The Witch Within The Five Silver Rings Arc Part One

 The First Ring

After Loc had finally come to the final book, after throwing up so much vomit that it could fill a small carriage carriage, she had reached the final page. She spotted that the last page was thicker than the others. She looked closer at the page she then spotted that there were two layers of paper instead of one. She then took out a small and thin knife. She slid the knife between the layers and cut up. She pulled the two apart to reveal that there was a secret page!

Dear Myself, 

This piqued her interest after all the passages started with Dear Hadistutt. So she was compelled to read on.

Just in the case I lose my memory or the knowledge of who or what I am, I have hidden the truth in another book, along with the entire story of my life. All you have to do is collect these rings that when combined creates two rings, one silver one gold. So, just because I just love a good adventure I will start by giving myself a few riddles to solve, 

  1. I am found where the first dragon is laid to rest, 

Where the first hero passed his last lethal test!

  1. I am the place where dragon and man meet, 

Where freely they are accepted and greet

  1. I am found where the evilest dragon began, 

And started his war with others and man!

  1. I am found where that dragon made his first kill, 

Where he discovered his true love and thrill!

  1. I am found at the dragons' army dawn, 

Where men, women and children mourn!!

These are the locations of the silver rings. The location of the gold will appear once you have all the silver.

Loc put a marker in her book and then walked with it to Ringer. She soon came to the door and knocked on it.

"Come in!" 

She opened the door.

"I've found something." She said as she gave him the book.

He took his time to read the page. He then put the book down and then took a moment to think about something.

"Looks like you have your next mission, however we need to solve the first riddle first." He said. "Read the first riddle."

"I am found where the first dragon is laid to rest, where the first hero passed his last test." She quoted.

"Well, the first dragon is Dagor was laid to rest in the land of Lungslumber in Makinchi, the first hero, Phorap the mad, but something tells me that he's not the first hero that the riddle is referring to." He said.

"How come?"

"The riddle has a dragon theme so as he passed his last test somewhere else but the first hero to the dragons was Mufang. Who was dubbed the Dragon Champion." He explained. "And she passed her most lethal test at the dragon temple exactly where Dagor was buried. However, that was her last lethal test but her last test was in Underground Town when she said her vows."

Then something clicked.

"Oh! I think I know where it is! I might have skimmed it when I was on one of my first missions when I was young!"

Locs' eyebrow raised. She was somehow incapable of seeing him young. Which was odd for she knew that he was her age once but she just could not quite picture it.

"So is that where we're going next?" She asked to keep him on track.

"Appears so." He sighed. "So start packing what you need and you will be setting off in an hour and a half."

She nodded and salouted. 


She then ran off and started packing.

"Off on another mission?" Asked Kuro as he stood at the doorway.

She looked up at him and nodded.

"Where will you be going?" He asked.

"To look for some silver rings." She replied. "Apparently they, along with some gold rings, combine to create a couple of keys that will lead to a book that will uncover the true origin of Grasharlos' parents."

His eyes twitched slightly at the name of his mother. When she had finished packing she stood in front of him.

"So how's your therapy going?" She asked as she passed him. He shrugged.

"Alright. It is just...very difficult opening up about things…" he tailed as his eyes became out of focus. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know, it takes time, just keep it up!"

She was soon in front of the air yot. She walked in and soon was on the leiu just to make sure that she would not need to use it later. She thought as the urine fell her thoughts brought her to Underground Town. It had occurred to her just how long that it had been since that she had been there. She wondered whether or not she would or should return to those childhood places?

No, not at the moment. It would be far too dangerous for them. But do they miss me? Do they want to see me again? Are they worried about me?

She sighed as she closed her eyes. She did not want to answer those questions. Did they hate her just like in Saha? What if they wanted her dead? Did anyone really love her other than Morgan? Or did everyone just want her dead? Coming back to Morgan was she and Ringer using her to their own ends, just like the Sunburners? If so, then what will they do to her once this is all over?

She then the air yot land. She got up and realised that now was not the time to think about those things. She had to focus on the mission at hand. She washed her hands and left the lieu. She picked up her bag and slung it on her back. She then left the air yot.

She then looked at the large temple. There were dragons everywhere the buildings were made up of pillars carved into dragons but this led to a roof of a western dragon in flight. The gardens with blak and white bark trees with purple leaves. Underneath them were yellow and orange flowers.

The stairs outside were made of white crystal and inside was diamond. She walked in trying not to get lost in the beauty of the place. She soon saw a door guarded by a narrow eyed bald man with pale skin, wearing green silk robes with a green dragon stemming from the hip to the shoulder.

"Hello Lorra Cerberus, dragon friend and shard of Grasharlo who will become her redemption. We were expecting you." He said his soft voice thick with an eatern accent.

"You-you have? And what?"

He nodded.

"You heard child and we have been expecting you since you were born. We knew that you were destined to come here and take the Final Lethal Test and when you have passed you get the ring that you desire. However there is another thing that you will need." He said as he led her to a room that was lit by only candles with black wick and a single green flame on each. There was a scarlet mat with crimson edges on the ground.

"This test, what is it?" She asked.

"We do not know, only you can know and you must not tell anyone what happened here." He said. 

She nodded as an odd feeling stirred inside her as he left.

"Finally you have come, Lungraing." Spoke a strong and powerful voice.

"Lungraing, is the dragon word for dragon friend. Now it is time for your test."  He said.

Loc wondered where the voice was coming from and noticed that there was nobody but her in the room. She then looked up and spotted that there was a green lung looking down at her with his claws digging into the walls. He had a crimson spine with crimson twin whiskers to match making him look like a combination of a majestic lizard and a cat. He then dropped and landed in a catlike way but that did little to stop the ground from shaking under her feet. She kept her balance and remained standing, knowing that she could not allow her to fall.

"Stand strong child! I can see that you are far more respectful and show more respect than you used to. Yes, I can see that you have changed completely."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"You came here once, but that was a long time ago. However I can see that you are not the sort to wish to know about that. No, you wish to become someone else, to form an identity beyond the person you were. Yes I can see that." He said.

Her eyes darkened.

"You mean you've met Grasharlo?" She said dangerously.

"I have, and I am one of many who have survived a battle with the dark lady. Now stay still." He said.

"Wait what-"

He opened his mouth and she was set alight! She found it odd, the fire was burning her but yet she felt no pain. She looked at her body and noticed that, to her astonishment, that the fire was not burning her at all! It was going right through her! She also felt an odd piece as she felt a strange assurance that she would not wake as her sisters did. However if she did wake, it would not be anything like her sisters. She also knew deep down that she was not ever going to be like her sisters nor like the person she was. No, she was not going to become Grasharlo again. Then the flames died down.

"Take it." He said as he gave her the silver ring with a few key teeth on them.

"Wh-was that the test?" She asked.

He nodded.

"You have passed." He said. "In time you shall kill those murderous sisters of yours however by that time you will be older by far. However, shortly you shall leave this world and when you have returned seek out the Dragon Princess and the Demon Slayer Princess and tell them what you have been through."

She nodded.

"Thank you." She said as she turned to leave.

"What would have happened if I had failed?" She asked as she reached the door.

"Then you would have become my next meal." He replied as her hand reached the door. She felt a chill run down her as she nodded. She then left and was soon in the air yot. She left the temple. She remained silent all the way home.


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