The Witch Within The Academe Arc Final Part

Loc's Third Year

Loc entered her third and final year at the academe. She did not quite know what she should do after the year was up. She thought about learning a bit more about Grasharlo in other arias, but she just did not know if there were any other places that she could look. She thought that maybe she should learn about magic or about Raho, the hero that finally put an end to Grasharlo, and the reason that she and her sisters were in the situation that they were in.

The first thing she noticed was that her friends were gone. She asked Yuki about this but he told her that they had all decided to leave a year earlier. None of them gave a reason why. This meant that she was going to have to bare they year alone, well apart from Morgan, who was training her and had moved her onto other things, like reading the room and stratagems.

She had noticed that there was a new teacher teaching all about Grasharlo, the only difference was that there were only four people in the class with her. All of them had a black tattoo of a black five pointed star between their eyebrows. She had noticed that they were giving her strange looks too. Probably because she was one third of the person that they were learning about or they could be trouble.

This new teacher, Light Ray, had the same tattoo too. He taught her about her great power and that sometimes, Grasharlo's power had become too much for her, and had sometimes caused her great harm whenever she lost control. This surprised her, but what surprised her more was how Light told her this with a tone that she could only call admiration. This she did not like and made her feel uncomfortable.

“Why do you think that's admirable?” she asked.

“Do you think is isn't?” he asked.

“Yes, after all she did so many terrible things.” she said.

“But they were great things, maybe immoral but they made her great and she became powerful.” he said. “I know that when you're my age you'll understand.”

She then rolled her eyes.

I don't think that I will. She thought.

“Anyway, today's homework is to write an entire essay about what you have learnt so far.” he said as she heard a fair few groans.

She then was about to go to her training when the other four people came up to her.

“Hey, you're Lorra Cerberus right?” asked a woman with long blond hair and brown eyes and a yellow tan.

“Yeah why?” she asked cautiously and suspiciously.

“I'm Lasunny, this is Lroshan, this is Lux and this is Lvner.” she said.

She shook her hand and the hand of a man that looked just like Sunny. She then shook the hand of a woman with gold hair and blue eyes and a man with fiery ginger hair and blue toned skin. “We would like to be your friend.”

“Sure.” she said. “And my friends call me Loc.”

“Alright, Loc. So where're you going?” she asked.

“Training.” she said.

“Well enjoy.” she called.

She gave her a puzzled look.

“I-I will.” she said as she came to the training ground. There she, and Morgan trained, this time without the vest and she soon found that she could move faster and she was stronger than the year before. She could even last longer in the fight. She also found that she could endure more pain. She then by the end on an hour an a half she was tired, but not as so as the year before.

“Looks like your offence is good, but I think that we need to work of your defence.” she said.

She nodded as Light walked by. Morgan gave him a look of suspicion. He then stopped and then looked at Morgan.

“Well, I heard that Miss Cerberus had a body guard, but I never expected her to look so beautiful.” he said.

“What do you-” she ten felt her hand hot and then she pulled it out and she soon saw that the hand was burnt. She then looked at the teacher and he then punched her she flew and hit the wall. He ten pulled Loc away and tried to pull her towards him. She then jumped and kicked him in the groin. He let go and then he jumped up and then kicked him in the throat. He staggered back and then she took a pole and hit him in the side before he could recover.

Morgan walked up to her.

“Well done.” she said.

“You taught me well.” she said and they carried him to Yuki.

They explained what had happened. He listened in closely.

“I see.” he said. “I have to tell you that they are of the cult known as the Sunburners. They seem to have taken quite an interest in you Loc, and I do think that they're the ones that sent those bounty hunters after you last year.”

She looked behind her and then it came to her.

“Hold on, the other students that might be one of them.” she said.

He hen looked at her concerned.

“Then, I think tat we need to get you another teacher, and as for these other students, I think that you aught to get close to them and report all tat they do. I'll get another teacher and this other teacher will keep an eye on them. Now, Morgan, I think that it would be better for you to become a fellow student. After all students can share dorms.” he said like a commander sending out orders.


“I know that you have most of the qualifications that you will be applying for and so don't worry I've already made the preparations.”

They all nodded.

The new teacher, Coran was strict but not too strict and Loc knew that she would have to act like there was nothing wrong, but it did shake them to not only she her but another teacher, this told her all that she needed to know. She then looked at the teacher and she learnt more and more about just how dangerous that witch was. When it was after training she made sure that Morgan was among them at all times. Then at the end of each day she would report everything to Yuki.

