The Witch Within The Five Silver Rings Arc Part Three

 The Third Ring

Loc was woken up by Lenume` they had arrived at the floating island of Límíng Hēilóng which translated to Dawn Dark Dragon. It had many castles, palaces and temples all in a circle where there were several villas and dorms for the dragonlords and dragonladies that were studying there. As she looked down she saw a mural of Demorset Tenebrae, who was the most evil dragon born. He was a purply black colour with blood red twisted horns like the antlers or a reindeer. He had the body of a slender western dragon and had wings that would eclipse the body.

With this Loc knew that this would not be as straightforward as the temple. She would have to think of a good stratagem this time. After all she knew that it would be more difficult to get the ring this time.

If this is what it's like collecting the silver, I don't even want to think about when I have to collect the gold! She thought as she remembered the zombie that she faced.

She knew that the moment that she left the air yot, she would have to look around before she looked for the ring, after all she wanted to avoid as many traps as she could. If there was none, then she would enter. She soon prepared her mind before she stepped outside the air yot. She walked to the castle that the mural was in front of. She circled the castle several times and took in every detail and as she was on the last circle.

"There are no traps to get in, but inside there are." Said a dragonlord. 

"Thank you."

"You will be leaving soon." He said.

"Yes as soon as I have what I came for."

"That is not what I meant."

"Oh? And what did you mean?" She asked.

"You shall know when the time comes." He said as he left. 

What was that all about?

She walked in and she soon saw a plain wooden door with the doorknob in the shape of a dragon head. There was a black glass plaque on it with ruby writing, as she turned to look at it she soon saw that the ruby letters had to have been formed by magic and put in there also by magic. It read, 

If You Are The Intended

Then You Will Pass

If You Are Not Then

You Will Come To Me

And I Will Use You In

My Next Potion Or Spell

Locs' eyes widened in shock at that. Would that mean if she passed through this door, then she would go directly to where Grasharlos' corpse was? Now that she had just thought about it, she did not even know where she was buried! Then again she was assuming that she was buried, her body could have been burnt. She also wondered if Sharimon and Gracey knew about what happened to the corpse of Grasharlo.

Hold on, what if I go to them instead! Struck a thought. If that happened all of this would be for nothing! Even worse, I would have not only played into their hands but I would have delivered myself into their hands! 

Yet either way I have to go on. I can not back down now, I just can not afford to do that!

So with that she took hold of the doorknob and as she was twisting the dragon head seemed to come alive and bit into her. Suddenly she felt a surge race through her entire body that seemed to be coming from the doorknob. It was like it was forcing her power out and there was nothing that she could do about it. 

She started to scream out and the door to the temple closed. She was trapped and all she could do was this rush of torturous excitement race through her muscles. This caused all the hair on her body to stand on edge. She felt her heart start to race like a cheetah. She then felt her mind rush like she was not only fully awayle but that all the cobwebs of sleep were being pulled away and it was running at its clearest state. 

That was when the trembling started, at first she thought that it was her that was trembling, but it soon became evident that everywhere else was trembling. She soon knew that this was because of her and the power that she has as a shard of Grasharlo. Yet the power continued to rise within her and soon the whole place was shaking violently. 

She tried to pull herself free afraid that this power that was being forced out of her was going to destroy the whole temple, and that what then a statue of Demorset fell to confirm her fear. Yet the dragon shaped jaws remained locked in place as her knees gave way. She soon heard more and more things break and fall around her. She wondered if this was happening to all the other places around her. 

Then when she could take no more, the dragon let go and the door opened.

"I was confused at first, however I now know better my mistress." Said the doorknob.

Still shaking and her muscles saw she forced herself onto her feet and took the ring and left the temple. She took a moment to regain her energy and gain control of her breathing before she lifted her head to see that everyone was looking at her.

Oh no, not here too! I just don't think that I can take another crowd at the moment!

Yet she saw that there was no anger or hate in their eyes, but, to her surprise, amazement!


"Yes she is the one."


"I do not know little one, there seems to be many things hidden but I think that they should remain hidden, for now." He said as he walked over to her and outstretched his hand. "Would you like a hand?"

She looked at the hand and then at him. Now it was her turn to be amazed.

Is this a trick? She thought. 

"Why would it be?" He asked.

She then took it and he helped her to the air yot. They even waved her off!

"What is that all about?" Lenume` asked.

"I...don't...know." She said trying to work it out by herself. Needless to say that she just could not work it out. 

"So where are we going?" She asked trying to push away the thoughts.

"Xue Sa Xi."


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