The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Part Three


She was put under a heavy sedation as they as they rolled her to another part of the hospital that was secluded and privet. A place where they could do what they wanted to to her and regardless of how much she screamed or cried for help and they would be confident that they would not be disturbed whatsoever.

They they placed even more of the strange drug in her drip. She soon woke up in absolute agony as her whole body felt like it was on fire, soon it felt like her body on blue fire. She screamed and she was soon weeping as her body twisted and turned in agony. She screamed and screamed there were saliva running down the corners of her mouth.

Her eyes soon caught sight of fire surrounding her. She could even feel the heat as it caused her to break out into a sweat and her hair roes and dropped as the heat caused a hot breeze rose from the flames. She then could see the smoke rise to the top!

She tried to scream but she soon felt the sprinkle of the fire extinguisher. This helped cool her body. She felt relief as the water drenched her body, but to her surprise it steamed on her body and evaporated.

She soon could feel a burning power rising within her.

Nurse Noranna walked in and then looked at her. She then turned off the fire sirens.

“What are you doing to me?” she whispered weakly.

She placed a hand on her forehead.

“Just rest.” she said.

“Please just stop it!”

“I'm sorry, we can't. You might just might be the key to defeating this really bad man.” she said as if she was speaking to a younger child.

“What? Why? I don't want to! I'm supposed to be at school, living my life.”

“I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that yet. Now rest.” she said.

She found her eyes closing and she drowned in sleep. With a tear falling down the corner of her eyes. She saw a man in-front of her. He looked very much like her but his eyes were a deep shade of crimson and filled with evil and danger. She suddenly felt like whoever she was looking at was by far more dangerous than anything that was in this town. Yet she had the suspicion that even-though he wad not in the town but he knew all that happened in it. She could even sense that he was coming to the town and there would be nothing that would be stopping him.

“My, my, you have grown!” he said as he looked directly at her. “You look as if you take after me.”

She then opened her eyes and she screamed again and again. She could not get him out of her head.

Who was he? How did he know that I was looking out of his eyes? Why did he look so much like me?

She then stopped screaming as she felt her body was locked in place. She could not look around, yet she knew that she did not have any paralytics running in her vanes. It was a similar feeling when she first met Dante' or like when Matilda, when she was Dorothy and Victoria, had paralysed her. This told her that this must be Dante' coming to take a drink of her blood. Maybe he could get her out of this and then protect her from these two monsters that wanted to turn her into a weapon.

However she heard a chuckle form someone that sounded similar to Dante' but his voice was higher in his pitch, but only slightly and gave her such an icy feeling that she knew that this was not Dante', for his voice did have an icy air to it, it still had a bit of warmth to it. Not to mention it had a fatherly tone to it too. However there was a much more crueller air to this one and sounded like someone who would kill a child right in front of their parents.

Then she felt a hand on her neck. She then saw that she was looking at a man that looked almost identical to Dante' however he had silvery platinum blond hair, with a deeper crimson eyes. Which looked crueller too. In fact there was something about this man that made her hair stand up on end. He was completely clean shaven, like every hair was cut within an inch of it's life. His thick white eyebrows almost blended in with his snow white skin and his eyelashes were long, giving him a more effeminate cat-like look.

He then leaned in close to her revealing his pearly fangs, confirming that this man was a vampire.

“Could you tell Dante' that Vytautas is coming for me?” he asked, his voice like that of a silky serpent.

He smiled as he placed a kiss on her cheek. He then leaned in and then bit deep into her neck, too deep, if she was to be honest. She was about to scream until she realised that she was in the hospital and there was more of a chance that the doctor and nurse would only watch with a smile than help her. She could feel that he was sucking on her neck, clearly intending on making his bite hurt her. She could even feel her heart racing, which did little to help her. She lay there as she felt her body become colder and colder as she had to painfully feel this other vampire, without her permission, drank her blood. She started to feel faint and she was close to passing out when he pulled away.

“Peppery, yet there was a hint of mint.” he commented as she passed out.

When she woke up again she saw Norse Noranna looking at her. She looked at her neck and looked slightly unimpressed. She pulled out a needle and a string. She then stitched it up and then made sure that she checked her blood pressure. She let out a sigh of relief. She put more of the drug into her drip. She then turned to her. She then injected more in her vanes and she was soon writhing in pain as she felt like she was in a furnace and she soon started to feel like she was in the middle of blue fire.

Soon that wave was fortunately over. She then saw that Doctor Morty came in. He then looked at the girl's neck. He then moved his hand to her. She moved away to keep him away and she felt herself shaking as his hand touched her jaw. She closed her eyes as her head was tilted away, forcing her to expose the wound in her neck. He then slowly picked the string away. He then stuck something in her neck and then she felt the fire coming from the neck aria and she was soon screaming and crying in pain as she felt like her hear was on fire. She heard herself crying out for help again and again. She then felt the fire flaring up from her drip and then in her arms. She soon felt like she was on the sun. She then felt foam flowing from her mouth She then closed her eyes and the last thing that she heard was their laughing.

When she woke up and she saw the nurse and the doctor sitting next to her.

“Stop it! Please stop! I can't take it any more. I can't take it any more.”

“Shut up” Norse Noranna snapped. She then slapped her with nothing but ice in her eyes, like she was looking at vermin. “You have no right to speak! Especially after what that father of yours did! Have you got that?”

She looked at her astonished at what she had just said.

“Wh-what?” she asked.

She rolled her eyes.

“Never you mind.” she said. “Now, time for the next dose.”

“No! Please just no!” she shouted. “Just stop!”

She then rolled her eyes again as she injected even more of the drug into her vanes and she was soon feeling the fire of what felt like the sun. She cried and cried, knowing that this would not end unless they wanted for it to. She was never going to get out of here too either. She knew that they, for whatever reason hated her because of what her father had done, but he was dead! He was dead!

Why is this happening? What the hell had this got to do with my dead father? He's dead for goodness sake! Oh how I wish that he was alive! I wish that he was here with me, to protect me. Oh I miss America.

She then passed out even-though she woke up, she only woke up to the fire again. She, went in and out of consciousness like waves on the shore. When the course was over her mind and body were both so tiers that she was completely weak and her throat was throbbing. Her body was sweating and her hair was drenched.

Nurse Noranna then lowered her into a bath and started to clean her. She felt the cool water ease her body. She soon felt slight relief as she welcomed the cool water. She then started to clean her and then looked at her.

“So you're a awake.” she cooed.

She would have let out a scream, but she was far too weak.

“Help!” she whispered her voice too weak to speak.

“What was that?”

“Help. Just please help!” she whispered.

“Listen we're about to come into the final stage. Then you will turned into a weapon that man. Then we'll find out more about your powers. But fear not, You're almost complete so you'll have a good break after this one.” she said as she wiped away the sticky face.

“'s dead...” she whispered.

“Shh...It's alright. It will be all over soon. “ she said as she placed a mask over her mouth and nose. She then was soon asleep. She was then felt like she was on fire and she had dreams of fire and then blue fire. Even when she was seeing through other peoples' eyes she saw fire eclipse her sight. Even her mind felt like it was on fire.

She woke up feeling so weak that she could barely move or speak. She could not even move her eyelids. Yet even they could only twitch. Informing them that she was awake.

“Now we stop.” she heard Nurse Noranna say.

“We will let you rest, out little weapon.” Doctor Morty said.


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