The Witch Within Awakening Arc Part2

War Of The Witch Within

Fourteen years past after Grasharlo was defeated by the great hero Raho, although the Cerberus triples were kept a tightly guarded secret among the high courts and their parents. They wanted to protect them as much as possible after all they all seemed to have no knowledge or memory of who they really were. They even kept a close eye on them and their wellbeing.
     Then one day they were betrayed by one of their own, who was one of the Grasharlo Disciples a group of people who followed Grasharlos' ways and her teachings. They somehow knew that Grasharlo lived on and that she was inside someone, they had called this person The Which Within and they knew that the high courts had the identity of who that was. Which is why they had someone infiltrate it to find out. Their betrayal only signified one thing, they had found out about the Cerberus triples and that they were in danger.
     The leaders of the high courts, The Order Of The Ring Of Elders or T.O.O.T.R.O.E for short contacted their parents and they had them move to a place in Underground Town in the Underground Kingdom below the Terra Kingdom. This was where Raho lived and they stayed in a house near his.
      The front of the house was made from roots of the trees above and berried themselves deeper under the ground. Dry mud and cement made up the walls and some roots wrapped themselves around the windows and held them firmly in place as they did with the uneven wooden doorframe and door which also had windows that seemed to have a frozen ripple in them which seemed to be separated by a plus.
     They all decided to keep the girls in the dark about what was going on and why they were there so they did not feel guilty about the whole thing. They did their best to settle down but the girls cried themselves to sleep for they missed their friends and their family on their fathers' side of the family, which was the only family that they ever knew. They had never met any on their mothers' side for they lived far away and it would take far too long for ether to visit nor did they have the means to.
     Loc was the only one that liked it there and lived wandering the streets and came across Rahos' home and wanted to know more about him. She then had almost made her home in Bancha Bendaniethous' book shop and stoals too, with her sisters always staying at home. She tried to be happy and made the most of being there. She helped keep everones' hearts up and read the books that she had to them.
     Then there was Gracey on the other hand she always found herself alone and kept herself to herself. She was hesitant when talking to anyone and hid behind Loc a lot and grew closest to her. Sharimon on the other hand was more enthusiastic but became troubled by the stairs that everyone gave them and always curled her lip at them as if they were nothing but vermin. It definitely lit a fire in her heart but Loc always gave her kindness that always dampened the flames.
     They only spent three months there, when everything changed, the Disciples of Grasharlo attacked. They were in the fields of Underground Town when they spotted that they were slowly being surrounded they placed their backs together and as they came in closer they spotted that they were carrying weapons.
     "Remember one of them possess Raho!" Said one
     "And that one of them has Our Dear Ladies' full power! So beware of that." Said another.
     "Don't forget one has Our Dear Ladies' full imagination and the other has Our Dear Ladies' cunning!" Said another as they all approached. Suddenly they were in range and then they dived at the girls and they had to dodge but only barely. When they were divided they went for each individual girl and they quickly caught Gracey and Loc. They then turned to the final girl, Sharimon who was backing away.
     "Listen girl, we ether do it your way and we hurt your sisters or cone with us quietly and nobody gets harmed sound fair?" Said a tall dark one that looked like he could be anyones' doting father. As she continued to back away. Then he sighed.
     "Lostoh hurt the one in your arms." He ordered. Loc looked up at Lostoh, who hesitated for a moment and took out a long and thin blade and then slowly drew a line on Locs' arm.
     "Stop it."
     He then drew another on the other.
     "Stop it..."
     He then slashed her leg diagonally and deep enough to leave a permanent scar. She cried out and her knees hit the grass.
     "Stop it!" Sharimon shouted releasing a pulse surrounding her waist of a blade like magic that sliced everything in its path, however Grecey and Loc remained unaffected. It was all too clear that everyone was dead as the ripple faded out as Loc and Sharinom screamed.
     It was not long until T.O.O.T.R.O.E found out what happened and the girls were told the truth after they had explained from their prospective. They cleared up and identified the bodies. Then Gracey insisted that they had a proper funeral for all of them and to give her piece of mind they did so and the girls attended each one.
      Then Gracey and Sharimon insisted on going out to war and was trained up and left, Loc stayed behind to help out her parents when need be and comfort them whenever possible. She did all their chores and shopping. She ran errands and made sure to keep an eye out.
      She told T.O.O.T.R.O.E. that it would be best to keep her sisters presenceon the battlefield a tightly guarded secret and that she should he used as bait to lure out any of the Disciples of Grasharlo in Underground Town and to capture them.
      Meanwhile the other two in their spare time learnt to control their newly awakened powers. What the time same they turned all their enemies to dust and when the war was over they made sure that everyone all got a proper funeral friend and foe alike. They were welcomed back to Underground Town like heroes and there was a parade in their honner. The Cerberus triples became heroes through out the Kingdoms of Merth and everything seemed to ho back to normal. The Cerberus triples after a while liked Underground Town and they and their parents decided to stay much to everyones' joy.
      However, little did they realize that their victory came at a cruel price; for one of the girls had awoken and she had a plan to wake her sisters too, for part of her wanted to become one again and for the one and whole Grasharlo to rise again and destroy all those who stood against her and everyone who potentially would get in her way.
     For now she had decided to keep quiet and wait. She wanted to let everyone have their happy heroic moment, knowing that she was going to take it all away, like snatching sweeties from an infant...


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