The Witch Within The Academe Arc Part Three

Loc's Second Year

It had been no less that three months and Loc was back in the academe. It smelt and felt like a brand new year. He had been staying in a facility that was provided by T.OO.T.RO.E.. They had been looking after her parents deaths. She had tried not to think about it. She was now fifteen and she knew that even-though she might be attacked this year, she knew that she could not let it get to her. She also knew that she would have the learn as much as she could about Grasharlo.

She had soon found her band and then quickly caught up with them. All went home and even though Billy was a vampire his life seemed normal. He had spoken of many changes going on in the kingdoms of the west. However she was not interested. No, what she was interested in was spending time with her friends and enjoying it.

She noticed that her friends were feeling a lot more comfortable around Max. This, was the best part of it. Even-though she knew that reality will slap her awake any moment, but she was determined that, that moment came it won't taint her happiness in this moment. She then turned the corner to see the new head.

“Who's that?”

“Yuki Natsu. He's and Animaganese.” said Max. “He's also Ringer's second in command.”

“What!? As in the Ringer? The one that collects all those rings with powers?” said Dillon.

“Yes. You know it's said that he has a ring for every occasion.”

They then walked to the first session. They had maths and English and science. Then Max and Loc diverted from the group and went to their lesson about Grasharlo. There they learnt that the first dramatic thing that she did was killing all of a royal blood line and absorbed their power, in fact most of her targets and victims were people of royal backgrounds. Including the royals born out of wedlock. In fact, they were the top targets.

Then after the lesson she saw Yuki pass her and gave her a nod. She then nodded back and then walked on. She then was about to walk to her dorm when she saw a teacher of another class. She could not remember which. He then called her name. She then walked to him.


“Could you come with me?” he asked.

“Why? Are you-”

“History tutor. I wanted to talk to you.” he said.

“Sure.” she said as she walked out of the campus and onto the field.

He then turned around and her eyes dropped to a gun that was, by the design, came from another planet.


She soon ducked as the first bullet fired at her she then spotted that there was a woman walking by and when it hit her, she was confused when there was no blood splatter and then she walked on and then she collapsed. She looked back and then saw the second bullet came to her she twisted to the side and that she saw the bullet on the ground.


She then looked at the woman, suddenly relieved that she was alive.

If she's alive then this man wants me alive. She came to the conclusion. She then dodged again and again and then she noticed that he needed to load the gun. This was her opening and she dived to his side and then pushed him to her ground. She then raised her elbow to his throat. She then hit him in the groin again and again until he was asleep.

She soon called for Yuki. He soon came and then he looked at him.

“Henry Norgrid. Bounty Hunter.” he said.

She looked up.

“You were lucky.” he said bluntly. “He was a rookie.”

She nodded.

“We are getting in a new body guard in for you. One who has an emotional investment in keeping you safe. We should have brought her in last year but she was busy.” he said.

“Who?” she asked.

“You will find out.” he said. “Come, she should be here tomorrow, so always be with someone throughout your day until she does.”

She nodded. Her friends walked her to her dorm that night. She lay there in her bed as she looked you at the ceiling, as her mind wandered from topic to topic. She only had a sandwich before she fell asleep. The following day she took her bath and got changed into her clothes and then greeted her friends and then walked to the campus. She then made her way to Yuki's desk.

Here she met a woman that was built like a brick. Her face reminded her of her mother, but her face was more chiselled.

“Loc, this is Morgan Mcay, she will be your body guard and trainer.” he said.

“Sorry, I couldn't be here last year. I had a fair few jobs I had to do.” she said.

“No problem.” she said. “You know you look like my mum.”

She smiled sadly at her.

“So I've herd.” she said. “Now, come, you have lessons to go to.”

She nodded and she went about her day and it was soon the lesson of Grasharlo. In this lesson she learnt that she was apprenticed by the Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darkrogh himself and that under this she soon became his best apprentice and she proved to be a fast learner. She soon was on her way in the world of the Sixth Age of Legends. Where she became so dangerous that people were sent to kill her and when they did they soon found that sh was far too powerful and quickly overpowered them. Then they soon sent the most powerful worriers and heroes to her only for them to meet their end. She even faced the two Legendears and even-though they killed her body she soon found another and then used that to resurrect her old body and used the host as a sacrifice. She had a history of this. She had found magic and was able to stop her age completely and she was able to become immortal.

This, she was completely shocked and horrified by all of this. She then went to the training grounds and there they fought and she was soon given a heavy vest and then she put it on. She was told to wear it all the time apart from in bed. She, over the next couple of moths became stronger and stronger. She, on her birthday was given weights.

“Here,” she said handing them over. “these are for you. Happy birthday.”

She looked at her surprised.

“Thank you?” she said surprised. “How?”

“I'm your bodyguard, I should know these kinds of things.” she said. Loc clearly knew that it was a lie, but she let this slide.

She was even given a heavier vest. She then used them for an hour before bed and in the morning. She soon got used to them and by the time it was winter time, she was on another set of weights. She had even felt and knew that she was becoming stronger and stronger.

