The Which Within The Books Of Grasharlo Arc Part Five

 The Fifth Book

"Well, as simple as your last mission was, I have to now send you to find the next book and if this one is as simple as your last one then we will have all the books before we know it!" Ringer said. "Although I did hear the rumour that the White Demon was killed by someone but I never thought that they could be true! Then again demons seem to be being killed a lot recently…"

"And where am I going?" Loc asked to prevent him from going off target. 

"The Silver Isles. It's a pretty cold place so I highly advise you to wrap up warm. Also, I have heard about your thoughts on the first pages of the first book."

She looked aside feeling slightly ashamed.

"Is-is that what Gracey and Sharimon are like now?" She asked her throat dry and her voice hollow.

He nodded.

"I'm sorry."

She nodded as she let a tear drop from her cheek as she felt the venom of guilt sink in as her heart sank. She started to feel dread mixed in there too.

"I wonder what they're doing right now…" she wondered little realising that she had just said it out loud.

"I can not say that I know. Though, I must say that as the Dream Hells are no more they won't be sending anyone else there. Which is a relief. So I think that they might be working to keep the Dark Master Lord in power." He said.

Her eyebrow raised at that.

"Really, that guy's losing his power?" She exclaimed.

"Yes, but I think you ought to get ready. You'll be expected to be getting on the air yot in an hour so don't be late." 

She nodded and she raced to her room. She cleaned herself and put on some warm clothes. She put on a scarf that her bodyguard Morgan had knit for her. She was in the air yot within the hour. She flicked her fringe out of her eyes. Part of her hoped that the short hair would not get in the way of her mission as she knew the cold air would get to the back of her neck.

She opened the book just to take her mind off things as she knew that the shaking of the world around her was just too much to think about just now.

Dear Hadistutt

Even though I have yet to give up on making a Mythos Puros, I do have to tell you I am working on another project. I would like to call it the Soul Double. Where, if I take a part of my soul, like the will,  for instance, I can make it whole by having samples of the other parts, like the emotions and the mind, I can use them to catalise a regeneration of the other two parts that make up the soul. This creates a soul double.

This project, unlike that of the Mythos Puros, has been extremely useful and successful. Speaking of which, those fools that had raised me commited suicide last night. So I am afraid to report that I will have to find other people to play with and see if any of them would be able to become the parents of such an important being.

This also means that I have little use for these things that they have given birth to. So I will keep you posted.

Loc closed the book and closed her eyes, that did nothing to help. In fact it seemed to make her racing thoughts worse. At least she knew one thing, she knew that in her heart of hearts that Grasharlo got off far too easy. She also did not want to go back to become that, no, she wanted nothing to do with waking up her Grasharlo side. Yet there was something about that which occord to her, that her sisters would not have to wake her in order to become whole.

She, appearing calm,  walked to the lieu. She did her business and as she cleaned her hands she suddenly looked up feeling slightly afraid of her reflection. As if, somehow, her face would turn into that of Grasharlo, looking at her with her evil eyes and her evil sick twisted grin. Communicating the inevitability of her returning to her.

She felt cold as she thought back to those people.

No wonder those people hate me! Was I really capable of that? Was I really capable of such evil and cruelty? Why were we not killed before the War of the Witch? Never mind that, why's everyone protecting me anyway? I, by far, do not deserve this!

"We're here!" Shouted Lenume`. 

"I-I'm coming!" She called as she opened the door and she saw Lenume` at the door. "Thank you."

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah…" she lied. "Let's get this over with."

Lenume` looked at her slightly concerned at the way that she was acting.

When the door opened Loc shivered as the cold hit her. It felt like over a thousand needles hit her but she knew, despite the pain, she would have to continue. She walked on and she soon came to a small hut. She saw that there was not a door to be seen. She could feel that there was a word that she had to say. She was hesitant at first as she knew that she would have to trust her instincts in order to get in.

"Zuratoh!" She said as a segment of the wall shone and then a door appeared. She then was about to enter but was stopped by Lenume`.

"How did you know that word?" She asked dangerously.

"My gut told me to say it. Why, what does it mean?" She asked.

"Well, it means roundabouts dark will win." She said as they walked in.

They came into a long stone hallway with black wood doors. She looked up and spotted that there was not a roof in sight. Then there was something off about the air, it was warm, but it had a taste of iron or blood in the air.

They walked down, their ears met nothing but an eerie silence. She soon spotted that they saw a blue wood door. 

That's the one. Her gut told her. She opened the door and spotted that she saw the book ahead. They were about to go on until Lenume` fell down beside her. She looked to see a man with pale skin with cosmic blue hair and one crimson and one purple (crimson left and the purple right) dragon-like eye with black where the white should be. He had a thick scar going across the bridge of his nose and one going down the purple eye meeting on the right cheek in a slanted X. His lips were as black as coal and by the look of them, they were naturally that colour, but Loc knew that this was not a case of vitiligo. 

"Hello intruder." He said.

She lowered herself to her fighting stance. 

"And you are?"

He looked aside slightly.

"I do not have to tell you!" He jabbed back as he threw a punch at her. She caught it and kicked him in his jawline.

"I believe that you do."

He kicked down causing her to fall and he kneed her in the face. She flew back and she spun out of the way. She then pulled his leg forward and he flew back. She took this opportunity to pounce on him and pinned him down.

"Tell me your name!" She said.

"I do not have one! My creator never gave me one!" He snapped.

"And who is that?" She asked.


Her face dropped.

"And I do not know why, but there is something about you that reminds me of her!" He said.

She looked away.

"But she told me to keep that book safe and that is what I am going to do." He said.

"Then tell me do you know what happened to her?" She asked.

"Yes, and I do not believe it! She was too powerful! None could kill her." He cried.

"Well it is true, and even though I am one third of her I want nothing to do with her. So how about you let me get that book and come with me?" She offered.

"Why would I do that?"

"And I think I should give you a name." She said.

"Is this a trick?"


"Go on." 

"Kuro Yuki Inevitable." She said.

He looked down and nodded.

"I like that. Yeah, I think that I will come with you." He said as she walked over to the book. She took it and then spotted that he was wearing a thin cotton robe and trousers. She took off hers and covered him with it.

"Here, wear this. It's cold out there." She said.

"Th-thank you!" He said as his eyes started tearing up.

"Don't mention it." She said as she picked Lenume` up and they made their way to the air yot. They had to wait until she woke up before they could take off. But not before she explained what happened to her.


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