This was what happened until winter. She then saw another teacher in the maths class. She too looked at her with those eyes that she had become accustomed to over past couple of years. She could even see the star on her forehead. She had silver hair and blue eyes.

She then, after class asked for Morgan for some time alone. She, as a student had no choice but to obey. Loc waited outside as she knew that the meting might have other goals. That was when the others came to her. Then came around her, she soon felt nervous as she heard a bump in the room. She was about to go and check but the others pulled her back.

“Hey, Loc, could I ask you something?” Lasunny asked.


“Have you ever heard of the Sunburners?” she asked.

“Here and there.” she said.

She then heard something snap. She then was about to go and check but Lasunny came in the way.

“Well, we're Sunberners, and we would like you to become one of our sisters. After all, you have a great power and you'll make a good mother to many stars.”

“I think that I'm a bit too young to be a mother.” she said.

“No you're not. Plus you'll be able to do this once you're trained.” she said as she raised her hand's temperature to a degree that she had to pull it out.

She looked at them and then Morgan came out and she was covered with burns.

“Morgan!” she shouted as she raced to her. “Come on.”

“Hey give us your answer!” she called.

“No, no I won't!” she called.

“Yes you will!” they called back.

They soon were in the hospital. She looked at her as she was afraid that the burns would kill her. She stayed there until she fell asleep. Yuki came in and saw that she was sleeping. He ten took the blanket of an unused bed and wrapped around the seventeen year old girl. She then looked at Morgan. Her burns were severe but not fatal. She would survive but she would have to stay here for a long time.

He then looked at the girl. She saw a curious creature, she seemed to care more than he thought that she would. The very fact that she was here proved that beyond a doubt. Yet even-though he knew that she was one third of Grasharlo, she was growing into her own person. It was very difficult to see her as anything but, yet still she acted almost like Reho in many respects.

He would have left them alone until he saw Morgan wake up.

“Are you alright?” asked Yuki.

“Yeah. Though I'm not going to be able to be her bodyguard for a while. You're going to have to find a substitute.” she said.

“Yes, I know. I also know that I'm going to have to keep her away from those classmates of hers. They clearly will do anything to get her.” he said.

“Yeah, I don't think that that'll be a problem. I don't think that she likes them anyway.” she said.

He looked at her hand nodded.

He then left them and over the next week Loc avoided them like a plague. She knew that if they were going to do all of this to her bodyguard then they would probably do all that they can to recruit her and kidnapping, she knew was one of those things. She had a decent new bodyguard, Jake. He was good at his job but he was cold and distant. He saw this as a begrudging job than anything that he really wanted.

Then winter came and she went to Morgan's over the holidays. Even-though she liked her time there, she could not help but feel guilty that she was now scarred for life. After all, all this was to protect her and she was the reason why she got those scars, those burns. She tried not to think about it but she just could not.

When she returned she had spotted that her classmates were still there, they kept on asking her to go with them, again and again until she just blanked them out. She focused on her work and made sure that she gave them as little time in her day as possible, mainly spending her spare time hidden away in the library her head and mind berried in a book. She did this so long and often that she had soon read everything in the library.

Then came the day of her exams. She had finished her final exam when the whole academe shook. She looked up and then spotted that everything was shaking Then she heard the screaming. She then rushed to where they were coming from. She then head Morgan call her name. She then turned back and then she saw the classmates surrounding Morgan and she saw the blade at her throat.

Then a hand was placed on her shoulder.

“Lorra Cerberus, I would like for you to come with us.” said a man with gold hair and had eyes like the sun, as in she thought that she was looking at twin stars when she looked into them. He then looked at Morgan as if he knew that he did not have to open his mouth to understand his intentions. She too looked at her.

“No. I don' know who you are but I have no intention in joining a cult.” she said.

He then nodded they then grabbed Morgan's legs and then she heard some sizzling from them. Morgan bit back the pain, determined not to let her hear her cries. She was about to run over to them to help her but the man gripped her shoulder. He then gave them a nod. They then put their hands to her chest and then she heard the sizzle and this time it was accompanied with the scream that they wanted.

“Stop! Stop it!”

“No.” he said.

“Fine! I'll go with you!”

He cleared his throat.

“I'll go with you, I'll even join you just stop it!” she cried.

He smiled. They then slit the back of Morgan's legs.

“No!” she shouted as she tried to go to her.

“Relax, it's to stop her from following us.” he said. “Now let's go.”

“Wait, please could I say goodbye?” she asked.

“No.” he said.

She looked back pained as she turned back and as she walked on she felt something in her arm and the world went black.


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