The Witch Within The Five Silver Rings Arc Part Four

 The Fourth Ring

Loc was woken up an hour after she was able to finally get to sleep. She looked at Lenume`, who, unlike her, was not showing signs of tiredness whatsoever.

"Hey how come you're not-"

"Showing any signs of tiredness?"


"Elves do not need as much sleep as humans do." She said.

She nodded. She looked at the lilac sky and noticed that it was getting darker. Soon night would be upon them. She soon got to the bathroom and took a quick wash which refreshed her up a bit. Her mind was slightly foggy but then she remembered that she remembered reading that there was an abundance of Dark Dragon worship here. 

I don't think that I would like to stay here long. I'd stir up far too much controversy here. Either way, I hope that I don't have to deal with too much of it here. She thought as she changed into another set of clothes and left the air yot.

She mentally prepared herself for what was to come as she continued on. She then found herself on the path that she was meant to go on. Yet as she came closer she saw a crowd and,  to her surprise, they were cheering. They clapped as they saw her and as she looked at them she noticed their crimson and black robes and knew what they were and why they were cheering and clapping. 

She, knowing that they would hinder her rather than help her, glared coldly at them. Giving them the get out of here look. After all she wanted nothing to do with them. Seeing this their eyes widened and they flew away. She waited until she was absolutely sure that they were gone and that they were not coming back before she walked on.

She came to what looked like the type of pyramid that she stayed in, but this was somehow different. She just could not put her finger on what but she knew that there was something different. However she soon saw that this one had a more Japanese look about it.

She looked up and saw the ring at the top, dangling from a chain. She then looked at the large bricks that were so smooth that there was nothing that she could hold on to in order to climb it. She then looked at the dark void where the entrance was. She then walked in, as she saw that there was nothing else that she could see that would help. She soon found that she was in the top chamber, where the ring was, only to find that it was dangling down from the roof and there was no way to get it.

She frowned and signed. It seemed ironic,  to have three down and only one to go and yet it was here of all places that she got stuck on. She just did not know what was worse,  the fact that she knew that she could not get it or that she knew that there was, somehow a way to get it. There must be! But how?

Well the answer must be in this room somewhere, I must need to find it! She thought as she circled the room. She skimmed it at first, but after a few times she started to look closer at it,  slowly and carefully. Her gut told her that this must be the way to do it, she just had to look hard enough. Soon her gut feeling rewarded her, for she saw something odd about the second brick up and the second brick next to the entrance. 

She pushed it only gently and the brick sank into the wall! The brick underneath shot out in front of her, now she knew what she was doing. She set foot on it and then she looked beside here at both bricks and soon found the one that she was to press in. She stepped onto the next step. She was soon in front of the ring,  yet she soon saw the next problem, the ring was still out of reach! Yet she closed her eyes.

There has to be a way to get to it! I know that this must be the way, I'm just missing something! She thought but then she felt a tremor underneath her feet and saw that the steps were receding! With her eyes locked on the ring, she knew that there was only one way forward. She somehow knew that she had only one shot, so she jumped knowing that if she missed she would have to feel what it would feel like to survive a fatal fall like. Which,  she knew must be worse than dying. She outstretched her arms and her hands collided with the ring and she gripped it.

She, to her dismay, felt the chain fall at a fast rate. Had she been wrong? Had this been all a big trap? Just as she thought about letting go and rolling onto the ground the chain slowed and she just stood there, shaking out of both fear and shock. She then found herself laughing as her hand still clutched the chain for support. She did not know why, but she did. Was it because she had enjoyed that, or was it that she was relieved that her feet were on the ground? Either way,  she did not know why she was laughing or what she was laughing at, all she knew was that she was laughing.

She had to wait until she became composed before she walked out of the bizarre pyramid she then slipped the ring around her neck and walked on. She soon came to the air yot, she was glass that those Dark Dragon worshippers were not back for she did not want them to see her like this. She was about to wake Lenume` and then crash but she was already awake. She saw Ringer's face on what looked like a strange picture.

"Loc! Good! Tell me, are you alright, you look a bit pale?"

"Yeah,  now that I have my feet on the ground. How're you boss?" She asked.

"Not too good, just had an attack from a spy of Grasharlos'. Do not worry it is to be expected." He replied honestly.

"Sir, what do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Isn't it obvious, my choice to hire you had sparked far too much interest. After all,  we both know why."

She nodded.

"Now, the next place you are to go to is Cenyoulonjinn. I think that it is going to be a tough one, so get your rest. Then, once you have that last silver get immoderately on the gold. We will be getting things on here, and should there be anything else after that, get on that too. I think that I may be finding myself joining you later anyway. And I order you, regardless of how much you are tempted to,  do not come back until all of this is all over. After all, we both know that I can not afford to lose you." He ordered.

Understanding this she nodded and saluted him.

"Sir, yes sir! Just be careful will you?" She said.

He looked at her shocked but then nodded.

"Thank you for your concern. That will be all." He said as the picture went blank.


"The screen, here, this'll tell you what you need to know." Lenume` said, giving her a book.

"I'll read it after I've had a good night's sleep." She said as she crashed on her bed and closed her eyes. It had been a long day.


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