The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Final Part


He came back in the evening and appeared in her room. He then placed a hand over her eyes to make sure that she remembered everything that had happened to her. She woke and the first thing that she did was hug him tightly. He hugged her back but he made sure that he held back his strength as to not crush her.

“Please you've gotta get me out of here! You've gotta get me out of here.” she whispered. He pulled her away and smiled.

“It will be alright. Just hang on a little longer, just stay here. I think that it will be best if they think that I am not here.” he said.

She nodded but she looked upset. He placed his finger under her chin and smiled encouragingly.

“It will be fine, you'll be out of here by the end of tonight you will be sleeping in your own bed.” he said encouragingly.

She smiled weakly.

“And what will you do if they check?” she asked slightly worried.

He gave her a wink which inspired both confidence and fear.

“I would hardly need to worry about that is I were you.” he said.

“What are you going to do?” she asked sternly.

He chuckled coldly and lightly.

“What is it to you?” he asked as he opened a small box. He turned into a cloud of bats and then they hid in the box.

“Dante' what is it that you're gonna do?”

She was about to press further but she spotted Doctor Morty and Nurse Noranna were coming. She lay back down and pretended to sleep. She tried not to flinch as the doors opened.

“Strange, I thought that I heard her shouting.” she said as she turned away from her. “Guess I was just hearing things.”

“Or maybe not.” Doctor Morty said as he came closer to her. He placed a hand on her head and smiled. “It seems that she's stronger than we thought.”

“Must be down to her genetics. She is his daughter after all.” she said. “What do you think that we should to with her once he's dead?”

He shook his head.

“I don't know. Maybe let her go, although, we would have to make her forget everything.” he said. “After all, we shouldn't let her kill us.”

“Yeah...Why don't we let Vytautas have her. After all, he is interested in her.” she said.

“True, but wouldn't that be a little too cruel?” he asked. “Although, speaking of which, I don't think that she's asleep.”

“What? How do you know?”

He sighed and rolled his eyes. He was about to open his mouth and explain but he looked behind her and froze.


His eyes dropped to the box.

“She was shouting. Who was she shouting at?” he asked.

She widened her eyes as she realised what he was getting at. They then started to look around They looked around the room, searching thoroughly and then they finally came to the box. They opened it only for the cloud of bats flap up and then spun making Dante'.


“I did tell you, a hospital is not a house.” he said.

“But it's-”

He put up his finger.


Suddenly Melinda found that she could not move. It was all too clear that this was Dante' keeping her very still. It was all too clear tat he did not want her to interrupt during whatever it was he was about to do. This also told her that she would not like or approve of it either. This told her exactly what he was about to do.

“What are you-” Nurse Noranna started to say as he raise his hand to her, she did not get to the end of her sentence before she fell into a deep hypnotic trance. She walked up to him and he placed a hand on her cheek. He kept his eyes locked to hers. She then moved closer and placed a hand on his cheek.

“No, Nor' get away from him! Snap out of it.” he shouted. “Vytautas! Help! Help!”

He smirked as he leaned in close and his lips locked with hers. They kissed each-other deeply and passionately. He pushed her in closer as she took another step towards him. He pulled away as her hands fell to her chest and unbuttoned the top two buttons and then flattened her collar exposing her neck.

“No stop it! Just stop it! I'll do anything! Just stop it!” he shouted.

“Did you when she said those words?” he asked.

He closed his mouth and smirked.

“I thought so.” he said as he dug his fangs into her neck.

He sucked and sucked and Doctor Morty tried to run to her but his body was frozen in place. So all he could do was see him drink all the blood from her and when her body fell there was not a drop of blood in her body and as an effect she looked old. He then moved to him.

“Go to Hell vampire.” he whispered.

Dante' smiled.

“No, it's you that is going to Hell. Also, it seems like Vytautas has betrayed you.” he said.

His hands rose and he unbuttoned his shirt, soon he joined the Nurse. He then walked over walked to her. He then looked at the wounds that the twins had inflicted to her. It was all too clear that they were in their final stages of healing. He then placed new bandages over them and gathered her things in a rucksack.

