The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Part Four


She wad taken back to her old room. She had her eyes closed. Then Vytautas walked in wearing a white suit and a silver tie and fob watch in the pocket of his waist coat.

“Well, I thought that she would have died by now.” he said as he sat on his seat and put one leg over the other. “It seems like I was wrong.”

“Vytautas, didn't we tell you-”

He shrugged.

“I know! I know.” he said. “Now is it time for us to wake this sleeping beauty up? Although, admittedly I do wish to leave something in there.”

“What? Why?” Doctor Morty snapped.

He laughed light-heartedly.

“You need not fear, it is only just a small message, that is all.” he said.

They wished to challenge him but they soon saw that it was not worth it, so the placed a balloon next to her ear and popped it with a bang. She woke up with a slight jump but she was far too weak could hardly do anything. She was breathing deeply and rapidly. She was sweating so much that her gown was glued to her skin. Her hair was drenched that she would have never known that it was dried only half an hour ago. She was still strapped.

“Please just stop...” he whispered.

“Have we not already explained!” Nurse Noranna snapped as she slapped her.

She gasped for breath and she started to cough. She then started to shake as the mild hypothermia started to sink in. She felt her teeth chatted together. She just could not get warm but yet she felt the core of her body still felt warm. However she just looked directly at her in anger.

“Why're you doing this to me?” she snapped.

The Doctor and the Nurse both looked at each-other and without a word the two gripped both of her arms and pinned her down. For a moment she felt her heart start to race as she feared that they were going to inject her with that strange drug. However they looked at the vampire suddenly she thought that he was going to inject her with the drug.

“Alright, let's get this over with.” he said as he took out his silver fob watch and then looked at the time.

“Dante' should be visiting in an hour's time.” he said as he put it away. “We need to make this quick. And do take care to remember to spray afterwards.”

He looked at her and smiled.

“Tell me, do you remember what I told you.” he said as if he was talking to a younger child. She looked at him and nodded. “Can you keep my message in your head and only my message?”

She found her thoughts were slipping from her as he placed his fingers in front of her eyes. All she could thin about was that night when Vytautas came to visit. She could heard those words that he spoken like he was right next to her. In fact she tried to remember why she did this but she could not remember.

“Now, you will forget everything that happened to you other than what I have told you. You were in intensive care as the Doctor and the Nurse found that your wounds had been infected and it was almost too late but they got the infection just in time.” he said and he moved his fingers next to her ear and then her eyes snapped shut and she was unconscious. They let g of her and looked at her.

“Tell me was that really necessary?”

He shrugged.

“What? I gave her a message to deliver. So how can she deliver it if she has forgotten what she was supposed to deliver?” he asked.

“Oh you vampires! I never get what's going on in that head of yours.” he said.

“I think that I aught to keep you guessing.” he said. “Now we aught to leave.”

When she woke up she saw Dante' staring right at her. She looked at him with a weak smile. She could not guess or know why she felt so weak. It was like someone had drained her of her energy. That and her throat hurt and she knew that if she spoke then she would only whisper.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

She shook her head.

“No I was attacked by a vampire last night.” she said as she rubbed her head. She noticed that her badges head been replaced.

“Tell me where have you been I came here last night and even during the day and yo were not here?” he asked.

“I think I was in intensive care. I remember that the wounds had become infected, but that's not the strange part.” she whispered.


“I don't think that I was.” she said.

He looked at her and frowned. He had a protective look in his eye, like a father protecting his child.

“How come?”

She frowned.

“I-I remember...that the vampire said something to me...he told me to tell you that Vytautas has come.” she said weakly as she could feel like it was taking all her strength just to tell him this.

His eyes widened as he came close to her and gripped her shoulders so hard that she was afraid that he would crush them.

“Vytautas! Are you sure?”

She nodded. She then had a bizarre sensation of deja-vu. She frowned as she wondered who could have possibly held her like that? She knew that it was someone that caused her distress but she could not remember who. She knew that it could not have been the twins, no they didn't need to pin her down. Then there was this feeling like she was being suffocated.

“I think that he might have hypnotized me.” she admitted.

He looked down for a moment as she caught sight of a look that was a mix between anger and despair.

“That's him alright...”

“What do you think that he wants?” she asked.

He bit his lip and shook his head.

“Tell me, how do you feel blood wise?” he asked trying to sound as light hearted as he could.

She touched her neck.

“I don't know...”

He looked slightly concerned

“Should I wait until it's a better time?”

She shook her head.

“No, I think that you have waited long enough.” she whispered.

He smiled at her sweetly. He then drew in and just as he took a gulp he pulled back in alarm. He looked at her in a state of alarmed suspicion. She placed her hand over her damaged neck as she looked at him confused.


“Who are you?” he growled like a predator. “What have you done with Melinda Narcissa?”

“What? What do you mean/” she snapped. “I am Melinda Narcissa!”

“No! You are not! Her blood tasted like Turkish Delight! Yours tasted like chilli and peppermint! So tell me, who are you and what have you done with her?” he snapped.

She looked at him completely outraged and confused.

“What do you mean?” she snapped. “You know who I am!”

His hands gripped her shoulders harder and sniffed. He then looked confused. He sniffed again, which seemed to confuse him more. Which led him to sniffing again.

“You do smell similar to her but you-you've got the sent of another. So again who are you?”

She looked at him angrily.

“I told you I am Melinda Narcissa. Why do you think that I'm anyone else?” she asked.

“No you are not!”

“Yes I am!”

“Then why do you not prove it?”

She then looked around and then gathered all her strength to move to his ear.

“When I was scared by the twins it was you that I confided in. And you're the one who told me that I had the magician's powers.” she whispered as she flopped back down.

“So you are her.” he exclaimed.

“That's what I've been trying to tell you!”

He then thought for a moment and then placed a hand over her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but then Doctor Morty barged in.

“That's quite enough!” he shouted. “She needs rest! Not a vampire taking away her chance to live.”

He looked back with a guarded face. He rushed to her as he looked at her neck and then her eyes. She flinched for some reason. She suddenly felt that overwhelming fear of him that she had been feeling ever since she had come to this hospital.

Get off me! Get off me! She said in her head as they tilted her head to the side. He then let out a sigh of relief as he turned back to Dante'.

“What were you doing with to the poor girl?” asked Nurse Noranna.

“Get out of here!” the Doctor said.

Why?” he asked, his voice as cold as he could make it. “What are you doing to her?”

“Never you mind! Now get out of here! Or am I going to have to call the police?” he asked as he looked at him in the eyes.

Oh please do. I think that they would find it most enlightening. Ether way I am going to find out what you have done to her.” he growled.

“Nothing to do with you vampire.”

“Considering that she is my food supply. I think it does.” he said.

He let out a sigh.

“Find another food supply for she's not any more. Now leave! You are no longer invited in this hospital Dante' Dracula.” he said.

He sighed and shrugged.

“Alright, however, Doctor Morty, Nurse Noranna, please take notice that a hospital is no home.” he told them. “I shall see you tonight.”

He then faded into smoke and left through the window. They then put a plaster on her neck.

“Come, time for you to get your sleep.” she said as she injected her with a sleeping drug. She closed her eyes and then as if the next moment she opened her eyes it was dark at night. Her eyes slid to Dante'

“Good night.” he said as placed his fingers over her eyes. He then clicked in front of her eyes twice and everything came to mind. She told him everything.

“If that's all ture,then we need to get you out of here.”


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