The Witch Within The Five Gold Rings Arc Final Part

 The Riming Witch

When Loc woke up she took a wash. The bite that the ghoul had given her had healed up nicely and there was not even a scar for it. She had read somewhere that when a vampire ghoul bit into its prey the person that the vampire ghoul would not become a vampire. It had something to do with the belief that vampire ghouls were incomplete vampires so the glans that was responsible for turning someone into a vampire was also not complete. However there was one side effect, her mind was foggy and a bit of a slow blur. Which made thinking difficult. She blinked away the sleepiness as she knew that she would have to wait for her mind to come around and became more awake.

She slipped on some black leather pants that were loose fitting and with the inside having the fur still there, it made her legs feel warm. She then put on a dark purple top that ended at her wrists and a blacky grey jacket made of wool.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at the black rose on her forehead and then her eyes slipped down to the black five pointed star in between her eyes. She then ran her hand through the crop of white hair slightly afraid that when her hair grew out that it would look funny. She did not want to draw too much attention to herself, not that she did not do far too much of that already…

I can't believe just how different I look after all of these years! I think that I really do need a break and just go back to Underground Town. 

Yeah, that would be nice…

This is what she had agreed with herself that after this mission she would take a week off to go back there. Remind herself that she had and could have a life after she had taken care of her sisters. She knew that it would do her a world of good to clear her mind, just a bit and even plan on what she wanted to do once this is all over.

She then got her breakfast as the screen came on.

"Good morning Loc."

"Morning sir, sorry I'm here a bit late I got bit by a vampire ghoul." She said.

He looked sideways.

"It's alright, anyhow the next location is by Lillith Lake and the fairy witch that you are about to face is Zillah Lillit, or Death Kisser as even one of her kisses are lethal. She is an extremely dangerous creature so do not let down your guard for a moment. And Lenume` I want you to join Loc in this one. She might just need a power up."

"Right, but after this I will need a good and long sleep." 

"Noted and remember-"

"Already on it!" She called.

She turned and finished her breakfast.

"So I'll take this to the kitchen and see you after I have that last gold ring."

"See you two soon." He called as the screen went black.

She then walked to the cramped kitchen and then cleaned up. She brushed her hair and cleaned her teeth. She thought about the food that they had and wondered if there was enough to feed then once Ringer was on board, never mind that, what were they to do with the sleeping arrangements? She thought about all of this but she looked out of the window, even though it was still a good deal into the morning it was still dark outside. She could see the dark water of the lake. They soon found a good place to land. 

She walked to the door after collecting her weapons and gave a few to Lenume`. Then they waited for the door to open.



They walked out and placed their feet on the shiny black pebbles and looked at the black lake. She looked down to see their reflection on the pebbles. They walked further out of the air yot as the door closed. They felt a strange heaviness in their chest as they kept their eyes out for something suspicious. They followed the river and they saw that it looked as black as ink. They looked around to see that there was still no light anywhere. However, Loc wondered why every kingdom of the Unseelie Court was covered in darkness.

"It is to do with the magic that the evil fairies practice. It attracts evil and unnatural darkness." Lenume` explained.

They came to a small hut that must have only had space for either one or two rooms. The circular wall was made of the same black pebbles as the ones that they were standing on. There was one single small door that was made of blackwood and the thatched roof was white, which looked like it was glowing. She saw that there were a few windows made of crimson glass. By the look of the light behind them it was all too clear that the witch was awake.

Looks like we've got a fight on our hands!

"She must love black as much as you!" She joked.

"Well black is a colour but it's also a shade, yet it's not my favorite colour." She admitted.

"Then what is it?"

"Purple, amethyst purple to be precise." She said.

"Like your shirt?"


"Well that's strange...I believe that was Rehos' favorite colour." She told her.

"Really!" She said as she raised her eyebrows.

They came to the door which was opened by a woman with skin as silver as the moon and eyes as turquoise as the ocean. She had ice cold beauty.

"Come little children, come inside, 

Where you no longer can hide!" She said.

They looked at each other in surprise as they wondered if they should. Realising that they had no choice looked down only to find that they were automatically walking in. They took great care to ensure that they did not let their guard down even for a moment. 

"I have been expecting you, 

And I can see that it is true." She said as she pointed to her.

"I see does live inside, 

Although he does hide."

She soon saw that her eyes had turned an unnatural shade of royal blue. Seeing her hair this close she saw that her hair had grown so long that it was touching the back of her ankles.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked as she took out her sword.

"Ah! The one that divided the three, 

The one that will cut the emotional tree, 

The one that shall become one with thee!"

That was when she started to feel dizzy and weak. She found that her eyesight was getting blurry. She stepped back a little. She shook her head and then charged at her. She dodged out of the way and she tried to summon her fireball but she was far too weak and she knew it. She then charged ahead but she felt like she was fighting like a drunkard. She then laid eyes on Lenume`,  who was on the ground. Her eyes shut and the only sign that she was alive was her systematic breathing.  


She then felt her legs give way. Zillah approached her and she felt her hands pulling her back. Her heart was beating so fast that Loc was afraid that it would give way. She found herself shaking as she knelt next to her. She could feel the vimet in the back of her throat. She then placed a hand on her chest. She tried to keep her head up but her head was soon banging against the ground.

Her eyes were now a light shade of purple and her maroon lips smiled as she touched her heart. She felt her breath giving way and she could feel ice cold. She soon felt her hand off her heart. She smirked as she then put a hand on her own chest and she saw that her hand seemed to become like a ghost. Then her hand sank into her own chest.

W-what am I looking at?

She then could see into the chest and she saw her lungs and her heart where her heart. She then saw that she pulled it out of her own chest! She then saw the fairies' heart in front of her, she could see veins and arteries in front of her yet the strange thing was that there was not even one drop of blood to be found. She felt her stomach churn as she saw the pulsing. That was when she saw it, a shiny gold thing around the main artery. The gold ring that she came for.

I did not expect that riddle to be so literal! She thought as she remembered it.

"I know you and I will meet again, 

When you are one with your bane." He said as her heart became like a ghost and she pulled it off.

"You will leave for a great amount of years, 

And put to rest a great amount of fears, 

Then to this time you will return, 

Your true power you will learn, 

Then I and others will come for you, 

Then you will see many plans through." She said as he put the ring on her shaking finger. 

She then bit into her finger and put it to her forehead beneath the rose and ten drew it down making a stem of blood. She found herself feeling that her body was on fire and she screamed out again and again until drule flowed from the corner of her lips. She then tasted a grim taste in her mouth that was like ash and vomit that was laced with too much sugar. She then felt her nose block up with blood and she could no longer breathe! She soon passed out.

When she woke up she felt fine and her face and hair were clean. She then got to her feet. She then felt weakened but she knew that she should not waste any time. She summoned her fire and then looked around she saw that Lenume` was unharmed. She sighed and then noticed that it was strangely quiet. She then spotted that there was no one else there. Zillah was gone.

She felt that her head was saw and she picked up Lenume` and walked to the air yot. 

"I see that you were no match for her." Said Ringer.

"No, no I wasn't." She admitted.

"Loc are you alright? Here let me look at you!" Morgan exclaimed as she hugged her and looked at her forehead.

"Yeah, I need some rest." She said.

"Then get as much as you need, I will fly us out of here." He said.

"How did you come here?" She asked.

"We packed early and came here. While you were away we were able to install two more bedrooms and we brought more supplies." He said.

"Good to hear."

"Well, get your rest and we'll look at the new riddles that have appeared."

She nodded as she collapsed in her bed.


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