“I'm sorry, I just couldn't let you see that.” he admitted. “My dark side can sometimes get too far. It wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

She opened her eyes and she was about to look but he placed his head away from the dead bodies. He turned her head to him and shook his head. She knew that he was protecting her from an ugly sight. He knew that she had seen far too much and she hand only spent here for three months. It seemed that one thing led to another.

“Don't look. Now can you walk?” he asked.

She placed her feet on the ground but she felt the pain in her legs. She tried to take a step forward and she felt like she was walking with needles in her legs. She shook her head. He nodded and he put her things on his back. He then picked her up and carried her. He walked up the stairs and then he came to the roof. He then rose up and held the girl in his arms tighter.

He flew her over the houses and as he looked down she wondered how many people are sleeping in those old homes. She saw how big the town was and saw that it was the shape of a heart with the dip leading into a large lake. There she could see that there were metal foundations of extensions all around. She could see the carnival next to the heart. She then spotted that, at the heart of the town was a small castle. By the looks of it it looked like it was built in the Medieval era, however there were Viking parts that hinted that the Medieval parts were extensions.

“Who lives there?” she asked.

“None at the moment, but it does sometimes is used by a man that you don't want to know.” he said.

She looked down and nodded. They lowered to a street in the middle of the castle and the lake. There she recognised that they were flying to her house! She had not seen the house in over a month. She felt tears of joy fall down her cheeks. She never thought that she would never see it ever again. She was overjoyed and relieved to see it. After all this time she was finally home!

He landed and walked on and slowly dropped her so that she would feel as little pain as she could. He then raised his hand and knocked on the door. The door was opened by Matilda Who looked at her and she rushed at her and hugged her.

“Melinda! Are you alright?”

“Am now.” she said as she gave her a weak smile.

“Jaden! The doctor lied she's alright!” she shouted.

“What are you- Melinda? What are you doing here?” she asked. “Doctor Morty said that you were taken to intensive care.”

“He lied.” she said.

Then she noticed Dante'

“What did you do?” she asked angrily.

“I got her out of there. And if you were smart, never let her go back there again.”

“What? Why?”

“Because Doctor Morty and Nurse Noranna were experimenting on me.” she said.

“What? Why?” she asked. “How do you know?”

She grabbed er hand and then she whipped her hand out of her looking shocked.

“But still why?”

“I don't know. I think they wanted to kill someone. I don't know who but they said that he had killed this woman Sue.” she said. “They thought that by killing me would help them kill this person but when that didn't work they wanted me to kill him!”

She frowned and then her eyes darted to her and Matilda. She looked aside with a frown but she shook her head.

“And that's not all, my younger brother, Vytautas Dracula, is back in town..” Dante' said.

Melinda's eyes widened as her sister's became jaded. She let out a grief stricken sigh. She rubbed her eyes out of stress. Her eyes dropped to Melinda.

“He's interested in her isn't he?”

His eyes darkened as he nodded. His eyes slid to her but she knew that it was not her that he was seeing. Jaden placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her in close. She held her tight, but still conscious of her healing wounds. Her eyes dropped to the wound on her neck and pulled her back.

“Did he do that to you?” she asked.

She nodded. She pulled her back in and held her tighter like she was afraid of letting her go.

“Look, I know that you are getting a lot on your plate, but even-though Doctor Morty and Nurse Noranna are dead, you must know that there might be other Doctors and Nurses that would do the same thing to her.” he said.

She looked up at him and nodded.

“Thank you for looking out for her.” she said.

Melinda spotted the clown look at her and wave his hand to her. As Matilda saw him her attention turned to Melinda.

“Jaden, I think we need to take her inside.” she said, with a hint of protectiveness in her voice. She nodded as she pulled her away. “Go and help her to her room.”

She nodded and helped her in.

“Speaking of which why are you looking after her?” she asked her eyes narrowed. “She reminds you of her doesn't she?”

He looked down with sorrow in his eyes.

”Good night.”


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