Blood On Ice

Strange things happened whenever I found myself angry, excited or frightened. I don't know why, but ether snow would fall or the temperature would dramatically decrease causing the water around me to freeze. I never felt cold ether nor did I even suffer with hypothermia. I tried not to think about it much but it did pop up in my thoughts every now and again.
     One day I was walking the dog when a strong wind quickly picked up causing us both to fall back onto the pavement. I then felt another shock as a lorry flew past. In my shock I felt light snow flakes rest on my head and neck. That gust of wind just saved my life! I suddenly felt weak and had decided to go back home.
    I revisited that moment plenty of times in my head wandering what had happened and why did I feel weak at the end of it. It then occurred to me that, maybe I was the one who did it. I in this frame of mind went into my back garden and looked at the ugly stinging nettles. I tried to recall the events and attempted to freeze them.
     I for a moment expected to see them freeze and die but no, nothing happened. I was mildly disappointed and shrugged it off as just a bit of luck, after all I knew fully well things like that did not happen and powers like that just did not exist.
     The following day I felt oddly happy I looked out as snow fell. This was also odd for usually it did not snow in summer nor was there any forecasted in the news. The Weather man or woman were not always right, I told myself, it means nothingas I got out of bed got on my clothes and made my way to the bank.
     I was at the check out when I heard a loud banging noise likelike the drumming of Power Shifter, followed closely my screams. The man in front of me became ghost white. I spotted that people beside me were running or on the ground. I then turned around and spotted that there was a gun in my face.
     Then the man behind the gun hit me and I pushed him away. When I looked back at him, he too was white but red was pouring out of his lips like drool. and dripping from his chest too. However, unlike the mouth the chest wound dripped with blood and it seemed to be dripping around something. My eyes widened as I realised what it was and where it came from. A long and narrow thorn of ice that came from my hand!
     I could hardly believe what I was witnessing. I did have powers after all and in my ignorant state of mind, had used them to kill!


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