The Which Within The Books Of Grasharlo Arc Part Seven

 The Last Book

After Loc had mentally recovered and had written her report, she started to get ready for her last mission. She heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw, to her surprise, it was Morgan!

"What are you doing here?" She asked, surprised.

"Loc, there is something that I have to tell you...You know that you and your sisters hardly ever saw your family members on your mothers' side. Especially during the war of the witch and after." She said with an awkward feeling to her.


"Well, when T.O.O.T.R.O.E. enrolled you in the Forest Of Illusion and the academe, and when I became your bodyguard there was something that I wanted to tell you, but it was not appropriate. Then when you captured by the Sunburners-"

"Sorry Miss Mcay, but Ringer has ordered Miss Cerberus to his office." A man panted.

"Right!" She said as she nodded. She placed a hand on Morgan. "Sorry Miss Mcay you're going to have to tell me later."

She then made her way to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

She opened the door.

"Reporting for duty sir!" She said as she soluted.

She then spotted that he was wearing the same rings that he was when he rescued her.

"Good, be ready within the hour and bring the book that you are reading." He ordered.

"Yes sir. Sorry to ask, but why do you wear those rings?" 

"Oh they are my war rings. They have the power to send a blast of light, named a fatal light. Although, it is solely up to the wearer if the light kills." 

"And you're wearing them because?"

"Because I'll be coming with you."

"How come?"

"Because of that last mission when you were by far not ready to." He said.

"And why can't Morgan come?" 

"Because she is far too emotionally involved in all of this. The reason is for Agent Mcay to discuss with you." He said.

So, that must be what she wanted to tell me. She thought.

"By the way how did Kuros' evaluation go?" She asked.

"Alright, but it has become all too clear that he is not human, though he looks human. In fact we don't even know what he is!"

"Neither did Grasharlo." She said. "And what about his mind?"

"Damaged but I think that, with the right help, he would be able to become mentally stable but he will never be able to be normal. He could very well be affected by that monster of a mother well throughout his life." He said.

Her heart ached by that but was grateful by his honesty.

"Thank you."

"Now, time for you to get ready." He said.

Loc nodded as she got ready. She got the book and then they were in front of the air yot. She then took her seat.

"So where are we going?" 

"Herradith. It was where she stayed as she became to reach on to another level as a dark lady" he said.

She nodded as she looked down at the book.

Dear Hadistutt, 

I hid my parental journal, like you asked me to. Now only you and my sisters and brothers will know my true leaniage, not even it will know. No I have not named it nor do I even know what it is! Not even my sisters and brothers know what it is. It has been keeping me awake and I did try killing it just to end it but I could not. So I am stuck with it.

Now I must get some sleep. The more sleep I get the better.

Loc sighed.

"What is it?" He asked.

She gave him the book for him to read.

"At least it isn't as disturbing as it usually is." She said.

"You mean that there are parts of this that are more disturbing than this?"

She nodded.

"No wonder you don't want to continue!"

"Yeah, and I don't know what's worse that someone actually did this or that I was able to once upon a time!" She admitted.

Seriously, was I really capable of that level of horror?

Yes, but am I still capable?

"Sir, Loc, we're about to land." Lenume` said.

"Thank you Agent Ucent." He said.

"Urm, Sir, I think that they were expecting us!" 

Loc and Ringer raced to their feet and were beside her before their brains could process. There ahead of them were Sharimon and Gracy this time, smiling and they soon saw that their smiles widened as their eyes rested on both Ringer and Loc. Licking their lips they raised their arms in psync. Suddenly from their hands erupted a white light. Suddenly everything started to shake. The air yot started moving closer and closer to them.

"No, they were not just expecting us but they wanted us here!" Lenume` realised.  "This-this is a trap! We've got to get out of here!" 

"No doing that would be useless!" Loc said.

Lenume` shook her head and turned the wheel left and pulled up, but that did nothing. They were being pulled to the two and there was nothing that they could do to stop it. Loc closed her eyes in dread as it dawned on her that they were here to make sure that she would wake up. She put her hand on Lenume` as she buried her panic. 

"Lenume` stop, as I said it's useless." She said, her voice was hollow as she felt a cold nauseating feeling in the back of her throat. "Sir, do you have a plan?" 

She looked at him in desperatio.

"Working on one, but I do not think that I would have the time." He admitted.

"What? Why not?"

"Because I know that they will give us time." He said and just to prove his point the air yot shook and then they seperated their hands and the place tour apart. They then fell and everything went black.

When Loc woke she spotted Lenume` and Ringer opposite her, she also noticed that they too were gaining consciousness. Loc let out a sigh of relief as she was glad that they were alive. Now the question was what now?

"Well, well, well fancy meeting you here Ringer!" Sharimon cooed. She placed a hand on his head. "Now, now, now, you should know me better than that. Although I must say, you have grown up nicely. Bet you broke a lot of hearts."

