The Witch Within Awakening Arc Part 1

The Birth Of Three

     There was once a witch called Grasharlo, she was as evil as she was powerful. People were very afraid of her but could do nothing to help themselves, and those who tried to execute her cowered as they eventually found out that even though she could not be trusted to live it became well known that she could not be trusted to die either. Through out the land and in ever kingdom there was a dilemma of what to to with her. Her reign of terror lasted over one hundred and fifty years.
     It came to an end when a young man by the name of Raho had decided to take it upon himself to challenge the witch. He, unlike all the others that had come before him, he had thought carefully about what he was going to do and had researched everything that he needed to to such an extent that there was not on unturned stone in his ocian of information. He trained up his body and mind.
      When he knew that he was ready he gathered up the things that he needed and set off on his journey. He snuck in to the high courts and stole this device known as the reality sphere one of the most powerful of devices. He then left a prepared note on the table the it was on and left. Knowing by the time that the theft was discovered it would already be too late for them to do anything and he would have already fought Grasharlo and won.
      He then made his way to her castle. It was surrounded by old ruin walls and an almost falling structure that Raho knew was only supported by Grasharlos' magic and the plant life surrounding it. In the center was an old Victorian like mansion it was said that she should be found in the center room.
     He ran quickly and as lightly as possible. He knew that he did not gave to worry about things like traps for he knew that Grasharlo was confident enough in her own abilities that she did not need them. Then the doors opened and Raho knew that this was the last chance that he had to turn back. His heart was pounding like a drum in his ear. He let out a sigh to relieve his stress and berried his fear. He knew that turning back was out of the question so he pushed on.
     He made his way to a corridor filled with overgrown ive and had countless snakes camouflaged in the vines with only the sound of their hissing as evidence that they were even here. Slowly but surely he came to the witches' dwelling. The door that was in the same shape as a pointed gravestone opened revealing the sleeping witch. Her appearance surprised Raho for he had expected her tobhe an ugly old hag of a woman with wrinkles at every turn but no, in fact she had not one wrinkle on her body and her cold snow white beauty gage her a fragile appearance. His heart skipped a beat for part if him wanted to protect this beautiful maden but he knew deep down that she was evil and cruel. So she had to die. He raised his sword and then she opened her eyes which was an odd shade of glowing crimson. Then she smiled a cold frightful smile that would scar even the most bravest of minds.
     "Are you going to kill me young naive lad?" Her voice was thick of ice and darkness. She then turned as Raho was frozen in place. She then sat on the stone slab that she slept on. She then rested her delicate hand on his chest and started to stroke. He felt himself losing his strength but he resisted her magic and used his own power to cut it off from draining his energy.
     "That is a new one! I must admit that I have not come across a power like that in all the galaxies and worlds. I must admit that I am impressed! Maybe I should keep you!" She giggled like q child. "For I would much like to find out all about that power that you have got and then I will like to use mine to take it!"
     "I hate to disappoint a lady but I am not going to become your next fixation. I do hear that it does not end well for all of your other fixations." He said as he used his power again to plundge the sword in his hands into her black heart. He then used his power again to trap Grasharlos' soul inside of the reality sphere and left.
     He then returned the reality sphere to the high courts who would have had him killed had it not been for his tale. They looked at each other nervously and looked at the reality sphere with nothing but dread.
     "Unfortunately for you this will never he over, for the Dark Mistress cannot stay in the reality sphere forever she will escape and come back to plague your life. So this is what you must do, find a trio of still born triplets then split the soul into the mind, will and emotions and place each thing into one of them and then choose one for your own soul to inhabit for that will be your price." Said the head.
      So Raho traveled the world and round a mother and father crying over three identical stillborns and sat in front if them and knew what to do. He explained his predicament and asked them if they would agree. They agreed with dread and sincerity. So it happened and Reho chose which of the threethat would become his new life and the deed was done.
    Soon the high courts knew of their identities and nicknamed them the Cerberus triplets and their mother gave them each individual names and they were, Gracey, Sharimon and Lorra which then because known as Loc.


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