they went to find the gold rings.

So they had a cold shower to wake them up and eat a quick, but filling breakfast. It was in this moment, that Loc realized that this was the first thing that she had eaten since breakfast the previous day! This led her to the conclusion that they ought to have thought of lunch and dinner breaks when they thought about sleeping arrangements! She rolled her eyes and bowed her head in embarrassment at this realization.

After breakfast they set off. She saw that the place was big! As in she could see that she could fit every pave that she had been in into that pace at least thrice over! She saw that there was a small town going all around the outskirts of the place like a wall. She soon saw other buildings, she at first thought that it was another town, however as she took a close look she saw that they were all abandoned, and they had been for at least over a century or two. 

Then she saw the turns of the temple that was dedicated to Demorset and his army. It was built by human slaves that the evil dragon and his army had captured, only a handful of people survived the building, the rest died building it. Then after the last dragon war came to a close the emperor at the time, Emperor Lang Fang the second three centuries ago. She had remembered reading that this used to be one of the most beautiful temples in this land. Part of her wished that she could have seen that. 

Yet she smiled as she did, after all the sight of this place gave her a strange reassurance that good will always conquer evil no matter how long it took. Then she realised that it was the sought of this place that was the visual proof of that. 

They landed on the most flattest arid that they could find. It was all too clear that they were the only ones here, which gave Loc a sense of relief. After all, the less people that she would have to deal with the better. She did not want more detractions for she wanted to get all of this over and done as soon as she could. After all, she was itching to get to the gold rings and find out the truth.

She then collected what her gut told her that she would be needing and then she was in front of the door. The for opened and the moment she stepped on the ground she could feel the evil presence of the place sinking deep within her. She felt sorrow and anger and loneliness spread around her like the venom of a snake.

Go to your sisters. Came an evil voice inside her head. They are the key to your joy. Let them wake up your old self. Let it happen because you know deep down that you will feel happy. Happier than you have been in a long time.

Then her eyes moved to the air yot that she had just gotten out of. She felt a stage feeling rush over her that numbed the mind and put her in a trance.

Go, take your first step! Use your power, crush it! Kill that old life, kill it dead. You have no use for it! Go on, do it!

She then felt a strange fire run throughout her.

"'Crush it'? Science you foolish and evil whispers, in the name of the Great Being!" She shouted instinctively even though she had no idea what she was doing.

The Great Being, who's that? She wondered as she set food on the ruins. She heard something scuttle around and then her eyes met a pair of glowing red eyes. So am I to fight him now?

She walked over to him as she wanted to get this over and done with. She soon found that she was looking at a man dressed in nothing but black silk and she could see that there was a face of someone who looked like they had been crushed a long time ago, and must wished his suffering to end. Yet there was something off about his face,  it was thin and green, like his head had no blood vowing in it for over two decades! His lips were blue and,  as she could look closer to those eyes she saw that they were puffed out and the white of the eyes were yellow and a grim shave of green. She could also smell that this man was some sort of corpse.

So this is what a wraith looks like. She thought as she drew her sword. Yeah... Grasharlo liked to punish those who had angered her by turning them into wraiths… Poor bloke….

She swung her sword and her blade collided with his knife. She saw that his eyes, though sad, were unfazed by what was going on, his body was moving the way that Grasharlo had ordered it to and there was nothing that the poor soul inside could do to stop it. So all she could do was do what she could to punt this poor guy out of his misery. So she swung the blade out of her way and then went in for the kill, but then the wraith kicked her in the stomach and sliced her abdomen, but fortunately it was shallow so all her body needed to do was heal that small cut. She then flipped back and hit him in the jaw causing a slight tear in his skin and out of it flowed a small trickle of yellow blood.  

Wait, blood can be yellow? She thought, feeling slightly confused.

