The Witch Within The Sunburners Arc Part One

The Immortal Drink

Loc woke up. Her hear was hurting. She knew that wherever she was she had to get away. Her mind was a confused blur and her ears were ringing. She was trying to remember things as her vision became clearer. She then pieced together what happened and she soon snapped awake.

She the looked around. She felt the bizarre feeling as her movements were exaggerated like there was a weight in the air. She had to wait for her limbs to get used to it. She could see that she was in a gold room and she was under gold duvet covers and pillows with stars on. She could see that there were suns on the wall.

She slid out of the bed and then walked to the window. She saw that the see was moving at a rapid pace. She then looked up and saw that the sky was yellow and the clouds were cream. She noticed that the window was large enough for her to jump out if she wanted to. She then was about to but as she saw how far she was high up she got the willies. She then pulled away.

“Now, now, now do care not to kill yourself.” came a man's voice.

She looked back to see a beautiful man with short yellow blond hair and golden eyes that looked like they were two mini suns. His skin was the shade of buttermilk. He had high cheekbones and, even-though his eyes carried kindness, there was a cruelty about them that you just could not ignore.

“Who are you?”

“Lord Leto Lux.” he said as he put down a jug of a thick light gold juice that she had never seen before.

“You do know that you won't get away with this? And that I will not do what you want to.” she said.

He chuckled a warm and yet cold laugh.

“Oh please! Do take care to stop the false hero act? After all I shall expect more from you Lorra Cerberus.” he said as he picked up the glass and handed it to her.

She looked at it.

“You need not fear. It will help you get over the jet lag.” he said.

“Thank you. And it's Loc,” she said coldly.

He chuckled.

“I am sorry.” he said.

“What will happen to me? I mean, apart from becoming a mother of suns.” she said.

I can't believe I said it like that! Man that sounded weird.

“Well, you shall become one of us sister.” he said as they landed.

She then took a sip.

“Please, drink that up fast.” he said.

She sighed.


She gulped it down. She had noticed that it tasted like honey and roses. She then put it down.

“Come.” he said as he took her hand in his manly hand.

She pulled it back, but he then put his hand on her shoulder. She then pulled her by him and then her eyes greeted a cave covered with emerald green grass and leaves on blood red an purple trees that looked like vanes. She had never seen so much beauty.

He then gestured to the cave.

“Loc, may I say, welcome to the Cave Of Powers.” he declared.

She looked at it touched by the beauty, but she wiped the look off her face.

“I'm pretty sure that we're not here for the sight.” she said.

He chuckled, but she started to become more relaxed. There was something soothing about it, almost a lyrical tone that she did not notice earlier. She liked it, but she knew better than to show it. She knew that she could not allow herself to get attached to anything here. Not even the sight. She then looked to him.

“I'm guessing that you want me to go in?” she asked.

“Obviously.” he sang.

She rolled her eyes and walked into the mouth of the cave.

“Now, follow me.” he said.

He then put a hand on her shoulder. She then was led deeper she saw different chambers as she saw people drink from the pools in those chambers. She then wondered why she was here and what she was going to be forced to do. She then went over the name the Cave Of Powers. She then went over those people who drank from all those pools. Then it came to her.

What if each pool gives people different powers?! The very thought sent shock waves throughout her body as she realized that Leto wanted to give her a power.

Is this how they get those fire and heat based powers? She wondered.

“Here we are!” he declared.

“Where are we?”

“The Pool Of Immortality.” he said.

“What? Why are we-”

She was soon taken and then was pulled to the pool and she was forced to her knees.

“Well tell me do you want to be immortal?”


“Why ever not?” she asked.

“Because my parents are dead and I want to see them again.” she said.

He smiled.

“Then I am afraid that you will never see them again.” he said as he nodded.

She was then forced under the water. She held her breath as was kept there. She did everything that she could to keep it held so that she would not gulp anything, just not one drop. She soon felt her lungs screamed at her, she knew that she was going to die if she did not take a breath. Then she felt a punch in her stomach. She tried to pull her out of the water but then she felt another punch in her stomach. She let out a restrained grunt. She then felt it again and then she the intense heat on her back, this caused her to scream out in pain and soon she felt it, just one gulp. Then she was pulled out.

She breathed in and out deeply and she also coughed as her lungs filled with oxygen and she felt the water coming out of her wind pipe. She soon felt a blade at her throat and she quickly felt a painful slash in her throat. She was coughing again and again and as she did she tasted the iron in her blood and then soon the blood stopped flowing and soon the last of her blood came out. She then raised her hand to her throat as it became slightly itchy and then she felt the wound heal beneath her fingers and sealed itself soon there was only a scar beneath her finger tips.

She looked up shocked.

He smiled.

“It's alright little sister. You have become immortal. Now we can do to you whatever we wish.”

“You-” (cough, cough) “mean I'm your prisoner!”

“Yes, and you are, and will act as one of us. Now, time for you to greet your new home.” he said as he pulled her up and she left the cave, her mortality dead.


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