The Witch Within The Five Gold Rings Arc Part Two

 The Dark Lady Fairy

Ringer looked at the ring as he listened with a perplexed look on his face. She waited until he was ready to speak once she had finished. She knew that he had to get this over and done, but she knew what he needed time to process what she had just said. His eyes moved left to right as he thought. Once he was ready he looked up back at her.

"Well I think that I should tell you that the attack was orchestrated by the followers of Grasharlo. Don't worry, we gave nothing away concerning you, not even the books of the rings. In fact they seemed not to be interested in other books that we had." He admitted.

"What books were they?"

"The Prophecy Books. They're in the Underground Library and, I must admit, that I could not quite figure out why at the time but I did just now. Anyway, our teams have figured out where the next ring is."

"And where is it?"

"Patience, and it's called Manfall in the Kingdoms of the Unseelie Court." He said as the screen turned black.

What's going on? Why would my sisters want the Prophecy Books? Are they answering to someone else?

She suddenly came to the conclusion that it did not master just yet. No, she would find out all about that later and she had a mission to focus on. She would have plenty of time to wonder about that later once this mission was over and done. Yet her mind could not get out all that she had been through her mind,  like what had happened with the dragon lords and the fact that Lamia seemed to know things about her that she didn't. Yet even though it by far did not sit well with her, she knew that she could not do anything about it. She looked out of the window completely lost in thought.

"We've arrived in Manfall!" Called Lenume`, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She looked out and she spotted that the place was darker than the last place. This looked like a place where light dies. She could just about see the outline of an eerie old dark castle that looked like it was built in the Fifth Age Of Legends.

Lenume` had trouble landing too. When she got to her feet and the door opened she looked down and was just about able to see the cobbles as she stood on them. She produced a ball of fire, even though the overwhelming darkness rendered it almost useless. So she knew that she would have to continue nevertheless. She tried to put more power into the fire but she soon found that the flame had become too hot, so she returned it to the normal flame. She had to continue in almost darkness. She slowly,  but carefully reached the castle. As she came to the doors they opened on their own without her touching it. She could sense that she was entering songwriting that she did not want to. She pushed her irrational fear aside as she walked in. She saw the outline of a staircase.

To the top! Said a voice inside her head which she knew that she should trust. So she started to climb the creaky stairs, slowly and groping to the banister tightly as she knew that it was her only guide. As she did, she tested each and every step before she put her weight on them. She finally reached the top after what felt like an hour. She looked around the floor, fortunately, the floor was lighter so she was able to see around.

It's the door opposite. 

She walked to the door and opened the for as she felt the hairs stand on end. She looked in a room and noticed that the place was difficult to make out. There was only one thing that she could see. A woman with long silk black hair that came down to the top of her ankles. She had dark green elongated eyes that looked as if they could see your soul. Her skin was as silver as the moon and her face carried a chilling cold beauty that could turn anyone to ice. Yet, despite this, Loc felt the strange feeling like she could trust this fairy, however there was a part of her that knew that she could not. This part was also screaming that she should run away.  Even her foot took a step back.

No, I must go on!

"Come,  Sorrowful Demon of the pit." She spoke with a soft whispery voice, almost like a mother but with a chilling tone.

Suddenly, her body moved on it's own towards her as she felt the feeling that someone had stepped on her grave. She felt her heartbeat increase as she knew that she was trapped. As to emphasise her helplessness the for closed behind her. With a click she knew that the door was locked and that she knew that she would have to fight her way out of this place. She then stopped. She was barely able to see but she heard three dark fairy walk up to her and she could feel her breath on her forehead.

"What,  can you not see?" She asked as Loc felt her finger on her cheek.

She could feel her body shaking uncontrollably as she closed her eyes in dread. It seemed that she was shaking so badly, that the fairies' control over her was the only thing that was keeping her standing. She soon felt a pounding pressure in her head like as if there was a heart in her head that was threatening to make her brain explode. She also felt a painful burning sensation surge throughout her entire body. She tried to move again and again but it would not budge, it could only shake fear and pain.

She opened her eyes to find herself looking directly into her eyes. She could feel her gaze cutting deeply into her. Looking into her heart and exposing her soul to her. As she did she suddenly felt like she was naked in front of her. She knew that she could not only not lie to her, but she knew her better that she knew herself!

That was when the pounding became worse and worse. She could feel like her skull was about to split! And the painful burning made her feel like she was in the heart of the sun!

Stop it, stop it!

Smirking slightly she let go and Loc collapsed.

"Thank you sweet Sorrowful Demon of the pit." She said as she kissed her forehead. She then took her hand and she felt like she had put smoothing around her finger. "Here, I believe that this is what you came for."

She then felt her hair tickling her cheeks.

"I left you something in the other rooms, after all, there was something that I left for you there. If you ever want to come back here, you will need it."

She opened the door and she passed out. When she woke up she was covered in an ice cold sweat. She climbed to her feet slowly. She summoned her fire. Which was only a small flame, she knew that she was far too weak to summon anything else. She walked out of the room and, knowing that it would be a good idea to do what that fairy had told her, she looked around even though she had what she came for. She looked in each door but she somehow knew that she would know what that fairy wanted her to have, so she knew that it was not here. She went from door to door until she had made a full circle around the floor,  she knew that it was in this room. She walked in and saw a book.

The Three Reality Sephiers

The Cracks Between Worlds

And Their History

By The Chronicler

This is it. She thought as she took it. I must admit, that this Chronicler seems to get around. I wonder who he or she is…

She finally made her way to the air yot. She woke up Lenume` she then looked at her forehead and her eyes widened.

"Where did you get that?" She demanded as she looked at her with a pale face and fear in her wild eyes.


"That!" She exclaimed as she pointed at her forehead.

She touched it.

"What is it?" She asked as she looked at herself in the window and she saw that there was the side of a black rose where the fairy kissed her.

"Wh-what is that?" She asked.

"Tell me, when did you get it?" She demanded to know.

"I-I think-I think she gave it to me." She said as she realised that she never got her name.

"Who?" She asked with a stern tone to her voice.

She told her what had happened. Her eyes darkened as she came to the end. She then hugged her as she just looked at her confused.

"Len, what is it?" She asked.

She pulled away.

"Her name is the Dark Lady Irynorkara." She said. "And if she has done this, then she must have plans for you. And whatever they are,  you must know that they are by far not good."


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