The wraith used this to strike down,  quickly she blocked the chop and then kicked him off her. She used this to propel herself into the air and then swung her sword and then the guts dropped out, yet she knew that that was not going to kill the wraith. So she swung to the left, it blocked, she swung to the right, it blocked. She swung again and again but every time the wraith blocked her sword. This called for another tacktick. She kicked at it and she saw the blade come down. Quickly, she pulled her foot away but it was able to cut her shin as it circled and it sliced her calves. So she put her foot down. She swung her sword and when the wraith blocked it she drove herself in and punched him. He flew, but then she noticed it, the fire around her fist! 

This must be the power of the Sunburners! She realised as she could feel that it was not burning her like that other fire did.

She looked up at the wraith.

"Sorry for what I'm about to do." She said as she willed the fire over to where the wraith was and he was a pile of ashes before she knew it.

She looked around, suddenly not wanting to be here but knowing that this was the only way forward. She just could not afford to fail in her mission now. She soon spotted that there was a gap behind a statue of Demorset. She knew that that was where she was to go. So she climbed onto it and used all her body weight to push it out of the way. She fell to see a gaping burnt wooden door and wall.

Looks like there must have been a dragon fight here. She thought as she walked in. She saw a dark spiralling staircase without any bannister. It looked spooky and the fact that the only light was coming from her hand did little to help. Seeing that this was the only way she descended down the stairs. It suddenly curved out and the stairs became wider. Then the curve stopped and she was going down a straight staircase and ended. She was now walking down a corridor that was so silent that her footsteps echoed. She walked past several doors, she knew that none of them were the door that she was looking for.

It's that one! She heard a voice say as she started to walk carefully not letting her guard down for one second. She walked up to the plain black door, which was smaller than the rest. She, at first, checked for traps, but seeing none she pressed against the door. She felt a pressure against her hand and she looked up to see why, the top of the door was stuck. So she turned around and pressed her back against it. She soon was feeling it move and a small breeze whistled past her. She soon had the door open and she was in the room.

She spotted that there was a group of flat mushrooms that were hollering purple around the desk. She looked around the room to see that there was far too much light for the mushrooms to be the only source of light. So she looked around and saw a small ball of purple light almost looked like the sun that she 'gave birth' to. She could even feel the heat, yet she knew that she would have to get closer.

She walked up to it and as she did she felt the heat become hotter and hotter. Soon she found it to be unbearable. She had to grit her teeth and get closer and closer. She raised her hand to see that her fingers were blistering and she knew that the rest of her body was like that. She soon saw the boils and then had to endure the painful pop as she got closer and closer. Then she spotted that the bone of her fingers became exposed. It took all of her willpower to reach out and force the bones of her hand into the light. Then the room became a dark purple and the silver ring war now on her regenerating finger. 

She collapsed and she was sweating so bad it was like she had swam in some pool. She took a moment to catch her breath until she heard the hissing. She looked around to see king cobras coming down from the walls,  feeling exhausted she let all her fire at them. She then looked down at the desk to see two books on it.

Wonder what they're all about?

She got up, her mind just longing for some sleep. She looked at then and her mind became suddenly sharper than a freshly made knife. She just could not believe it! She felt herself shaking as she touched the books.

What? What are these doing here!? I-I can't believe it!

She looked at the titles for on one it wrote, 

The Last Jonny Of 

Bounty Hunter Bash Drew

By The Chronicler

And on the other, 

The Truth Of Arielsa Zuve`

By The Chronicler

She, with a trembling hand picked them up.

What are the lost books of the Sixth Age Of Legends doing here!?

She then flicked throughout the pages,  just to make sure that what she was holding was real. Seeing the writing she knew that it was! She, knowing that they would be valuable,  took them and she, despite her tiredness and pain, ran as fast as she could. She was in the air yot before she knew it.

"What is that?" Asked Lenume`. 

"Here, have a look!" She said beaming.

She did and started flicking through the pages.

"Is-is this for real?" She asked, breathless.

"As far as I can tell, yes." 

"Then, then we should tell Ringer about this!"

"You can! I need a wash and some sleep. Then, first thing, we're going to look at that book and then the gold rings!" She said with a smile.


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