Then came the next bounty hunter. She appeared like any other woman in the academe, she was even a student. She was able to blend in so well that it was impossible to single her out.

Loc was in the lieu when she came in. She had just finished her business and had come out of her cubicle. She looked in the mirror, and had noticed how toned she was becoming. She even could see that her hair needed cutting, for it was by her hips. Although she could not be bothered to cut it or have it cut.

“Hello.” she said as she looked in the mirror. She reapplied her make up as she looked at her. “You know you're quite beautiful.”

“Thank you?” she said cautiously. “As are you.”

She smiled.

“Thank you. By the way I think that you look as if you could eat a bit more though.” she admitted.

She looked at her.

“There's nothing wrong with what I eat.” she remarked.

She laughed as she put her hands up in a surrender.

“Alright! Alright!” she laughed. “But I can tell that you're more of a Tom boy, but I must admit that you're starting to smell like them.”

She looked at her.

“I do?” she asked slightly startled.

“Yeah. Here!” she said as she sprayed some perfume on her. She then sniffed. “Better. Now you smell like a girl.”

She smiled as she looked back and her head began to spin and she started to feel dizzy. She looked at her as she smiled.

“Are you feeling alright?” she said. “You look kind of dizzy. Are you getting enough sleep?”

Then it clicked, she was a bounty hunter. She tried to call out but she felt like something was over her voice box.

“Cleiravoi. A perfume designed to make people sleep and those who breath it in can not speak.” she said.

She narrowed her eyes.

“Oh, and I pretended to do so.” she said.

She, knowing that she was only stalling for time, punched her in the face and even-though she blocked it, she was able to use that to pull her in, as she was stronger that her. She then dug the other fist into her gut several times. Knowing that she had only moments until she was passed out. She noticed that she did not cry out, which told her that she was used to that. This meant that if she was going to grab Morgan's attention, she would have to use an even greater tack-tick to make her scream.

She then hit her in the face and she caught herself on the sink and pulled her up before she hit the floor. She, for a moment saw that she had a slight look of disgust. This gave her an idea. She then grinned for she knew that it was so disgusting that she would surely scream.

“What?” she asked.

She then took a step back slowly as she looked at each toilet seat and soon found what she was looking for. She then challenged her to come closer. She then laughed and ran to her and then she punched her into the cubicle. She then hit her head on the side and her then she landed. She then let out the most loudest scream as she got a head-full of left over urine and dung.

She laughed as Morgan rushed in and collapsed in her arms. When she woke she was greeted by Morgan and Yuki.

“Hello.” she said lovingly. “How was your nap?”

“How long was I out?” she asked.

“Over a day.” said Yuki.

“The one that attacked you was Leto Lorendale. Master of infiltration and make up and perfume. The very fact that you were able to take her out in such a-unique way is hilariously astounding! How did you know to do that?” he laughed.

“When I kicked her down, she looked at he floor disgusted. She grabbed the sink so she wouldn't touch it.” she said.

At this they all laughed.

After this things went back to normal, Loc went with Morgan over the winter, where she spent her time training and playing board and sports games. She enjoyed her time and in her down time Morgan let her read her books. By the end of the holidays she ha read half her library. Then, when she came back to the academe, she was wearing a heavier vest and was lifting heavier weights. She was soon training in the hall and she had noticed that she was fighting better and, when her vest was off she was faster. She was thriving, and Morgan helped her find time to do her homework.

She soon came to the end of the year, and she thought that she would be able to end the year completely safe and sound. Then reality kicked in, it was after a long session of training she had finished her bath and she was tired, but was waiting for Morgan to finish her time on the lieu. She then felt something sting her in the neck. She then collapsed and her eyes rested on a woman with long blue hair and deep scarlet eyes. She put down a gun and put it away in the case. She then walked down to the door to the baths and lieu. She then took out a pin and she crouched. She soon saw her lock the door.

She tried to get up and shout but she could not. She walked over to her and then put something under her nose. She felt that power that she could feel suddenly became incapable to access. She then closed her eyelids. She was helpless as she felt her body leave the ground. She knew that she was being carried.

She could not even shout for help as she felt herself moving forward. She knew that she had her! She could do nothing and she walked on. Not to mention Morgan could not help her for that door was locked and only someone ho was really strong could kick that down.

Then she felt herself being rolled out of the arms and she banged against the ground beneath her and she rolled away. She could not see what was going on.

Meanwhile the bounty hunter looked back at an angry Morgan. She then looked in front of her only to band that the door was there in front of her. She then looked up already knowing that she was going to get her behind handed to her. She then ran at the bounty hunter. She the whacked her away and she flew back and then she hit her head against the wall. She found a pole and got it out and pointed it to her as she was already in front of her and as she dragged the pole to her, she was able to catch the pole and she pulled her in and then punched her in the gut. She then landed on her her knees and then Morgan flung the pole into the back of her head.

When she was able to move she climb down the from her arms.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“Yeah, should be.”

They then soon came to the end of the year without any more attacks.


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