The Witch Within The Five Gold Rings Arc Part One

 A Reunion With Lamia

Loc whole up so early on in the morning that the sun was still yet to rise. She yawned as she took a wash. She woke up Lenume` and started to get her breakfast. When they had their breakfast they opened the book and Lenume` sent out a signal to Ringer and waited for him to respond. When he answered, to her shock,  he was covered in cuts, burns and bruises!

"Sir, are you alright!" She exclaimed.

He smiled and nodded.

"You need not worry about me. The battle's over." He said but he paused for a moment. "Well, I'm guessing that you have all the silver rings if you would have never gotten into contact. Now, are there any riddles that will lead to the gold?"

She nodded with a smile.

"Yes Sir, however, the last for a lack of a better word, quest I found something that you would be quite interested in." She said.

"Later,  now read the riddles, Jeff, write down what she says." He said.

"Right Sir."

"Right, you ready?"

"Jeff are you-"

"Yes Sir!" He moaned.

She looked down and cleared her throat.

"'I am carefully hidden, 

In a place forbidden, 

Where Fay lie, 

And men die'" she said as she waited for the unseen Jeff had finished.


"The next." 

"'I am truly hidden well, 

Where the war of Manfell, 

Was won by evil and night, 

And all flee in terror and fright!'"


"Read on!"

"'I am hidden in a deep dark cave, 

In the land where men are a slave, 

And fixed to do fairies will, 

Even if they betray and kill!'"


"'I am hidden in the heart, 

Where the vampires start, 

Where white tainted and turned black, 

And all who enter have a lethal attack!'"


"The final riddle is, 

'I am hidden in the worst fairies' heart, 

Where love and light will always part,

Despair will come to all who she wishes, 

And death to all who she hates with kisses!'" She finished.

Ugh! She thought.

There was a moment of silence as they all thought about the riddles that she had just read.

"Well, I can tell you that the first one is clearly in the land of the Unseelie Court, and if I'm not mistaken, Morthiem." He said slowly.

Her eyes widened as she felt the hairs stood on end.

So,  I think that it would be wise to keep armed at all times… She thought as she felt unnerved.

"How should I proceed?" She asked.

"Well the same as usual but be more careful. I can tell that we need to trod very carefully, after all, we are trodding on enemy territory." He said.


"So, see you later."

She souluted.

"Sir!" She snapped.

They soon arrived. When she laid her eyes on the dark place. In fact, even though it was day, it was still too dark, in fact not even a ray of sunlight hit the ground. It seemed somehow colder too, even just looking at it gave one deathly cold chills. As she looked down she saw the winged fairies and elves looked up at her and she felt colder as she could feel that they were not looking at her but through her, looking into her heart rather than her.

"You alright?" Lenume` asked.

"Y-yeah." She said as she sat down. She saw that Lenume` had an uncomfortable look on her face. She also put her hood up and was boosting her head slightly as they landed.

"You?" She asked.

"Should be." She said as she got to her feet. "Buy the way, keep in mind that not all fairies are like them. Nor do all of them do the horrors that you may see and the boss was not joking that you must be careful. After all, I know above all." 

"I know, but if you think about it,  I could say the same thing about myself." She said as she grabbed her weapons. She then put on her backpack. She then left the air yot. The first thing that hit her was the grim scent of sulfur mixed in with decay. She could feel her heart aching and she knew that this was magic. She could tell that there were spells and enchantments here that would lead to any unexpecting and innocent person to kill themselves.

She soon heard someone singing.

"'Oh come,  life is soever hard, 

Oh come, life is a testable card, 

Oh come,  oh come!'" She heard someone sing slowly and depressingly.

She felt the aching in her heart worsen.

Yup, this place is definitely trying to get people to commit suacide. She thought as she hit herself. She forced herself to think about happy things, but the song and the depressing feelings made it difficult. Worse still was that she could only think about all the bad things that had happened to her. She remembered all the times people had tried to kill her, all those who had been killed because of her. Then it hit her, she did not even have a home to go to. The only thing that she had was Morgan, yet even that was not near her nearly all the times that she wished.

She felt sick of it! She came closer and closer to the place the thoughts and the depression increased and the song that she could hear did nothing to help. By the time she climbed down the stairs she was feeling the tasers well up inside of her. She fell to her knees and she started to weep. She tried to get a hold of herself, yet she could not. She tried to stop the tears from falling yet the more that she tried the harder that it became. She felt so alone, yet she knew that she would always be alone and there would be nothing that she could do about it.

"If you don't stop crying I'll give you something to cry about." She shouted at herself.

Then something broke and the crying stopped. She looked up to see a small but with a thatched roof on a hill surrounded by a stream. She circled the place to see if there was a way across the stream. She then found one. She then jumped on each some and was across before she knew it. She soon found it hard to breathe and she started to cough. Yet she knew that she had to continue. She walked on and on,  keeping the but in her sight. She then fell and hit her head. She commando crawled closer and closer,  soon her head felt light and her eyelids felt heavy. She came closer and closer nevertheless. Soon her lungs hurt and her muscles wanted to stop moving. She was about to pass out and then her fingers reached the gate of the garden of the hut. She pulled herself up and opened the gate. She collapsed and then, as she took a deep breath she realised that she could breathe again.

She took a small break before she got to her feet. She opened the door to the hut then her eyes on none other than the one who cut her hair.

"L-Lamia?" She asked, confused.

She smirked.

"Are you wondering what I'm doing here?" She deduced.

She frowned as she came closer to her and she pulled out a sword.

"Surprised." She corrected. 

"Really, I don't blame you."

"So what are you doing here?"

"Looking around." She said as her eye caught the lace with the silver rings around her neck. She then picked up a small golden jewelry box. "I believe that what you are looking for is in here."

She lowered her sword and recurved the box with suspicion. She shrugged and looked aside.

"Look,  I can understand your suspicion, however, we both know that you are by far not a threat to me now." She said as she stroked a pendent. "Stay where you are."

She suddenly went as stiff and still as a statue. She could do nothing as Lamia walked closer to her. She raised her hand and combed through the white crop of hair.

"You know that look sort of suits you." She said. She then came close to her. "You know what I can do to you now? You know what I can make you do?"

She started to go green as her imagination flooded her mind with several images of being tortured. She then felt her finger stroke her jaw.

"Good, I see that you're not that foolish. That's good my dear sister."

"You're not-" she felt a choking sensation in her throat.

"Not by blood, no, but we are in other ways. What ways we are, is yet for you to find out." She said as she pecked her temple. "See you later."

She wanted to hit her but she patted her shoulder as she turned to the door. She heard the door creek as it opened and closed. She was incapable of moving for a long time and she dropped. She felt herself shaking all over. She just could not get what she said out of her head, yet she could feel that Lamia had her own plans, plans of which she did not know.

She opened the box and saw it instantly. She picked it up and put it on a gold chain that was in then she walked out. She noticed that there was no suffocating barrier around the hut. She soon was back in the air yot. She then collapsed on her bed.


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