She then picked up a burning torch. Next thing she heard Ringer grunt in pain as he tried to resist from giving them the pleasure of hearing him scream. She tried to race to help him but she felt something rough bound her hands and feet. She tried to get free but she felt it scratch against her wrists. She soon felt a warm liquid coming from them. She knew what it was as she felt the pain that came with it.

"Well, well, well, look at who else is awake!" Gracy laughed as she came to her. Sharimon smiled and nodded. Gracy walked, slowly and calmly over to her. Loc tried to back away but the bounds around her ankles made that impossible. She soon was looking up at Gracy. She knelt down and took her up in an embrace. She could feel herself shaking and her heart ached, as she knew deep down, it longed for this.

"Are you ready to wake up yet?" She whispered in her ear. Her eyes watered up as she knew just how much her words cut into her heart even worse than a knife.

"I am not nor will I ever be Gracy. I am and will always be Loc. So are you ready to go back to sleep?"She spat. " Either that or die."

She felt chills as she started stroking her back and she pulled her in closer. She started to feel whatever fire that she had fade away. She could feel a part of her longing to wake. Longed to be whole with her sisters. She longed for things to return to much innocent times, before the War Of The Witch, when she and her sisters were happy and innocent minded. Those times when they had not even heard of Grasharlo!

"It will be okay, I was scared too, but you helped me and please, let me return that favour. Please dear sister."

Loc could feel herself welling up 

How long have I longed to hear that word? How long have I wanted this? To be with my sisters...No, they're not my sisters. They're Grasharlo now.

"C-call me b-by my name." Loc said, failing to stop her voice from shaking.

"Loc, sister, this is inevitable." She said, mimicking the way that her mother would speak. 

Loc bit her lip as she fought her tears as one fell.

"No, I decide what is inevitable. And-and-and…" she fought with all her might to override her longing for her to give in. What she was about to say, she knew would make all doors to her sisters close. She had to know that she would never go back to the way that things were. "I refuse to become like you!"

"Shame." She said as she turned her attention to Lenume`. She then smirked, Locs' eyes widened at the implications. She smiled wickedly at her as she realised that she had figured it out. Her eyes glowed in victory.

She walked over to her and started to stroke her cheek.

"If you do not let it happen, her fate will be worse than death." She said.

"Will you let them go?"

"Well that is up to you." Said Sharimon as she kissed her cheek. 

She looked at her hurt. Gracy pulled Lenume` up and carried her over to Sharimon.

She looked at Ringer to say that she was sorry with her eyes, but her hope was found in the look that he gave her. He had a plan. He then looked at Lenume` giving her the get her out of here look. She looked aside as she knew that he knew that she understood. She saw that Lenume` was beginning to wake up. She looked at Ringer for answers. She nodded as if she had just received some orders. She closed her eyes and started muttering something under her breath.


She hit her but she continued to mutter those indistinguishable words. Then Loc saw that the fire of the torch started to become brighter and brighter and the flame became bigger and bigger. The fire soon had consumed the wood. Sharimon threw the fire away and landed near Loc. However the fire grew higher and higher and as Loc tried to move it became larger. She spun out of tyge way as it rose higher than the lower sky islands and planets.

Loc looked up as Gracy looked at her and flung out her hand and then the next thing she knew was the blinding pain of half of her face burning. She screamed out in pain. Then came the blinding tourture as the itching of her healing started to flair up like a fire.

Then part of her felt a power build up inside her as Lenume` continued her chant. This power became higher and higher inside of her and she let it go and the fire flew at the two.

Soon she was out cold. When she woke she felt so exhausted that she could not move.  She looked to her left. Morgan was sleeping next to her. She looked down and saw that she had fallen asleep holding her hand as she saw that her cheeks were red and swollen.

Was she crying? Why was she crying? Why is she holding my hand like that?

When she also woke up she dived to her and hugged her so hard that she almost had cut off her air!

"Oh I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, I should've been there for you!" She sobbed.

She felt her weak hand placed a hand on her only to see that there was a book in her hands.

"Where did?"

"Ringer doesn't know, but they just could not get that book out of your hands!" She said. "I don't know how much power Lenume` gave you, but everything went up in flames. They were able to get you out of there, but then they found that in your hand and you were out cold. Although, we don't know what happened to the other two." She said.

"Nothing's come up?"


"How long have I been out?"

"A month and a week." 

She then looked at the book and opened it. Her eyes dropped to small writing.

If you wish whose seed I am, 

Then find my key rings ten, 

Five silver, five gold 

Collect and combine them again.

She closed her eyes in dread and let out a long breath to relieve the stress.

"They are alive and they have given me a challenge." 

"Then I think that I should get Ringer." She said as she came to the door.

"By the way, what am I to you?" She asked.

Her face darkened in pain.

"The last thing that I have of my sister." She said as she left.

She shook at that. She felt shock and that shock turned into excitement and that became happiness. She then just noticed that she was seeing out of one eye. She then felt strength return to her and she pulled her bandage off. She then saw a mirror next to her. She picked it up and spotted that her face was like it was, the black star was still there, but next to her eye she saw a crop of white hair under her dark brown hair.


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