The Which Within The Books Of Grasharlo Arc Part Six

 The Sixth Book 

Ringer stood in silence as he listened to what Loc was saying. He looked at Kuro as he nodded every now and again as she spoke. He then waited for a moment or two after she had finished before he walked to his desk.

"Tell me, what do you know about yourself Mr Inevitable?" He asked, there was a chilling tone to his voice.

Kuro went pale and there was a vulnerability that entered his eye.

"All I know is that I am a creation of Grasharlo and that Loc gave me a name. I also can see some things that are inevitable like that this part of my...mother is going to be a legend in many worlds." She said.

Ringer raised his eyebrows at that as he glanced at Loc.

"And would Loc reading the books contribute to this prophecy of yours?" 

"Yes, it will help her as she would know what she is up against. However I can see that the other two will become whole, but they will not become whole in the traditional way and this will mean that they will never have the power that they used to when they were one. However this part of mother will become something different." He said.

He nodded.

How is that possible? Will I or my sisters have a soul regeneration? Or is he referring to something else? If so...then what?

While the room was silent and they were thinking about what he had just said, they all jumped when a series of bleeps. Ringer pressed the button.

"Sir, we have secured the location of the sixth book in Mebuke in Animega." Said the person on the other side of the transmission. 

"Thank you. I will send Miss Cerberus to collect it immediately." He said.

He then looked at Loc and then Kuro.

Looks like you have your next mission. Now Loc, on your way read as much as you can of those books. Just don't push yourself. Kuro, you'll be coming with me. I think that you will need a psychological analysis. Depending on that depends on what happens next." He said.

Loc placed a comforting hand on him as she left to get ready for her mission. This flew by and she was in the air yot before she knew it. She flicked her long fringe out of her eyes. Then pushed down her dread as she opened the book. She gulped as she closed her eyes she let out a sigh as she calmed her nerves. When she knew that she was ready she opened her eyes and let her sight drop to the letters on the page.

Dear Hadistutt

I have left the bodies of my adopted parents and took some of their skin and blood and other organs. I put them all into my dragon potion pot made of dragon blood urine and dung. I also used the blood of all those creations that were my adopted siblings and I could see that it was brewing nicely. I then added the heart of this creature known as a shinigami from the land of Animega. I do believe that it is that lands' version of a Grim Reaper, or a god of death. I dropped it in just to see if I could make one. I then added the eye of the three fates, which I killed to get it. Then the main and blood of a blue unicorn. I then added my own blood too.

This was when a curious thing happened, the potion started to weave in on itself. It then slowly moulded itself into the shape of a baby! I know how odd that sounds but then the pot also crushed inwards and soon the fire was put out and a form dropped into the ashes below. I then heard the cry of a baby and then plucked the thing from the ashes.

When I looked at it, whatever it was, I knew instantly that the creature with raven hair and purple and red eyes like that of a dragon was mine. It was my very own creation, my very own son!

Wait, so that was how Kuro was created?! What in the name of the Demon Realm did I just read? 

"We're here!" Lenume` called.

She snapped out of her thoughts and she looked out to see a temple made of white wood and the rooftops were shaped into golden fire. At the foot was a large man standing on the corpse of a hydra whose heads were in front of bowels of saki. 

"Where are we?" She asked. 

"The Kin Shiro temple. Monks live there." She said.

"It's beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"That's where mother and father met there." She said.

"Wait,  one of them was a monk?" She asked.

"No, but one was raised there." She sighed.



"What was his name?" Sher asked.


She nodded and she closed the book and then walked to the door. She walked out and looked back.

"You're not coming?" She asked.

"No!" She sighed. "They have no interest in the whole Grasharlo thing. So there is no reason to follow you in."

She nodded as she walked out. She saw another air yot there. She could tell that it was not here for a private tourist. Knowing this it was all too clear that they were here for the book. As she walked she could feel like she was being watched. She looked at the air yot and the black tinted windows. Part of her knew instantly that someone was on that air yot. It felt odd like a strange mixture of anxiety and peace. She knew that she had no reason to feel like this but she did. 

She walked on and she saw an open entrance. She walked in and she saw a ditch with stairs without any banisters that were carved in the walls. 

"Lorra Cerberus, I have been expecting you." Said a monk.

"And who are you?" She asked as she lowered herself into her fighting stance. He placed his hand out in front of him and gestured for her to pipe down.

"Please, I am not the one that you are to fight today. No, the one that you are to fight is down there. Take the left tunnel to the black shrine.that is where she is." He said.

She straightened up. She then walked down the stairs. She, after a great amount of time, reached the bottom. She followed the monks instructions and the first thing that she saw was the book in the hands of a woman. She was about to walk up to the book.

"So, it was you that have been collecting the books." Cane an all too familiar voice.

"Sharimon!" She exclaimed as her eyes met her double.

"It's Grasharlos' Will to you." She said as she came close. "And you, my missing peace are our emotion."

"No, I am Loc. I'm not like you nor ever will!" She snapped as she resisted the urge to run up to her and embrace her. She was not her sister anymore. She was Grasharlo.

"Come now, regardless of how much you deny it, you are me, we are one and the same. We both long to become one again.You may be asleep but I can see it in your eyes." She said as she came closer. "You will wake up sooner or later. You might as well do it now and get it over with."

"I would rather die!" She shouted as she ran to her and drew a blade.

Sharimon laughed as she flicked her hand away and she flew away from her.


She got up and then ran to her and as she flew she threw her blade at her. She looked at the blade and then moved out of the way. She then changed the direction of the blade to her. She got up and dived out of the way as the blade followed her. She, not wanting to let her find out about her immortality ran away from the blade as it came to her. She then ran to her and as she was flicked out of the way the blade dived to Sharimon. 

She dived out of the way and Loc got to her feet and then ran to her and she was about to dive on her to knock her out, but then she felt a pressure on her neck. It built until it was choking her. She then kicked her and she fell on her. She dug her elbow into her throat but she felt her fist in her ribs and she felt a blast forced her away and spun away. She was about to get up but she felt a great pain in her hip. She looked down to see that there was a great gnash in her hip.

I hope that heals. She thought as she felt the itching as her wound started to heal. 

"Well, well, well. I heard that you have some new tricks but this really is interesting." She said.

She glared at her. She got to her feet and ran up to her and then as she flicked her away she flicked some dirt into her eyes. She then hit her head and she then felt something dig into the back of her neck and she suddenly found that she could not move. She tried to get up but she just could not move.

She was helpless but to watch her walk up to her and she kneel in front of her. She felt her finger on her throat. She took the blade and then sliced her throat. She started to cough as she choked on her own blood. Then came the itching of the healing.

"Well that is interesting." She said. "Looks like we have to wake you up another way."

She got up and then walked up to the book and picked it up. She walked up to her and put it in her hand.

"Here, I think that it would be safe in your hands. I will not take you just yet, no, but we will and when we do, you will wake." She said as she placed a hand on her head. "Taking you now and the preparations will just take too long. So have a good dream deer other self."

She felt her eyes close and she was shaken awake by Lenume`.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"N-no. Sharimon was here." She said.

"So that is why you're covered in blood." She said.

"Y-yes." she said. "I-I couldn't beat her. I just couldn't!"

"I know, it will take a lot more to defeat her." She said as she looked at the back of her neck and pulled her out. She then took the book and picked her up. She carried her to the air yot.


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