The Witch Within The Five Gold Rings Arc Part Four

The Vampire Ghoul

Ringer nodded as he listened to what Loc had to say.

"There's probably a bizarre time zone there." He said. "Fairies are said to dabble in time related magic."

She nodded.

"Now where are we to go next?" She asked.

"A place called Yaminox Mortshine`, so named because of what happened there." He said. 

"And that is?"

"The Bloodless Clan rose from there. We have come to the conclusion that Grasharlo would have hidden it in their castle."

Loc nodded. She remembered that she had read all about them in her time in Underground Town. She remembered that the Bloodless Clan was the first vampire clan. The king and queen there was Victoria and Vladimir Bloodless, they were named that after they had become vampires,  before it was Tapez or Dracule. Even when they were human they were a dangerous family, so when they became vampires they became even more of a nightmare.

"Are the vampires still there?" She asked.

Ringer nodded slightly.

"Only one. A deformed thing known to the region as Weak Fang, but we call them ghouls. They're what become of those who aren't psychologically strong enough to go through the transformation from what they were into a vampire." He said. 

Loc nodded as she knew that she would have to put whatever it was that she was about to face out of its misery.

"So, there's a great chance that I would have to fight a mindless ghoul?" She said out loud.

"Yes. Which is why you would be better off getting a move on as soon as possible after all the sooner that you get this ring the better. Meanwhile, I will start to pack." He said. "Lenume` come back and pick me up after Loc has the final ring."

"Noted!" She called keeping her eyes on the sky.

"Then keep your eyes on the skies." He said.

"Will do."

He looked at Loc for some conformation which she gave.

"Then in that case expect that we will be arriving shortly." She said confidently. 

"Then see you soon." He said as the screen went black.

She took this time to take a quick nap as Lenume` flew them to the pace. She woke up just as they arrived. She looked out and she could see that the place was the most darkest place that her eyes ever laid eyes upon. The only thing that helped her see anything were mushrooms that dimly glowed a strange titan green colour and crystals that were glowing a light purple. She looked up to see that there seemed to be an endless sea of clouds and the fact that it was night did nothing to help. 

She got to her feet and then walked to the door. They shuddered as they landed. Then the door opened and her eyes met the gates that rose high above her head. That had bars that rose up from the ground like stakes connected by a curvy bar that wound up and down like a snake. Yet as her eyes adjusted to the dark she was shocked to see that there were real stakes poking up from the ground with skulls and bones attached to them like a twisted forest. Yet as she looked around she saw that there was purple ivy starched to the walls of the castle ahead. She then smelt a sweet scent of mint coming from it.

Death mint ivy, one of the most dangerous poisons, when taken from the vines, whose leaves grinned down and boiled would make the best tea for mental illnesses.

Good job that I'm immortal.

She opened the gate. She looked at the castle with doors with cracked and chipped black paint. She walked to the door and opened it only to be greeted by a series of loud noises. She felt dread kick in knowing what those sounds were coming from. This told her that she had stepped into a lion's den. She lit her flame but she tried to not look scared. She knew that they would be able to smell that. She soon heard a panting next to her neck and felt moisture on her neck. Feeling her dread rise higher as her head turned to meet a pair of scarlet eyes that, if he had not been bitten, would have been a handsome elf. It made her heart aiche to see him like this.

However this was cut short when it jumped on her. She quickly dived out of the way. She flicked her fire at him however as the flakes set him alight he seemed unfazed by them. Yet it was worse for the flesh regenerated must as fast as the flames eat it! Locs' eyes widened as she backed away, she then noticed that the ghouls' footsteps started a little fire of their own. This started to spread. 

This thing's going to kill me! This thing's going to kill me! She repeated in her head. It came closer and closer to her and the fire had rushed ahead of him. She screamed as her hand set on fire. She looked at her hand as it too regenerated, reminding her that see to was immortal. However it did little to dull her pain or her fear.  

It then dived at her and as she jumped back it sank its teeth into her calf. She kicked and it kicked at it but its' jaws sank deeper and deeper into her flesh. She could feel that the jaws became tighter and tighter and tour deeper into her leg. She felt that it released heras it finished biting into her leg and it gulped it down. She then felt a surge spread throughout her body and she felt a strong will aiming to the ghouls' jaw and then she saw the jaw fly off! His body then flew back and then it flew out of the door and it landed on one of the stakes outside and it turned to dust.

Her leg looked down as she felt that it regenerated. She leaned back and let out a sigh. She then pulled up a loose floorboard and snapped it in half. She would need them later. She continued on and she saw that there was another ghoul and she ran up to it and staked it. She then went on and, despite the flames, she had to be as calm as she could.

She saw that there was a small wooden door.

That one. She thought. She walked in and collected it. She then raced out of the place and the moment that she got back in she took a wash and then went to bed.


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